If you believe that wallpaper in thebathroomare inappropriate due to the high humidity, you are actually not wrong. However, today we present you fantastic designs for themBathroom wallpaperwith which this is no longer a problem. So if you would like to try something new instead of traditional tiles, now is your chance.
Bathroom wallpaper “Mystical Dream”
The bathroomsMatWet System from Wall&decò Srl has a great decorative function, highlighting the wall in your bathroom in a special way while being resistant to moisture. A wide variety of designs are available for the wallpaper, which you can choose depending on the furnishing style and the color choice of the furniture and fittings. We have put together the different models for the Wet System bathroom wallpaper so that you can choose the right variant straight away.
Bathroom wallpaper “Aloha”
The Aloha bathroom wallpaper has an attractive floral pattern that makes your bathroom look exotic and romantic at the same time. The colorful flower motifs are on a gray background and are particularly effective. However, the floral design can also be chosen in black and white, with only the butterflies providing a colored contrast.
Color Chain
This wallpaper design is just as colorful. It consists of various leaf motifs, some of which are white and some of which are colored. The background is available in either gray or blue. If you are looking for a modern and colorful bathroom wallpaper, then this variant is definitely perfect.
Miami Winter
This bathroom wallpaper looks just as exotic. Its design is reminiscent of a rainy day in the middle of a palm tree landscape. The palm tree motif can be chosen in black and white and can even decorate the damp area of your kitchen.
It's probably no secret why bathroom wallpaper got this name. The original motifs, which twist like a snake, are strongly reminiscent of Medusa. The design is available in a version with warm colors and in a gray version.
Bathroom wallpaper – Escape
When you look at this bathroom wallpaper, the word “freedom” immediately comes to mind. Colorful, exotic birds escape the cage and adorn this stunning wallpaper. The birds themselves are partly made of flowers and therefore appear particularly romantic. The strong colors are particularly well expressed by the subtle background, which is available in warm and cold shades.
Miss Marple
This bathroom wallpaper is particularly floral. In addition to the many ornaments, there are also large flowers that come in pink and green. The turquoise stripes form another interesting accent.
Ocean Drops
The watercolor look is very popular for interiors in many areas. Why not for the bathroom too? This design imitates an ocean. And even small fish swim along the bathroom wallpaper and further complement the design. Choose between blue and turquoise colors for this model.
You can also find the watercolor design in this bathroom wallpaper. However, here it is presented more discreetly and in the form of branches and leaves and is an accent on the beige or gray wallpaper.
Here again you have the choice between blue and turquoise. The so-called petrol bathroom wallpaper imitates blurred and running watercolor paint on paper. This creates a look that is reminiscent of marble. Use them to create a special eye-catcher in the bathroom.
Tech Tubes
A great idea for all lovers of industrial style is this bathroom wallpaper. Get the look of the metal pipes on the wall in a sketch look. Whether in beige or blue, the wallpaper is extremely original.
Dancing Curtains
Are you missing a window in the bathroom? That doesn't matter at all, because you can still bring the cozy atmosphere that curtains create into the bathroom. This bathroom wallpaper imitates exactly this home accessory.
Nouveau bathroom wallpaper
You get a successful imitation of frosted glass panes with this original bathroom wallpaper. The design looks incredibly real and is wonderful for decorating the bathroom walls. The metal-mimicking accents are available in gold and silver.
Crystal Water
You can create a shabby-style design with this bathroom wallpaper. Pictured are pretty crystals that water forms when it turns into ice. These are also slightly worn, which creates the aforementioned shabby look. Choose the wallpaper in a light or darker shade of gray.
Arctic Wind
Again you have the choice between blue and beige. The bathroom wallpaper is perfect if you like original designs. Use it to create a bathroom of any style.
Whether in black or white, this bathroom wallpaper looks extremely elegant either way. Add a vintage accent to the modern interior and give the room a certain historical atmosphere.
Geometric motifs are combined with romantic ones, creating this effective design for the bathroom wallpaper. The model is available in three variants. On the one hand, the simpler version all in white. Furthermore, the ornate motifs can be chosen in a light shade of blue or in green.
Bring the forest into your bathroom in the form of a modern design. The bathroom wallpaper has a 3D look with abstract tree trunks depicted. The white trees can also be chosen in a black version.
Bathroom wallpaper “Kaleido”
A starry sky in the middle of the room? This is possible with this bathroom wallpaper. Whether in a dark gray or subtle white version, with this model you get an attractive wall decoration with which you can add a bit of romance to a modern interior.
Design byWall&Decò.