Lighting in the children's room

Children's world changes quickly and so does the children's room. Where the baby used to sleep peacefully, the baby will later romp around, play and do crafts. Years later, a desk, computer and television were added. This versatility requires well-thought-out lighting in the children's room that is tailored to the children's ever-changing needs.

Natural light and structural requirements in the children's room

First and foremost, the...Light planning the natural light sources– the windows and their size as well as the orientation of the room are taken into account. However, there are a number of structural requirements that generally make the room appear darker, such as vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the windows. There are also seasons in which it gets dark very early.

The right oneLight planning

These seemingly banal reasons are worth taking into account in good time when planning your lighting. If the room is mainly used for gaming, it is important to achieve basic lighting. Above all, this provides a pleasant, diffuse light and is usually inconspicuous. Additional lighting can be added at any time in certain places.

Lighting in the children's room -Basic lightingand additional lighting

Built-in ceiling spotlights are usually sufficient for basic lighting in the children's room. They let themselvesin a certain orderand thus ensure even illumination of the room. The type and strength of the light source is also very important. As with any other room, there are plenty of design-adapted models of children's lamps and lighting systems that can be designed flexibly.

Basic lighting

The connections are usually predetermined in every room - usually in the middle of the ceiling. Depending on the size of the room, a classic pendant light or ceiling lamp may or may not provide enough light. Because many models simply involve a beam of light that is directed downwards and has a relatively limited radius.

Children's lamps

Lighting systems are a good choice for every room. They are characterized by their flexibility and also have the advantage of being able to adapt to different spatial situations. This means that even illumination is at least possible even on slopes and angles.

Lichtamchanging table

Essentially, the baby's room differs from the children's room when it comes to lighting. The reason is that the room should above all meet the parents' requirements, as the child is not yet independent. Coherent lighting is required in places such as changing tables, nursing chairs, baby beds, as well as a subtle night light.

lighting onchanging tablein the baby room

When changing the baby, the parents usually stand with their backs to the overhead light and the changing table is therefore in their shadow. Therefore, an additional light is required that provides enough light to the space. However, it must not be direct light, but rather diffuse with light emitted upwards.

Since babies are still very sensitive to light, we recommend lights in the baby room that are aimed directly at the baby and baby bed. Wall lights and several light sources that provide a playful but subtle light are recommended here. Too much lighting will only upset the baby and negatively stimulate his perception.

Decorative wall lights

Children's lamps with playful designs, figure lights and small lights enliven the room and create a cozy, playful atmosphere. Although these are designed specifically for baby and children's rooms and have a low output, one should not neglect the fact that they also work with a mains voltage of 220-230 volts

The pendant lampover the baby bed

A lamp next to the bed is comfortable for both children and parents. Many children, young and older, find a soft light calming after suddenly awakening. This means they quickly recognize their familiar surroundings and fall asleep straight away. Marker and orientation lights for the socket are designed precisely for this case. These really use very little power and you can leave them working all night long.

floor lampnext tothe bed

When choosing a lamp for the area next to the bed, you should choose one with light emission upwards. Almost any conventional floor or table lamp with a lampshade is perfect for this. The light must not fall directly into the child's face from above.

Lichtam Stillsessel

A light bulb right next to the nursing chair or nursing chair can be particularly practical when breastfeeding at night. It will not run all the time, but will simply be turned on and off as needed. The lamp or light bulb should not be very powerful, otherwise it would certainly disturb your sleep. A floor or wall lamp that emits a dim light will definitely not dazzle and irritate in the dark of night.

Wall lampam Stillsessel

There is a need for additional lighting at the changing table and next to the nursing chair. A wall and floor lamp with a movable arm and, depending on the equipment, a table lamp are possible here. At crawling age, parents should be particularly attentive and not test their children's curiosity and avoid or at least secure additional lights within reach of children's hands.

Generallightingin the children's and teenager's room

Children and adults alike love the comfort of the light. Dimmable ceiling lighting, which provides an additional option to adjust the brightness according to your mood, would be ideal for a children's room, but also for every bedroom. A light color of warm white is always recommended.

If two children have to share a room, when planning equipment and lighting, you should always take into account that each child will need their own area, but will also use part of the room together. This peculiarity must be taken into account in the lighting concept, because in this case a single ceiling light will not be sufficient.

Align your desk optimally

For school-age children, sufficient, selective lighting is extremely important when doing school work, but the main thing is to use natural light sources. Natural light is always preferable to artificial light where possible. Therefore, the orientation of the desk should be optimally adapted to the circumstances and thus placed in front of the window area.

A natural incidence of light gives the children the opportunity to relax if they can take a look outside from time to time.

Light on the bed in the teenager's room

A lamp on the bed in a teenager's room should not be too bright because it is used for reading or as a night lamp. It should enable relaxed reading, which is why selective light from above is optimal. A sconce on the headboard above the bed on the wall is also a good option. If there is a bedside table, a table lamp can always be placed on it.

Night lightin the teenager's room

Lighting is an important part of the interior and serves as a furnishing element. Especially in children's rooms, children's lamps take on a furnishing function and they cannot simply be viewed as light sources. Beautiful lamps emphasize and enhance areas and furniture.

It is particularly important to note that artificial and natural light must not mix and cast a shadow when writing or working. For example, it is optimal for a left-handed person to have light coming from the right, and for a right-handed person – from the left.

RobustTable or reading lamp

Although toddlers don't read or write, they also need harmonious lighting at their craft table. Robust desk lamps are best suited for the gaming table.

PointsLight for crafts

The desk, like any other piece of furniture, can be positioned to achieve the optimal appearance and adapt to the circumstances.

DecorativeLights over the cot

Different lamps can be placed in different placesUse as a decorative element. Fairy lights, glowing balls and figure lamps are a good example of this. Skillfully using the furniture creates a beautiful ensemble.

Fairy lightsset accents

Fairy lights are not suitable as a light source, but they work wonderfully as accent lights. This allows you to liven up areas that at first glance seem boring, like in this example - decorate the lower part of the loft bed with light balls.

WithDecorate with lights

Fairy lights create beautiful accents in the dark and serve wonderfully as night lights. In addition, they are not suitable as a light source. But especially if the child often wakes up during the night, it is much more about the psychological and atmospheric factor.

lightingcoordinate with the facility

Fairy lights are a wonderful addition to the basic lighting and create a cozy atmosphere when combined with ceiling lights. Hanging and pendant lamps for children's rooms are available in countless variations and can therefore be easily combined with the rest of the furnishings.

Girls' room

A child's room doesn't always have to be 100% illuminated, but you should at least have the opportunity to do so. At certain points, such as the reading corner and desk, selective lighting is required, while subtle lighting is desired at the bed.

Playful onesLights above the youth bed

Placed above or next to the bed, a string of lights works as a wonderful night light and exudes a relaxed atmosphere. It can be designed in a very playful way, for example by wrapping it around the headboard or shaping it into a shape over the bed.

Children's lampsachieve great lighting effects

Children's lamps should not only fulfill their practical purpose, but also have an aesthetic effect and create a good atmosphere. Light is needed from a practical point of view, but at the same time it contributes to the atmosphere of the room.