Crafting with paper and toilet rolls – 10 simple craft instructions

Whether it's cardboard, scrapbooking paper, origami paper or even toilet paper rolls - you can do a lot with this material. Paper can be folded, folded, cut, glued and much more! Here we show creative craft ideas for different occasions and for all ages. Crafting with paper is popular all year round! Colorful sheets of paper, scissors and glue - that's all you usually need for these craft projects.

Crafting with paper: 1. Fold a butterfly

Materials required:
Square sheet of paper
Thin decorative ribbon

  1. Cut the square sheet of paper into two rectangles.
  2. Fold the first rectangle in half horizontally.
  3. Then open and fold the corners inwards.
  4. Now the origami paper is folded vertically to the center fold into very narrow strips like an accordion. Then fold it in the middle.
  5. Fold the second sheet of paper in an accordion style.
  6. Place both sheets on top of each other and tie a thin decorative ribbon in the middle.
  7. Gently unfold the top wings with your thumb.

2. Crepe paper water lily

Materials required:
Crepe paper in pink
White crepe paper, 2 cm x 8 cm
Paper circle (3 cm in diameter)
Craft glue
Paint brush

  1. Made of pinkCut out crepe paper petals.
  2. Pull the crepe paper apart easily with your fingers.
  3. Glue the petals around the paper circle in 3 layers.
  4. Cut the white paper strip into fringes, roll it up and secure it with a dab of glue.
  5. Glue the resulting stamens into the middle of the water lily.

3. Round Hand Trays

Materials required:
Scrapbooking paper, 3 sheets, patterned
Hot glue gun
Decorative ribbon

  1. Fold each leaf into an accordion shapeand then fold it in the middle.
  2. Smear the ends with glue and glue the three pieces of paper together.
  3. Use the hole punch to make holes along the edge.
  4. Finally, glue the wooden sticks on and tie a bow.

4. Monster bookmarks

Materials required:
Square sheet of paper, colored
White paper
Glue stick
Googly eyes
Hot glue gun

  1. Fold the square diagonally into a triangle.
  2. Fold the corners upwards. This results in a square again.
  3. Open. Fold the tip of the triangle down.
  4. Fold the right and left corners up again and tuck them under the middle folded corner.
  5. Now cut out teeth and glue on eyes. That's doneMonster bookmarks!

5. Origami butterfly

All you need is a square sheet of paper.

  1. Fold the two diagonals of the sheet.
  2. Turn the sheet over and fold the bottom and top sides in half. All folds should cross at the center of the square.
  3. Open the sheet. Now fold the paper into a triangle. To do this, lift the paper and form a point from the center.
  4. Now fold the two top corners along the center line and towards the tip.
  5. Fold the tip of the triangle up and tuck it into the open edge. This folding gives the wings a slight swing.
  6. The origami butterfly is ready!

6. Origami Pyramide (modulares Origami)

You can also use this origami pyramid as a gift box for something small like jewelry.

You need:3 square sheets of paper, colored

  1. Fold the square into a triangle.
  2. Now fold the right corner over the left. Then open the fold.
  3. Fold the left and right outer edges to the center line. This results in a small square.
  4. Now fold two more elements.
  5. Fold the squares into triangles and insert them into each other.

7. Make a bee out of toilet roll

Materials required:
For chlorine
Yellow cardboard
Googly eyes
Black marker
Black electrical tape
craft wire
Paper in white
Glue stick
Hot glue gun

  1. First, adjust the construction paper to the size of the toilet roll.
  2. Then the toilet rollSpread with glue and roll up in the paper.
  3. Use the black electrical tape to create the bee's stripes.
  4. Cut a circle out of yellow construction paper. That would be the bee's face.
  5. Glue 2 wiggly eyes on top and draw a mouth.
  6. Cut two antennas from the craft wire and then wrap them with insulating tape.
  7. Attach the antennae to the back of the face.
  8. Glue the head to the body.
  9. Cut out 2 wings from white paper and glue them to the side of the toilet roll.

8. Make an owl out of toilet roll

Materials required:
For chlorine
Construction paper in orange and yellow
Paper in white
Glue stick
Hot glue gun
2 rhinestones

  1. First, adjust the orange construction paper to the size of the toilet roll.
  2. Then the toilet rollSpread with glue and roll up in the paper.
  3. First fold the roll a little to one side at the top, then fold the opposite side inwards so that the end is closed.
  4. Draw a heart for the feet and a triangle for the beak on the yellow construction paper. Then cut out the shapes.
  5. Cut out two ovals as wings from the orange paper.
  6. Rotate the scrapbooking paper and draw many small circles on the back with the compass. Then cut out the circles.
  7. Now put the elements together. Glue the feet at the bottom center. Then the circles will be glued overlapping one another.
  8. Attach the wings to the side of the toilet roll
  9. Then comes the beak and then two large eyes.

9. Desk Organizer

Materials required:
2 toilet rolls and 1 kitchen roll
Pink construction paper
Hot glue gun

  1. First, adjust the pink construction paper to the size of the toilet rolls.
  2. Then coat the toilet rolls with glue and roll them up in the paper.
  3. Wrap the large kitchen roll in scrapbooking paper and secure the end with glue.
  4. Glue the three rolls of paper together.
  5. Place on a piece of pink construction paper and mark the outline on the bottom with a pencil.
  6. Cut out the base and glue it to the toilet rolls.
  7. Fold a small box out of a sheet of scrapbooking paper and then stick it next to the paper rolls.
  8. If desired, decorate the finished desk organizer with a few beads.

10. Origami drawers

Materials required:
2 square sheets of paper, 20 x 20 cm
2 square sheets of paper, 19 x 19 cm
Hot glue gun
Glue stick

  1. Place the larger square sheet in front of you. Fold horizontally and vertically in the middle.
  2. Then fold all corners towards the middle.
  3. Divide the square into three equal parts. Fold along the lines.
  4. Fold the top left corner towards the middle. This makes a box.
  5. Now repeat the same thing with the small piece of paper.
  6. The finished origami drawers are glued on top of each other.