Decoration with mosaic tinkering for the garden

Who after creativeDeco ideas for the gardenSearch that you can do yourself and which are also durable makes the right choice with mosaic. The mosaic stones are perfect for tinkering, because with them you can design a wide variety of areas, spice up furniture and make pretty accents such as steps. If you would also like to tinker with the mosaic for the garden, take a look at our tips with the basics and the subsequent inspirations that you can imitate. Incidentally, mosaic children inspire children no less than adults, so they can wonderfully join their project day and make their own creations.

Crafting mosaic for the garden - how do you work with the stones?

Crafting with mosaic for the garden is easier than you might think. On the one hand, there are entire sets that are intended for concrete things, for example for lanterns, coasters with shape for filling and other that also contain stones and everything else. You can also get the necessary materials individually and use things from the household as forms (e.g. coasters for flower pots or flat shells). Instead of special mosaic stones, broken old tiles or glass stone can be used. Concrete is suitable for gluing, but also a mosaic cement, which you mix according to package instructions.

The designed design then let you dry well, whereupon you can grout the mosaic. To do this, use joint mass. Silicone glue can also be used to glue the stones if you only cover a surface with mosaic stones and do not want to water new shapes and figures. It is best to get advice in this regard in a handicraft or construction shop.

Make garden decorations from mosaic yourself

Now that you know what you need on the whole, if you tinker with mosaic for the garden, you can almost get started. You just have to think about what exactly you want to make. A few steps of steps, which are also in small sizeTo hang outare suitable? Or a nicely decorated flower pot or side table? A few ideas follow with mosaic stones that you can imitate.

Tritt stones with finished panels

  • Siliconekleber
  • Optional acrylic spray for sealing
  • Mosaic stones, glass stone or tile shards
  • Concrete paving stone
  • Craft concrete
  • Gloves
  • old rag/cloth
  • Kitchen paper

Before you make the mosaic for the garden, put your stones ready and start to think of any design. To do this, arrange the stones on the plate and you can always exchange and replace and experiment as much as you want. As soon as you are satisfied with the design, you can fix the mosaic stones with glue. Then let the glue dry. Then mix the concrete and distribute it around the stones to fix them and create a flat surface (don't forget the gloves).

Try to design a uniform transition between the new concrete and the plate so that it cannot be seen that the mosaic was only added later. You will also pamper the mosaic when it comes to grouting, but this is not bad. With the kitchen or toilet paper, just wipe them clean. Then moisten the prepared rag, put it over the plate and let the concrete dry. The moisture of the lap is intended to prevent the concrete from drying and tearing too quickly. Finally, you can seal the design if you want.

Make steps yourself

You canMake the steps yourself, if you tinker with a mosaic for the garden by filling a flower pot coaster (for round models) with concrete and drying. Then use the plate obtained in this way as described above to implement the DIY with mosaic. If you would also like to add a handprint, use gloves or wash your hands immediately.

DIY Gartendeko Ideas - Mosaic stick on a flowerpot

In the same way you can alsoPretty flower potsCrafting with mosaic tinker for the garden and thus spect up your terrace. Use stones in strong colors for summer feeling or neutral for a less dramatic look. If you use particularly small mosaic stones, you can also use tweezers to arrange it. In this project, however, you cannot experiment with the design such as on a flat plate, but glue the individual parts of one after the other directly. Let the glue dry (regardless of whether you used silicone or concrete). Then you can use the mosaic and display your mosaic flower pot.

Incidentally, not only flower pots can be designed in this way. How about if you like in the picture abovefrom concrete stonesPlant tank with mosaic tinkering for the garden? You can then plant the two holes as desired. Instead of the usual wooden walls, raised beds can also receive those made from panels, decorated with mosaic.

Several such concrete blocks can also be arranged side by side as a bedding orFor a raised bed.

Or how about if you redesign the old vase and finally make it decorative again? If the vase also adds drip holes, you can even use them as a bucket and plant larger plants. But even without flowers and plants, the self -designed vase will simply look wonderful.

