Clean up and clear out the bathroom: These tips ensure order and hygiene using home remedies

Would you like to tidy up your bathroom and have everything sparkling clean? For some of you, this task probably seems overwhelming. But that's just because you don't yet know how to use every inch of what's availableMake optimal use of spacescan. Also learn how you can get rid of mold and limescale deposits with home remedies. In this article we will tell you a few tricks on how to tidy up your bathroom so that it is always clean and tidy.

Cleaning out the bathroom means tidying up the bathroom

The bathroom is one of the places in the house that must be both aesthetically pleasing and hygienic. No matter how large your home bathroom is, you need to make a daily effort to keep it looking good and organized. Here's how:

Throw away anything unnecessary or expired

Before tidying up the bathroom – open all the cabinets and check if you accidentally left any empty packaging or other accessories behind. Throw away anything unnecessary or expired that you obviously no longer need.

Then wipe down the shelves and countersorganize the bathroomin a way that best serves you.

Tips on how you can creatively and practically tidy up your bathroom

Use storage containers for a clean and tidy bathroom: If you have limited space to organize small items in the bathroom, use small containers on the bathroom cabinet door. This way you always have them at hand.

Create a towel organizer: If you don't have a closet for towels in your bathroom, you can add a grab bar to the back of the door. Put the towels there. This way you use valuable space and everything looks well organized.

Create organizers out of mason jars: A good idea to organize your small items is to mount a few glasses on a wooden board on the wall. This will make the bathroom decorated in a more interesting style.

Use a wine rack: If you have an old wine rack, clear it out and move it to the bathroom. You can store small and clean towels there.

Organizer of perfumes and accessories: If you have the habit of storing perfumes and accessories in the bathroom, then building a shelf out of plates and old glasses is an excellent idea.

How to store curling iron and hair dryer: Glue some PVC pipes to the bathroom door. Use this option to store hair straighteners, blow dryers, and other items you use for hair care.

Use baskets: The best thing about using baskets in the bathroom is that they are beautiful and can also hold almost anything. You can hang them on the wall or make them a shelf under the sink.

What home remedies could you use to clean your bathroom?

You don't necessarily have to spend a lot of money to keep your bathroom clean and spotless. To do this, you have to get creative and use materials that you already have at home.

Disinfect your toilet with washing soda and ammonia

The toilet should be cleaned every day to limit the presence of bacteria and dirt. Instead of using bleach and other cleaning products with harsh chemicals, you can keep the bathroom clean with a home remedy based on baking soda.


  • 3o g tablespoons of washing soda
  • 1/4 cup ammonia
  • 500 ml hot water

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Spray the toilet bowl with the mixture. Then use a sponge and brush. Finally wipe with a cloth.

You can also use this solution to remove mold in the tub and walls.

Remove mold in the bathroom with lemon juice and vinegar

Mold is an unpleasant thing, it also smells bad and can cause respiratory problems. To protect yourself and prevent it from settling on your bathroom curtain, use the following trick.


  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 500 ml water
  • Juice of 2 lemons

Dilute the white vinegar in 2 cups of water and add the lemon juice. Spray the resulting agent onto the bathroom curtain. Then use a brush. Finally, remove any residue and let the product dry in the room with the fan running.

Clean up the bathroom: Make the faucet shine with hydrogen peroxide

Showers and fittings lose their shine under the influence of moisture, chemical residues and limescale.Use hydrogen peroxideto clean them and keep the bathroom looking clean.


  • 60 ml hydrogen peroxide
  • 60 ml cup of water
  • 1 spray bottle

Dilute hydrogen peroxide in a cup of water. Then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the fittings and clean them with a cloth.

Clean bathroom tiles with white vinegar

You can remove dirt and fungus on bathroom tiles with white vinegar. This product does thatTiles spotlessly cleanand prevents bad smells.


  • 125 ml white vinegar
  • 1 clean cloth

Then clean the tiles thoroughly. If you find they are too dirty, use a coarser sponge.

Don't forget about ventilation in the bathroom

The bathroom is the wettest place in the house, which is the reason for the appearance of mold and mildew. So regularly open the window or, if there is no window, a fan. This also helps with air circulation and odor prevention.