The clouds in the sky fascinate young and old. They are essential for life and usually awaken positive thoughts such as beautiful dreams, nice weather, being on cloud nine and much more. They also look very decorative as a motif and it is no wonder that they are very popular for children's and baby items. As a beautiful design element, clouds are perfect in the children's room or baby room and are equally suitable for boys and girls.
Use decoration with clouds creatively in the children's room
Clouds are a beautiful and versatile motif that can be imaginatively integrated into the children's or baby's room interior. It can be interpreted creatively and used for wall design or distributed as several small accents throughout the room. Cloud motifs are a great decoration idea that looks wonderfula DIY projectsuitable. Below we present a few inspirations that you can do yourself.
Painting the cute motif on the wall: instructions
Clouds are greatMotif for wall design in children's or baby's roomsand are equally suitable for boys and girls. The main color in the room and the rest of the design play an important role. It doesn't necessarily have to be white clouds on a blue background. Other pastel colors also appear neutral and are now a current living trend. There are plenty of wallpapers on the market with cloud motifs that look more or less realistic or decorative.
Another option is to do it yourselfto create a beautiful motif wall. For the cloud motif you need a stencil that you can easily make yourself and also a wall color of your choice. In this way, both the motif and the pattern can be presented individually. Here we present simple instructions in pictures on how to quickly create clouds in the children's room with wall paint.
A beautiful wall motif
Clouds in the children's room can be designed very creatively and imaginatively. First and foremost, you should consider where the motif will be placed and how large it should be. If you want to cover an entire wall with relatively small motifs, it is recommended to choose an empty wall in the room where there is as little furniture as possible.
Conventional children's rooms are often relatively small and an entire wall is rarely left bare. Beautiful wall motifs can also be attached to just a few places in the room as decorative accents. The bed definitely has a special place in the children's and baby's room. A cloud over the bed is sure to ensure more peaceful nights and pleasant dreams.
It looks particularly playful when different cloud accents are placed in different places in the room. Beautiful wall motifs can be created in the form of wall stickers, wall tattoos or simply with a little wall paint. Pillows, mobiles, carpets, bed linen with a cloud pattern will fit the theme perfectly and complement the entire room design perfectly.
Make decorative elements yourself
When it comes to designing children's and baby rooms, there are no limits to your imagination. Many children's things and decorative elements can be made yourself with a little creativity. It is advisable to use natural materials and, if necessary, only use colors that are suitable for children's room furnishings.
Materials that are soft, cuddly and pleasant to the touch are particularly suitable for decoration in children's and baby rooms. Fabrics made from natural fibers, wool, felt, cotton, etc. are the best choice for children's crafts. They are also easy to wash, which is also an important advantage for children's accessories. Paper is another option, especially if the craft doesn't really need to last long.
Great idea for interactive decoration
Clouds in the children's room are a nice theme for interactive decoration that you can make yourself without much effort. The cloud can be designed in an imaginative and very abstract way, for example from felt balls or like a decorative pillow. Moving elements - drops are often incorporated, which particularly amuse children.
A mobile with a cloud motif is a great idea that you can implement yourself with a little imagination and creativity. Depending on how the mobile is hung, a wooden embroidery ring can be used as a base. You attach many small elements to it, for example clouds, drops, stars, balls, etc. However, these should not be too tiny and should be attached really well to a string, otherwise the child can tear off the beautiful details when touching them.
You can also make a cloud mobile out of paper. However, this should be viewed as a purely decorative element from a distance and perhaps hang somewhere high up. The child is hardly allowed to touch it, otherwise the mobile will quickly break.
Pillows in the shape of clouds look really great and not only find a place on the bed, but can also be hung like a mobile or on the wall. Many mini clouds made of soft felt create a creative garland and generally a unique decoration for the children's area.
Cloud lights in the children's room
In small rooms, as children's rooms usually are, it is always an advantage if the decoration also has a practical use. You can also make beautiful cloud lights to match our theme. You can also use fairy lights creatively or decorate the shade of one or more hanging lights.
Cloud lights
The hanging lights with a paper shade from Ikea are particularly suitable for a cloud pendant lamp. There are a lot of sizes and shapes available and you can use them to make several groups of bright clouds and distribute them beautifully in the children's room. In addition to the paper umbrella, you also need something to hang it up for this craft project. To create the cloud effect, you can use fiberfill or possibly creased white paper. Tools such as a hot glue gun and scissors are also useful.
Make hanging lights
Cloud hanging lights like these are easy to make yourself. They are a really original idea and during the day they look like real clouds floating in the room. In the evening they give off a pleasant, diffuse light.
Night lamp cloud in the children's room
A beautiful night lamp can also look like a cloud. To make these, you need a wooden plate or possibly another stable material. You have to saw a cloud shape out of the plate. Then it may be colored in a different color and the string of lights is attached behind it using a hot glue gun. Depending on where the night lamp is placed, you should incorporate a suspension and the creative night lamp is ready.