Make stone figures for the garden to design the outdoor area

If you feel your garden is too colorless in some places despite having colorful flower beds here and there, you can counteract this with some interesting decorations. There are tons of artistic objects such as sculptures, fountains or figures to buy. But we would like to introduce you to a variant that you can make yourself at home. They are stone figures for the garden that you can make from pebbles or river stones, decorating them with colors and images. Decorate different areas in the garden with such garden figures for a friendlier look.

You can easily make stone figures for the garden with a little paint, varnish and imagination. If you would like to paint the garden stone figures, you can use felt-tip pens in addition to paint and brushes to draw contours. Whether pictures or lettering, the stones are guaranteed to be great eye-catchers in your garden and attract everyone's attention.

This is also very originalIdea for the designof garden figures. Simple stamps and purple paint were used. Keep in mind that the stones outside will be exposed to both rain and strong sun. It is best to seal any type of motif and pattern with a transparent varnish. The shiny look also makes the figures more attractive.

You can use both small pebbles and river stones for the garden figures. It all depends on what you want to decorate and what type of design you choose. Small stones are good for patterns and smaller motifs, like this flower pot decoration. You can create entire pictures on large river stones.

Small houses in the middle of a lawn or a flower bed are very nice. The great thing is that such stone figures for the garden are not difficult to make. Above you can see a drawing guide that you can use as a basis for different houses. Create small villages or a play area for the children.

This cat looks incredibly real, but again it is just a picture on a large stone. You are welcome to try out such stone figures for the garden yourself. If you don't dare to undertake this project, you can also have such a stone made for you by an artist. Maybe you have a friend or relative who is good at painting.

Look how cheerful and colorful a green lawn looks when some decorative garden figurines are distributed. A classic of this type of stone figures are the ladybirds, as they are very easy to design. First the stone is painted entirely red. Once the paint has dried, it's the turn of the black elements. Finally, there are eyes and antennae in white.

You can also use this to label the garden wonderfully so that certain vegetables or spices can be found quickly. This way you can quickly send your child to the garden and be sure that they bring the right things with them. You can not only paint the stone, but also decorate it with other things.

Here you can see a stone made for the basil plants. The word “basil” was written on the stone with a wax crayon. Then colored dots were added. You can now seal this with varnish if you want. Then decorate the garden figures with glittering stones or other things.

If you can't draw or paint at all, you can use a different technique and make equally pretty garden figures. This refers to the so-called decoupage, in which you cut out the desired motif from a napkin and transfer it to the stone. If the stone is later left in the rain, a protective varnish is definitely recommended.

You can decorate the entrance door with such a homemade stone figure. Instead of a welcome doormat, place one of these stones near the door. How exactly you design these stone figures for the garden is entirely up to you. This idea is also a great option for a gift for friends who have just moved into their house.

Such garden figures are a similar variant. The house number is written on the stone, which can then be decorated with other motifs. The stone should be large enough so that the number can be seen immediately. This will do the postman a big favor. Decorate your home and garden with interesting stone projects.

Here you can see another example of the ladybug as well as other real animal motifs, this time in the form of tigers. The snail stone figures for the garden are also very funny. For the snails, you can combine river stones with craft clay, which you paint to match the stones. They undoubtedly make every bed particularly attractive.

If you want to have friends on your garden figures, especially at night, then choose fluorescent ones instead of ordinary paints or varnishes. Such luminous colors charge with the surrounding light during the day and then glow at night. There are different color variants that you can choose from or combine.

Combine clay potswith stones that you shaped like cacti. In this way you can decorate not only the garden but also the terrace or balcony. The garden figures are quick and easy to make. First color the stones green or red and then draw the spines with a thin brush.

It's not just the animal motifs that can seem very real. This cute elf seems to be inside the stone. With such garden figures you will amaze all visitors. These motifs are suitable for both large and smaller stones and can again be created by an artist. Maybe you can find suitable napkins and try out the decoupage technique.

A bird's nest with chicks is the perfect idea for a spring decoration. The figures can not only put you in a good mood outside, but can also be used indoors. For this idea, use a stone that is as round as possible. After all, its shape is said to resemble a nest. Again, don’t forget the napkin technique as an alternative.

Even children can paint flowers, so thisIdea for figuresfor the garden will not be a problem for you either. You can even design such stones together with your children, so that the little ones can later be proud when they look at their work in the garden. The colors and stone shapes don’t play a role here.

If you have a garden path made of gravel, then take some pebbles and create garden figures to spice up the gravel path. Create faces like this and place them in the middle of the path or distribute colorfully patterned stones and add interesting accents. There are absolutely no limits to your imagination.

You can also make cute cairns using small, flat river stones. Below we will explain to you how you can make the cute decoration yourself. The first thing you should do is get a natural stone glue for making decorations with stones. This glue is available at most craft stores. When purchasing, make sure that you choose a natural stone adhesive with immediate adhesion. So you can glue the stone figures and let them harden overnight. The next morning they are already ready. You can also use such glue to stick the stone figures to wood or paper. By the way, the adhesive is waterproof, which is why it is also suitable for use outdoors.

Here's how you can make cute cairns yourself: First, collect flat river stones of the right size with the children. When you get home, clean the stones with a brush and soap, wash them thoroughly under running water and place them on paper towels. Allow the stones to dry completely; the surface should be clean and dry. Then you can put the cute little men together and glue the garden figures. Allow the glue to dry and drill small holes in the center of the “body” of the cairn. Insert a kebab skewer into the hole and glue it in place. Then you can paint your cairns as you like and display them in flower pots, in the flower bed or in flower arrangements.

Not only can you make funny cairns, you can also create cute pictures with river stones and paints. You will also need the following materials: flat river stones, buttons, sand, leftover decorative ribbons, leftover satin ribbon and wool yarn. First draw the contours of the stone figures and plan the image in details. Then glue the stones onto white cardboard (cut the cardboard to fit a picture frame). Paint the picture and decorate it with the materials. There are no limits to your imagination! We offer you some suggestions for image compositions for inspiration

Surprise the family with a lovingly crafted gift: a family picture with a difference. Paint the faces of all family members on stones and make the body. Arrange the garden figures on white cardboard and glue them in place. Place the 3D picture in a pretty picture frame and hang it in the children's room or living room, or why not on the fridge. If you have small children, you can assign them the task of helping with the painting.