Craft ideas with fresh flowers in spring: real mood lifters!

When the flowers start to bloom in spring and summer, most people's hearts open: finally! Because the scent and the splendor of colors lift the mood. So why don't we bring these mood lifters into our own four walls? Our craft ideas combine the joy of fresh flowers with creativity.

Procurement of flowers

Before you can start crafting, you first need to get flowers. When purchasing in person, attention should be paid to the quality of the petals and the location of the flowers to be sold. If the leaves hang limply and slowly turn brown, this is a sign of poor quality. The same applies to the location: if the flowers are in dirty water or in the blazing sun, this will damage their durability. You can also easily order fresh cut flowers online, like ondem online Blumenversand Bloomy Days.

Craft tips

Flower ball

This is what you need:

  • A ball made of sticky clay
  • Floristendraht
  • Silk ribbon
  • Flowers with a solid stem
  • bucket of water

That's how it works:

The plugging compound must first be able to be soaked with water. To do this, place the mixture in the bucket. Wait for the ball to sink to the ground. Then bend the florist wire so that it takes on a U shape. With the loop facing up, insert the wire into the plug-in compound. The two ends that stick out are bent so that they fit snugly against the plug-in compound. Now trim the flowers so that only one centimeter of the stem remains. Starting in the middle, stick the flowers into the plugging material. Continue until half of the ball is covered. Now the silk ribbon is pulled through the loop, shortened and knotted on the wire. Lastly, the remaining flowers are attached – done! You can also find video instructionshere.

Mini garden in the Eierschale

This is what you need:

  • No XL No
  • Egg color
  • swallowed egg cups
  • Potting soil and mini early bloomers or small crocuses or daisies

That's how it works:

First, the eggs are carefully blown out and then painted with egg paint. Now start very carefully to break off the shell at the blow-out hole. Continue until about a third of the peel has been removed. Now the egg is filled with a thin layer of soil and the desired flower or bulb is inserted. Last but not least, the egg is put into theEgg cup that also becomes an eye-catcher with creative craft ideas, plugged in.

Another nice idea is thisDrying and pressing flowers.


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