Working from home with children: Cool ideas for role and sensory games with the “Flisat” children’s table from Ikea

During the Corona crisis, a large proportion of working people are dependent on working from home. Working from home with children is proving to be a big challenge for parents. While young people can keep busy on their own, toddlers of kindergarten or primary school age still need around-the-clock care. This means a double burden for adults who have to work at the same time. And although there is currently a lot of discussion about the extent to which the exit restrictions can be relaxed, one thing is certain: in the coming weeks they will continue to have to cope with the job and the offspring on their own. Because working from home is tiring, chaotic and definitely not a “nice family time”. Nevertheless, it is possible to keep small children occupied for longer periods. We reveal someTricks and craft ideas, which make working from home more or less successful. You need a children's table with a removable table top and boxes for toys. The “Flisat” children’s table from Ikea, for example, is ideal and can be retrofitted with Trofast boxes.

Working from home: combining childcare and home office

They usually look after couples with children on alternating shifts. What actually sounds like a good solution is difficult to put into practice. Parents of small children know that their children rarely spend time in the same room. Instead, the little ones like to run and play all over the apartment or house without noticing their working partner. It is difficult to explain to children between the ages of 1 and 6 why dad or mom is actually in another room and cannot be disturbed. Single parents have it even more difficult. You have to keep the children busy and work at the same time. A really big challenge that can be overcome with creativity. A few simple ones will help hereTricks and game ideas, with the help of which the children stay in one room. It is also possible to cook lunch in the meantime. Here are some ideas:

Keep children busy with Oobleck: make Oobleck and carry out experiments with it

What is Oobleck?Oobleck is a liquid that has special properties. Visuallyit resembles slime. When the children put pressure on her, she becomes hard. When you let go of it again, it becomes liquid. Oobleck is made from cornstarch and water. Simply stir 1.5 cups of cornstarch into a cup of water in a large bowl until the mixture reaches a honey-like consistency. You can add food coloring to this, but it can color children's clothes and hands.

When is the right time for this game idea?40 minutes before lunch. Then they havechildren an activity, while one partner can prepare the food. At the same time, the little ones have to stay in one room because Oobleck is played on the dining table. There is also another crucial advantage: you have to wash your children's hands before eating anyway.

What age is Oobleck suitable for children?Oobleck is oneGame idea for childrenfrom 4 to 10 years, because there are numerous opportunities to play. It is perfect for families with several children because everyone can play together without arguing. For toddlers of kindergarten age, just mixing the miracle mixture is great fun because it resists the pressure of children's hands. Older children can place the bowl of liquid on a vibrating surface and see how it behaves.

Expenses for parents:Moderate. You must first mix the liquid together with the children and then clean the table before lunch. However, since Oobleck can be removed from surfaces fairly quickly and effortlessly and generally does not leave any stains, you should expect a moderate amount of effort.

Working from home with children: playing with board magnets

How is it played?In the first box, place stacking cups in rainbow colors: yellow, orange, red, green, purple, and blue. Fill the second box with board magnets in the colors yellow, orange, red, green, purple and blue. The children should “catch” the board magnets either with a magnetic fishing rod (which they can also make themselves using a stick, string and a refrigerator magnet) or with a magnetic shovel and place them in the appropriate cup. The yellow magnets go in the yellow cup, the green ones – in the green one, etc.

When is the right time for this game idea?Breakfast, because it takes a good half hour to sort all the board magnets.

What age is sensory play suitable for children?Children from three years oldcan play with it. It is only suitable for families with several children under certain circumstances, as there is a risk that the children will argue loudly about who caught and sorted more blackboard magnets.

Expenses for parents:Small amount. All you have to do is explain the rules to the children and then let them play. Nevertheless, small children should only play under parental supervision because they can swallow the small magnets.

Working from home with children: sensory games for 2 and 3 year old children

How is it played?Color rice with food coloring (wash the rice thoroughly first!) and put it in the largest box. In a bowl, combine 8 cups flour, 1 cup sunflower oil and food coloring and slowly stir in all ingredients until the consistency resembles sand. Fill a second box with it. Distribute confetti, sugar sprinkles, cake candles, several more in the two boxessmall balloons. In the third and final box you can place a funnel, a plastic cup, a measuring spoon and a tea strainer.

When is the right time to organize sensory play for toddlers?Whenever you need half an hour to make phone calls. It is important to observe the children. Small children could swallow small particles in the boxes.

Expenses for parents:Moderate. Of course, you have to make the “sand” from flour yourself and always keep an eye on the children. While you're playing, there's guaranteed to be a mess on the table, but you can quickly pick up the rice and "sand".

Home office with kindergarten-age children: game idea with soapy water

How is it played?The next idea needs no explanation. You need lukewarm water in which you can dissolve detergent, dishwashing sponges and dishes. It is best to choose dishes made of metal or plastic. Glass and porcelain are unsuitable because children could break them and injure themselves.

