Today we would like to introduce you to a particularly interesting idea for decorating the walls. These are original murals whose motifs are composed of stones. With a little imagination, you can create remarkable works of art that don't even require you to have any special talent. We would like to help you by giving you some suggestions with which you can take beautiful pictures with stones yourself. Even beginners will have no problems with it at all.
You can make pictures out of stones in a variety of ways and with a variety of motifs. The easiest way is to simply clean the stones and use them in a natural look. You can also cover the stones with a transparent onePaint varnishbefore making the pictures with stones to make the stones stand out even better.
The stones don't necessarily have to be the only material. Here you can see a great idea that uses a piece of bark as a base. A pretty shell forms the dancer's skirt. With severalNatural materialsthe picture appears even more alive. You can arrange the stones into specific figures as you wish.
Gluing the stones in place is easy with a hot glue gun. Make sure to use enough glue, but not too much, so that the glue doesn't ooze out the sides when you press it onto the surface. It is best to do this on a different surface.
Stone pictures that have a specific theme are not only suitable for decorating your own home, but are also a perfect gift. The example above can be designed as a wedding gift. The idea is not only original, but also has a special charm because it is homemade. It is also not too elaborate or pompous.
Because you for thatUse natural materials, you can choose any style for the frame. Here you can see an attractive frame in a rustic style, but a modern or vintage frame is also suitable to get the perfect variant for your living style. You see a pair of birds standing on a branch made of a twig.
Depending on the picture, it may happen that several stones have to be stacked on top of each other. There is no problem with hot glue. However, keep in mind that many stones on a small canvas or other surface make it heavier. You should keep this in mind when attaching the finished works to the wall. Protruding stacks of stones drag the image downwards.
If you use a canvas, you can paint it in advance and create any background that fits the chosen theme. In this example a turtle can be seen as the motif. Since it lives in the ocean, a dark blue background was chosen. At the same time, the light pebbles are better expressed.
A classic among stone images is the tree. You can design the trunk and crown with a simple stick and lots of colorful or plain stones. The result is simply stunning. You can also imitate branches with a few thin twigs. And all of this without having to make a single brush stroke. If you can't draw, this type of picture is the right choice.
The picture above exudes a special calm, which is not only due to the subject and motif, but also to the use of fewer materials. Suitable stones can be found quickly and easily on every walk. Of course, you can also buy decorative gravel in any natural color.
If you want to create people, you need round stones for the head, elongated ones for the limbs and oval ones for the body. Before you glue them in place, put them together loosely. Then fix them little by little with the glue. Let your imagination run wild. The shapes of the stones often inspire certain motifs.
Canvas pictures and stones can be combined perfectly. With a little acrylic or even oil paint you can create impressive pictures with stones that will be a special eye-catcher on the wall. Here again a simple background was designed. In this case these are sky and sea in two different shades of blue. The seagulls are made of stones.
You can symbolize the solidarity of your family with such an image. Lettering is also a great idea. You can print these in advance on a sheet of paper, which you can then use as a base for designing the stone pictures. Incidentally, driftwood also goes well with this. This makes the picture appear more romantic.
Flat stones cut by the sea can often be found, especially on beaches. So keep an eye out on your next vacation. They are particularly easy to do crafts with because they have a large area for sticking. You can also paint the flat stones in color.
Of course, not only flat stones can be painted. Above you can see a more elaborate picture, for which stones were transformed into houses and trees. Entire cities, villages and landscapes can be designed in this way. First paint the background and let it dry. In the meantime you can design the stones. Then everything just fits together nicely.
To ensure the color lasts longer, we also recommend sealing the stones with a clear varnish. In this mural, notice the way the sun was designed. Since you can't arrange rocks in this precise way, use the same color as the background. The rays come into their own so perfectly.
The stone images have a 3D effect as they protrude. You can emphasize this even more by adding other items. For this bouquet, for example, decorative fabric was also used, as is done with a real bouquet. The flowers are made from painted stones, while leaves can also be made from craft clay.
Here you can see another example of a coastal city. First the sea and the sunset were designed. The town even has a church and is surrounded by attractive cliffs. The green stones for trees make the picture look even more natural.
This peacock looks more complicated than it actually is to make. The interesting thing is that the tail is designed beyond the image and covers part of the frame. This is to prevent gaps. Making things more complicated is the background. However, you can also choose this differently.
This picture is particularly humorous. The motif of the bride and groom can also be replaced with another one. The picture originally covers the picture frame again. Come up with interesting motifs and use them to design the walls in any room. Choose Zen motifs for the bathroom or bedroom, fruit and vegetables for the kitchen and romantic ideas for the living room or make a friend or relative happy!
Also read:Would you like to do crafts with natural materials from the forest?