Motifs on stones from mosaic tinker for the garden

Are these stones not just beautiful? You can easily make them with mosaic for the garden by first looking for a large stone and cleaning it thoroughly. Once it has dried, you can shape any motif on the stone with concrete. Do not make this layer too thick, because then the layer with the stones and joints is added. How would a heart, a star, a paw or a simple circle? Then easily press the mosaic stones into this motif and let the concrete dry well. Alternatively, you can also let the concrete dry and then glue the stones later. At the end and you can display any mosaic stone in the garden.

Look for mosaicIdeas for children, the idea with the stones is also ideal. The little ones can either create their own designs or stick a motif they have shown with the stones. Mary beetles are, for example, suitable motifs. The above are again a little easier to implement.

DIY Gartendeko Make yourself with wood and mosaic stones

With muralsYou can not only design the terrace, but different areas of your garden. Does the shed still have a bare wall? Or would you like to spice up the privacy screen a little? How about if you tinker with mosaic on wood? For this purpose, you can put several boards together and nail together or screw together with the help of thin strips. You could also use the table top of an old, small side table, for example. That would be a great idea for a DIY garden decoration with upcycling.

Would you like to make a picture with mosaic tinkering for the garden, clean the surface and stick the stones in the selected pattern or motif. If you want, you can first draw the desired motif with a felt pen or Edding and stick to these lines when arranging. You can then use the joints between the stones, but you don't have to. Of course, such a mural is also suitable for the interior or the terrace.

Other mural ideas

Integrate a mirror into your mosaic design and hang this weatherproof creation on the terrace or another free wall in the garden. A piece of jewelry that is also useful!

For the mosaic decoration in the garden, you can come up with a wide variety of motifs. It is best to fit the season thematically. As you can see, murals can not only be designed on wood. You can use any kind of plates and become really creative on it.

Mosaic tinker bird potions

A bird drinks or a bird bath is already a pretty decoration for the garden. But if these are also decorated with mosaic, they turn into real eye -catchers. We have already told you how to use an old CD's and DVD's a bird drinking with mosaic for the garden.This guideYou can also use to design them with mosaic stones.

Mosaikically do yourself

A mosaic table is very practical for the outdoor area, especially if it also consists of a weather -resistant material. The table top that you with mosaicHandicrafts for the garden, is not only pretty to look at and unique, but also easy to care for. Make sure you use suitable stones depending on what the table should be used for. The rounded glass stone, for example, do not form a flat surface, so that the plate is not suitable for parking glasses. They absolutely use mosaics. Otherwise, crumbs and other dirt collect, which over time glue and become unsightly.

You knowThese cable drums? They are very popular to produce small side or coffee tables and only need a new coat of paint for this. However, since we have put together ideas for which you can use mosaic to make the garden, we would of course also like to recommend a variant. Depending on which style you strive for or which color combinations have the rest of your garden and terrace furnishings, you can also choose the colors of the stones. It looks great both monochrome models as well as colorful or color-colored or those with combinations of 2-3 colors.

Mushrooms with mosaic tinkering for the garden

We have already shown you mushrooms as a garden decoration to do it yourself and you have oneInstructions for imitationgiven. How about doing mosaic on the finished concrete mushrooms? This makes the decoration even more interesting and colorful and you can use it to set accents in green beds and in the middle of the lawn. To do this, simply proceed as with the steps and flower pots: stick the stones tight, let the glue dry and then pull the tile pattern.

Garden decoration DIY - upcycling of old dishes

Have you broken some dishes? Don't throw it away right away, because with the broken glass you can make great mosaics! Combine thatold dishesBut it is best to use other things that they no longer use, such as the old spade. They clean them thoroughly again and then glue it with the dishes. Incidentally, the same applies to tiles. After tiling, there are always a few remains from the cuts, which you can then break and use as a mosaic stones for the garden.