Make your own cabochon jewelry from finished glass or synthetic resin

Cabochons are elements made of glass that are used to make various types of jewelry. They are characterized by their magnifying glass-like shape, which gives the jewelry a particularly attractive look. If you would like to make cabochon jewelry yourself, there are a variety of options available to you. We would like to present some inspiration to you in this article. Create custom pendants, rings and earrings!

Glass cabochons can be purchased ready-made. This saves time and work, but you have to rely on the respective sizes and shapes. Another variant is to use synthetic resin for production. Both variants are perfect for crafting. They are made with self-poured synthetic resinOpportunities for designbut more diverse. But beginners can first try it with finished glass.

Since the glass itself isn't particularly attractive, you can dress it up a bit. And that's exactly what's so diverse about this craft idea. You can make cabochon jewelry yourself very easily by printing out any pictures and using them for design.

The images are then glued to the bottom of the cabochon. You can use transparent glue or transparent nail polish. Paint the top of the picture, stick it on top and let the glue or nail polish dry. You can then stick this decorative element onto ready-made rings or pendants that are available to purchase. Or you can drill a hole in it and use it to hang it on a chain.

Eyes are the window to the soul, as the saying goes. You can also use this motif if you want to make cabochon jewelry yourself. You can choose the shape of our human eyes as well as the shape of cat or dragon eyes. Again use finished images.

The images should be the size of the cabochon. It's easier if you use synthetic resin and match the stone to the picture. Cut out the eye image and cover it with transparent nail polish. After about 5 minutes, when the varnish has dried, apply another layer and use it to glue the cabochon in place. Before doing so, make sure that there are no fingerprints on the picture.

You can make your own earrings in a variety of ways. From ordinary connectors to long pendant designs, anything can be made with cabochon. These pretty vintage-style earrings are made from cabochon and pearls.

The individual elements you need are available to purchase, making production easier. If you are allergic to costume jewelry, make sure to choose silver when purchasing, for example. What type of beads you get depends on your taste. The cabochon can also be bought ready-made with a motif or you can make it yourself.

As complicated as the earrings look, they are really quick and easy to make. As the name suggests, the individual elements are connected to each other using connecting rings. Of course you can also come up with your own design. You also decide the order yourself.

If you stick the cabochon on a ring or pendant, you can use this to create attractive patterns and images yourself. If you use this idea, nail polish will come to your rescue again. Paint the surface in any color, create marble effects or add glitter to imitate a galaxy. Then glue the cabochon onto the pendant.

If you have decided to make the cabochon your own way, it is best to use transparent synthetic resin. This is poured liquid into a mold in which it then dries. One of the many advantages of this variant is that you can determine the shape yourself and do not have to follow the variants from the shops.

In addition, you can fill the resin with various objects. This creates truly unique designs that no one will imitate so quickly. A great idea is to use dried flowers. On our site we have articles for you that explain how to dry flowers correctly. Fresh flowers are also suitable.

You can also combine flowers with other elements or replace them. Create any arrangements and receive individual and unique jewelry that you can even give as a gift. You can also come up with lettering. It all depends on your imagination.

If you have decided on ear studs, get a suitable plug and matching cabochons. You can also make the latter yourself. If you try this idea, you can also make several pieces of jewelry at once to make the most of the materials and waste as little as possible.

Use a high-quality glue that holds well so that you can enjoy your jewelry for a long time. You also use glue to attach the cabochon to the stud of your future earring. This plug can also be used to hold onto something while you're doing crafts.

Decorate the earring with the popular marble pattern. You can get this in simple steps. Put water in a container and drip some nail polish into it. This floats on the surface of the water. You can then use a toothpick to shape the nail polish as desired and create patterns. Dip the earring lightly into the water (where there is nail polish). The nail polish now forms an attractive pattern on the earring. Let it dry and seal with a transparent varnish.

You can also conveniently color synthetic resin if the transparent look is too boring for you. To do this, simply mix a few drops of paint with the resin. Then continue working as you would with transparent synthetic resin.

In the same way you get such glittering cabochons. The resin is simply mixed with glitter of any color and then poured into a mold to set. If you don't have a mold, you can also spread blobs on baking paper. Due to their irregular shape, the cabochons look like natural stones. Not everything has to look perfect and flawless.

As already mentioned, you can fill the cabochons with any objects during production. We also find this idea very original, in which a connecting ring was chosen. Beads or other elements used to make jewelry can also be used.