If you need a new nightstand but don't necessarily want to buy a new one, you can make one yourself. You may have also noticed how small the nightstands that are sold are. This would be a problem especially if you have a high bed. There are so many different designs on the internet, but once you see the table in real life and put it on the floor, it only reaches up to your knee at most.
For this reason, it might be better if you make it yourself. For the DIY nightstand in this article, you will need a cardboard tube, two round wooden panels, and strips of shimmery vinyl.
It's that easy to build it yourself
You can decide for yourself which diameter you choose for the pipe. For this oneInstructions20 cm was chosen. If you want, you can also choose a thicker pipe. That depends entirely on your taste. From the total length of the pipe (usually about 1 meter or a little more), cut a 70 cm long piece to make the stand. To do this, measure it precisely beforehand and mark the place where the pipe should be cut.
Once you've cut into the pipe, you can insert a small saw into the hole and cut around once. A pruning saw may be best for this. You'll find that this little saw can come in handy for many other projects too. You can also use it to cut the circle for the foot. It cuts through 6mm wide MDF with ease.
Cut the tube for the table leg
You can buy the round wooden plate that will serve as a table top ready-made. It should be 60 cm wide. This way you will have plenty of space on the DIY bedside table. Place the pipe in the middle of the wooden plate. Use a pencil to draw a circle around the pipe. Screw a few pieces of wood inside the circle.
Remove the excess piece
Now place the table top on the pipe and screw the pipe onto the pieces of wood.
Attach the wooden plate that will serve as a base to the other end of the pipe in the same way. In this example, this plate is slightly smaller than the table top (45-46 cm). But that also depends on your taste. Of course you can also make them the same size. Plus, it doesn't necessarily have to be made of wood. If you want to save additional money, you can also choose MDF and cut a circle out of it.
Attach the table top and base
Spray paint the DIY nightstand with white paint. If you want the table to have a shiny effect, you can also spray it with a shine spray. The white color is sufficient for the pipe, as ultimately not much of it will be visible.
While you wait for the paint to dry, you can remove streaks from theVinylcut. Lots of stripes! You'll need about 25 of these, so get to work.
Screw the tube onto the table top
Attach the strips to the bedside table as shown in the photo. The distance between the strips is approximately 2.5 cm. You can use thumbtacks to attach. But if you prefer something a little more fashionable, just use some pretty upholstery nails.
The assembled bedside table
Now wrap another strip around the middle of the stand like a belt and secure the ends with a foldback staple. Place the long, hanging strips alternately behind the “belt”: one strip in front, the next behind, then one strip again in front and so on.
Paint the DIY bedside table and decorate it with vinyl
Pull each strip under table so they are smooth and tight. Temporarily secure each strip with tape until you are sure of the spacing and tightness. If you are happy with the look, you can replace the adhesive strip with staples. You can now remove the foldback clamp and staple the belt to the pipe.
And your new DIY bedside table is ready! Have fun trying it out and using it later!
Prepare the vinyl strips
Attach the vinyl strips with thumbtacks