How to decorate a great bird bath with DVDs

If you love projects that give you the opportunity to touch up old things, then you'll definitely like this one. This also allows you to recycle, as you can change the purpose of your old blanks that you no longer need.

In the following instructions you will learn how to decorate a bird bath with DVDs as a mosaic, of coursealso unusable CDssuitable for this. You may already have a bird bath in your yard. But if not, you can buy one from a garden center. If it contains a few breaks, there is no need to worry. Namely, you can use a special material called epoxy that will repair the cracks in the birdbath. In terms of materials, you should only use the silver side as it creates a pretty, shimmering effect.


To decorate the birdbath with DVDs, start by cutting the blanks into 6 or 7 equal pieces without separating them from the center piece. Then, break out each individual piece by hand and repeat until you have enough pieces to cover the birdbath. To preserve the shine of the shimmer side, use a shine spray on each piece. Once the pieces are dry, begin gluing them to the surface of the birdbath. Once the glue has dried, apply some joint mix to fill the cracks in between. This way you protect the birds while they take a bath. The project is now finished and you can go outside to the garden to look for a suitable place for this unique decoration.

The instructions for the decoration process

Decorate using different techniques

Another idea