Crafting with eggshells in spring: great decoration ideas to brighten up your home for the new season!

Most of us use eggs frequently, but we hardly think about them before throwing away the shells. This is a shame because despite their fragile appearance, there are so many imaginative and beautiful things you can do with eggshells. Crafting with eggshells in spring? Yes, adults and children should try these ideas.

Photo:@_dimity_/ Instagram

With these eco-friendly alternatives you can save money and have fun with the family without wasting the eggshells by simply throwing them in the trash. Even if you can't eat them, bowls are great for crafting. Discover cool ideas below!

First clean the bowls

Photo:@l8hen/ Instagram

Before you begin, familiarize yourself with how to clean eggshells for crafts:

  1. Wash the bowls gently but thoroughly with water and dish soap. If you want the shells to remain intact for your project, be careful not to break them.
  2. To remove grease and dirt from the shells, use a cotton pad moistened with vinegar. Again, proceed with caution.
  3. Allow them to air dry.
  4. Take off the membrane. Using shell fragments makes this task much easier. It should be easy to remove. Now you can craft with the eggshells!

Design cute flower vases

Photo:@_dimity_/ Instagram

Make small vases out of the eggshells. Be careful not to break the egg. Try poking a few holes in the top and carefully breaking off the shell to create a gap. After you have emptied the egg, you can leave it on a nice egg plate. After that, all you have to do is add water and spring flowers.

Also interesting:Make vases yourself: With these creative craft ideas you can create beautiful decorations for your home!

DIY seedling pots

Photo:@sparrow_cherry/ Instagram

Because of their small size, biodegradability, and low cost, eggshells make excellent planters for seedlings. Planting seeds in old trays is easy, but you need to be careful when potting because trays are so delicate. After punching a small hole in the bottom of the tray to ensure drainage, fill the tray with soil and plant the seeds. If you want, you can also paint and decorate your new pots.

An egg carton is a good place to store the eggshell seedling pots so the shells stay upright. If the seedlings are small enough, you can place the entire tray in soil or a larger container to give them a permanent home. To promote healthy root development, you should start seedlings in eggshell seedling pots and then transplant them into a larger pot when they reach a certain size.

Create your own succulent garden

Photo:@littlesunshineparty/ Instagram

Continuing the concept of gardening, you can also turn eggshells into pots for succulents. If you are inexperienced in gardening or have a habit of neglecting watering your plants, succulents may be a good choice for your garden. When it comes to plant care, succulents are very easy to care for.

First, use a sharp knife to cut off the top of the shell. Using a spoon, fill the egg with potting soil. Then pierce a small hole in the soil with your finger and carefully place the succulent root into the hole. Lightly press the soil around the succulent and sprinkle some additional soil to plant it firmly in the eggshell container.

Once planted, mist the succulent with water from a spray bottle and place it in a bright, sunny spot. You should water your succulents occasionally, even if they don't need much care.

Eggshell crafts in spring – ballerina doll

Photo:@_dimity_/ Instagram

When was the last time you worked on a project that required you to blow out an egg? Crafts made from blown eggs last a long time if cared for properly. Just like this sweet ballerina. You can then create the ballet clothing and scene with your children.


Photo:@_dimity_/ Instagram

These little candles have a certain charm and a sweet look. And what's even more surprising: they are cookednot that difficult to make!

Make your own eggshell artwork

Photo:@artflora.if/ Instagram

Create a beautiful mosaic for Easter. This is a craft for kids, but adults can also use bowls to create impressive works of art!

Photo:@notionsick/ Instagram

You can cut out a piece of cardboard in the shape of a rooster and then decorate it with bowls as desired.

Make beautiful Easter decorations yourself

Photo:@_dimity_/ Instagram

Cute eggshell couple with their own house and car

Photo:@_dimity_/ Instagram

Decorate wine bottles Instagram

You can decorate an old wine bottle with bowls and then use it as a flower vase.

Also read:Creative and simple decorations with wine bottles: Use these craft ideas to brighten up your home!

Eggshell wreath for spring

Photo:@jitkakytka1/ Instagram

Decoration for cake is completely different

Photo:@lauraelane/ Instagram