Books Storage in the children's room

Sufficient storage space, who is also clear about this, is particularly important in the children's room. Because this room is almost overcrowded with a wide variety of objects that all need their place to avoid chaos and create enough space to play and learn. In addition to the toy, it is mainly the books that usually exist more than enough. But how should it be best stowed in that you not only have it at hand, but also do not interfere with the cozy atmosphere? How about one of our subsequent ideas for the booking in the children's room?

Books Storage in the children's room with wooden boxes

Wood boxes as an alternativeThe usual shelf are currently extremely popular. Among other things, this is due to its rustic charm and because such a shelf can be built quickly and easily. Usually the boxes are simply stacked together. However, a more stable construction is recommended in the children's room. For this purpose, the boxes should best be screwed together. Especially with smaller children, it is also advisable to fix the books in the children's room on the wall so that they cannot fall over and fall on the children.

In the boxes, the books can then be stowed up or stacked on top of each other at will. The different sections also enable sorting by topic, such as a box for fairy tale books, another for school books, another for poems and so on. And there is certainly still space for a few toys.

Book strips as storage ideas

The practical book strips are not necessarily a novelty and like to be forcreative photo wallsused. But they are also extremely useful when it comes to the books in the children's room. They offer various furniture manufacturers, including Ikea. The strips usually have an L or U shape in which the books are placed and that prevent them from slipping out. This enables the books to be made forward with their front page so that they are always recognized and easy to find.

If you want to build book bar yourself, you can also use simple and straight ahead, which you then provide with another bar to support the books.

Sustainable books Storage in the children's room from pallets

If you are interested in DIY furniture ideas, you won't be around thathomemade pallet furniturehave come around it. But not only beds, tables and swings from pallets are possible. The boards can also be used for likeable books storage for children. Painted in any color, adapt to the rest of the furnishings and offer enough space for a lot of books that can even be a bit thicker than with book bars.

Books stow in the children's room on shelves in letter form

A book storage in the children's room in the form of a letter looks very creative and playful. For this purpose, the initial letter of the name of the child is usually chosen in order toTo personalize furniture. Even if you want to build the bookshelf for children as a DIY project yourself, you can do this with a little skill. First build the outer walls to shape the letters and then put on the inside of the books to set up the books. Paint the wood in any color.

If you calculate the necessary dimensions yourself, you can also have the boards cut in the hardware store and you only have to assemble at home. Not only books look pretty, but also cuddly toys and decorations.

Playful shelf

You actually prefer the shelf, but you can find this rectangular standard form too boring for the children's room? Then just build your own shelf and design a shape of your taste. Instead of the straight upper board, for example, you can attach two sloping to get a roof shape. Then the shelf worksLike a house. The bookshelf for the booking in the children's room looks much more interesting.

Old drawer

You get a kind of book strips by shortening simple drawers and attaching the door handle to the wall. For this purpose, for example, you can use simple angular connectors. It is a great way to build something new from old. For example, if the baby room furnishings replace a new one for larger children, you canReterminated chest of drawersFor books storage in the children's room.

Montessori bookshelf

Would you like thatDesign children's room to Montessori, you should make sure that you only use natural materials and, even more important that the books are accessible to the little ones. This means that you can use wooden boxes, normal shelves, book strips or other things for books in the children's room as long as everything is at a low height, so that the children can also use or read books at any time when you are after that.

Children's room storage space ideas

Storage ideas - stacking old drawers together

Colorful wooden boxes and shelf in house form

Storage basket in the form of a shelf

Create order in the children's room with space -saving booklets

Use walls for storage space in the children's room

Book wall for a cozy reading corner

Book box for children made of fabric for the wall

Stacking simple boxes for a shelf

Build booklist yourself and paint in bright colors

Small booklet shelves for narrow walls