Crafting with grandchildren in the summer: the little ones will definitely love these fun DIY ideas!

Children have a lot of energy and they love creative activities. What can you make with your grandchildren in the summer? Try some of these projects with your grandchildren, they will surely love spending quality time with their grandparents and creating colorful summer crafts.

How to make mermaid with paper roll

You can make some simple projects with young children. Mermaids are very popular with little girls. Why not try making a cute mermaid out of a toilet paper roll with your granddaughter?

Materials for the mermaid craft with the paper roll:

  • Colorful craft paper (pink, yellow and green)
  • Toilet paper roll (or other cardboard tube)
  • Silver pen
  • Black pen
  • Pink mermaid hair gemstone (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Instructions for the mermaid craft with the paper roll:

  • Cut out a pink stripe for the mermaid's body. Also cut out a tail shape. Draw fish scales with a silver pen.
  • Next, cut out a green top for the mermaid.
  • Then cut out yellow stripes for the mermaid's hair. You need 4 or more vertical strips for the hair strands. Cut 1 horizontal strip for the head.
  • Now glue the mermaid's bodyon the toilet paper roll.
  • Stick the yellow head strip on the toilet paper roll.
  • Then glue on the green lace of the mermaid.
  • Draw the mermaid's eyes and smile.
  • Glue the vertical strips of yellow construction paper to form strands of mermaid hair. You can stick a pretty gemstone on her hair to give her that extra shine.
  • Finally, glue the mermaid's tail to the back of the toilet paper roll. Complete. It's so fun and easy to do crafts with children in the summer.

Summer crafts with grandchildren: simple magazine flowers

There are many craft projects with kids that you can do at home this summer. This is a great recycling project to use up those magazines and catalogs you have lying around. And it's the perfect craft project for kids.

Accessories and materials:

  • Old magazines and catalogs
  • Green pipe cleaners
  • Paper cutter or scissors
  • punch

Instructions for crafting:

  • Take the magazines and catalogs and pull out the most colorful pages.
  • Cut the paper into strips up to 2.5 cm wide, depending on your preference. When cutting the paper strips, also consider the image and any areas you want to cut out or preserve. Sort the paper strips by similar colors. The color groups don't have to be exact, just similar.
  • Fold the paper strip into a loop and punch a hole in the middle of the loop.
  • Thread a pipe cleaner into the hole. Bend a small edge into the pipe cleaner to keep the loops from slipping off while you put the flower together.
  • Add as many strips of paper until your flower is as full as you want. Twist the end of the pipe cleaner into a small loop to secure the paper strips.
  • Mix and match the colors and patterns of your flowers to your heart's content. Have fun making these cheerful little flowers.

Sponge sailboat crafts with children in summer

This is a fun summer project for kids. Boys especially will love making a boat and making it float. You can just do thatcrafting with children.

What you need:

  • sponges
  • wooden skewers
  • Craft paper
  • Scissors
  • Wire cutters
  • adhesive

DIY instructions:

  • Cut your sponges with scissors.
  • Create the sails by cutting out triangles from the construction paper. If desired, fold a small piece of construction paper in half and cut a triangle along the fold. Glue the fold together at the top of the skewer.
  • Insert the skewer into the sponge so that it goes through the other side by at least 1 inch. Then remove the skewer. Poke a hole in the top of the construction paper triangle, along the long edge, and insert the skewer through the paper. Your sail doesn't have to sit tightly on the skewer, it can bend.
  • Insert the skewer with the sail through the hole in the sponge. Adjust the sail as necessary
  • Put the boat in the water and let the sponge absorb water before releasing it.

Make a kaleidoscope with the children

Do you love science toys? Why not make a kaleidoscope with your grandchildren? The little ones will definitely love it!

Required accessories:

  • Pringles-Dose
  • Shimmering old paper or aluminum foil
  • Hammer and nail
  • Clear adhesive
  • Tissue paper, glitter and sequins

Instructions for crafting:

  • First, remove the chips, rinse the can and dry it!
  • Roll a piece of shimmery silver paper and place it in the tin. Mark and cut off the excess.
  • Cover the outside of the can with a colored paper.Decorate itwith markers, stickers, tape, and other embellishments as desired.
  • Use a hammer and nail to punch an eye hole into the sealed end of the can.
  • Glue sequins to the inside of the Pringle can lid. Then add glitter and colorful paper or other embellishments.
  • Your simple kaleidoscope needs one more thing: a second colorful lens!
  • The best way to do this is to use transparent contact paper. Cut out a square and tape it to the table, sticky side up. Press another piece of contact paper over it to seal it.
  • Use scissors to cut the contact paper to fit the can.
  • Next, stick it to the lid of the can.
  • Let everything dry thoroughly. Put the lid on the kaleidoscope and it's ready. Crafting with grandchildren can be exciting!