Suitable for:Children from 1 year old

Duration:Depending on age, 30 minutes to 40 minutes

Expenses for parents:Small amount

Working from home with children: Role-playing games with a farm in a box

You want to go with meRole play to keep your children busywhile you work from home? The next oneGame idea is suitable for childrenin elementary school. For the left box you need peas, chickpeas and animal figures, for the left box soil (make sand according to the recipe above and color it brown with cocoa), small stones, blue glass beads. You can also use animals from Easter decorations or other toys. For example, you can distribute a cow, chicks, a pig, carrots and a horse around the farm.

Suitable for:Children aged three and over should only be allowed to play under parental supervision!

Duration:Maximum 40 minutes

Expenses for parents:Moderate, you need 15 minutes to prepare

Home office with children in primary school: soap made from natural materials

The next game idea is super straightforward. You need lukewarm water and fresh flower petals of your choice. In the second box, place small disposable glasses, preferably made of plastic, as well as spoons of various sizes and funnels for the child. Fun for children in primary school is guaranteed!

Suitable for:Children from 1 year old

Duration:20 minutes

Expenses for parents:Small amount

Home office with children: sandpit with a beach theme

Children need variety. They will be especially happy if you find a new use for the old toy. In the sandbox with a beach theme, in addition to the sand made from flour and the shells from your last vacation, there are also blue glass beads and a wooden puzzle with a “sea” theme. The children can play with the pictures of sea creatures or arrange the shells in the “sandbox”.

Suitable for:Children from 2 years old

Duration:30 – 40 minutes

Expenses for parents:Moderate

Working from home with children: The “underwater” box

A nice idea for a short coffee break in the afternoon. Buy a set of plastic underwater plants and seahorses, fish and octopuses and fill the two boxes with water. Now is the right time to explain to the little ones what animals and plants live in the ocean. The children can then “catch” the fish with a large sieve and release them in the other box. The gaming possibilities are endless and you are guaranteed to have at least 40 minutes to work.

Suitable for:Children from 4 years old

Duration:50 minutes

Expenses for parents:Small amount

Keep children busy: sensory game “Polar Ice Caps”

The next sensor gameis ideal for children of kindergarten age, i.e. between 3 and 5 years. You need very few ingredients: blue glass beads, water, blue food coloring, a spray bottle with lukewarm water and ice cubes in the shape of balls and penguin figures. Fill the large ice box with a bit of colored water so that it covers the bottom. Arrange the ice cubes in a corner and spread the penguins in the water.

Suitable for:Children from 3 years old

Duration:40 minutes or until the ice cubes melt completely

Expenses for parents:Small amount

Working from home: Game “Where do these animals live” for children ages 4 and up

The next idea for a fun game is to learn where different animals live. You will need a yellow, a blue, a grass green and an emerald green sheet of felt fabric. Fold all the sheets in half and arrange them. A forest is created from the green leaves and tree slices, as well as an artificial boxwood, several stones and the green-colored sheep's wool. A beach is made from the yellow and blue leaves, the remaining stones and the blue glass beads. Now all you need is different animal figures, which the child should arrange accordingly. Then they can re-enact their favorite fairy tales with animals or simply come up with a role-playing game themselves.

Suitable for:Children from 3 years old

Duration:40 minutes

Expenses for parents:Small amount

Keep children busy during coronavirus lockdown: “Safari” sensory game

With chickpeas, peas, yellow felt fabric, animal figures of African animals such as lions, zebras, elephants, etc. you can make an imaginative sensory game for children aged 4 and over. Use plastic trees, wooden rainbow puzzles and small stones to complete the safari look of the decoration in the box. Now it's the little ones' turn and they can come up with various fun role-playing games with the animals.

Suitable for:Children from 4 years old

Duration:45 minutes

Expenses for parents:Moderate. You need to color the chickpeas green.

Working from home and keeping the kids busy: sensory play for 4-year-olds

The next suggestion is a lot of fun for toddlers. However, it is important that children always play under parental supervision, as there are small parts that could be swallowed. For this idea you will need food coloring and chickpeas. Divide the chickpeas into four and color the first blue, the second red, the third green and the fourth purple. Then arrange a funnel and a kitchen paper roll in the next box. The third box contains tools for fine motor skills. Invite the children to can the chickpeas using the tools, funnel and paper towel roll.

Suitable for:Children from 4 years old

Duration:30 minutes

Expenses for parents:Moderate

If you work from home and have to look after children at the same time, then you certainly face a big challenge. In these cases, a children's table with a removable table top and boxes for toys proves to be a real all-rounder. All you need is a little creativity to come up with age-appropriate games. Browse through our picture gallery, be inspired by the other suggestions and you are guaranteed to come up with more ideas. Never leave your children unsupervised while playing because there is a risk of them swallowing small particles.

Cut out the number from cardboard. Have the children look for them and place them in numbered muffin cups

Water with food coloring in the right box and Oobleck in the left box

Build a Frozen castle with magnetic building blocks

Fill chocolate sprinkles and marshmallows into cookie cutters

Put water and lemons or lime slices in a box

Fill water beads into stacking cups