If you like your home to smell of pleasant aromas, you can also use wonderfully natural scents instead of the chemical versions. The small scented sachets are particularly practical and quick to make as an alternative to potpourri, with which you can scent every area of the home, including the wardrobe or even your shoes. If the scent in your home isn't enough for you, then put some of the small bags in your car too. But how do you make scented sachets and what do you fill scented sachets with? You will find out in today's article. You can easily make scented sachets yourself!
What kind of bag?
In principle it doesn't matter what type of bag or bag you use. It is important that the material you use is permeable to air so that the scent can flow out easily and the herbs can breathe. Otherwise, if there is moisture, the filling could start to mold. You can use ready-made bags to tie up or sew some yourself. Sewing in this case is very simple and can be mastered even by beginners.
A wide variety of fragrant herbs and flowers are suitable for filling. Lavender is particularly popular for filling scented sachets. For scented sachets with lavender, but also for all other herbs, the filling must be dried well in advance. The scent mixture for scented sachets can be individually designed depending on what you like or what benefits you want the scented sachet to bring you. If you are wondering how many grams of lavender are needed for a scented sachet, you should know that there is no rule. It depends on the strength of the scent you want and the size of the bag.
Rose scented sachets with rose petals are another variant. If you would like to make herb scented sachets yourself, you can use ones that have a calming or even healing effect. Therefore they are often placed in bed (e.g. under the pillow). We have a short list of some herbs and a description of what they are used for.
–AnisHelps against nightmares, but should be used sparingly in the scented sachet
– DieMarigoldguarantees a quiet and peaceful sleep
–Catnipis also used to improve sleep and is particularly suitable for children and babies
– DieCedar leaf tipsBanish bad dreams if you make your own scented sachets with them
–Chamomile flowersrelax and improve sleep at the same time
–hophave a healing effect and also ensure a peaceful sleep
–Jasmine flowersare dried and evoke romantic dreams, especially in women
–Lavendelblütenreduce stress, calm down and relax. Therefore, entire pillows are often filled with lavender
– DieLemon balmis known to reduce anxiety and helps with insomnia, banish headaches and reduce stress
- Themugworthas a protective effect
– DieMulleinprotects against nightmares
–Rose petalsadd loving and peaceful thoughts to dreams
–RosemaryBanishes bad dreams, but should be used sparingly as it has a very strong scent
Filled with crystals
To improve the effect of the herbs even further, you can also combine them with crystals. Quartz is very popular. Amethyst, rose quartz or lepidolite are also suitable. It's best to create a mix that helps against various negative emotions and sleep with the bag. However, if you only want it to serve as a source of pleasant scent, you can also distribute the pillows and bags in other areas.
How do I make scented sachets?
You can make scented sachets out of linen if you want to achieve a somewhat rustic flair. Linen is also quite easy to work with. With this example you can also make your first lavender scented sachets yourself. First, get the fabric, any herbs or petals, scissors, needle and thread, or sewing machine.
To make a bag you need two pieces of the same size of the chosen fabric (in this case linen). You choose the shape yourself. The scented sachet can be rectangular, round or even heart-shaped. We have instructions for the latter below. Pre-cut the pieces of fabric depending on the number of bags you want to make so you have everything ready right away.
Place two pieces of linen on top of each other and start sewing the edges together. You can do this by hand or with a sewing machine to finish faster. If you carry out this step to make your own scented sachet, don't forget to leave an opening free to fill the sachet with the scented mixture. Once you have done this, close this opening and the scented sachet is ready.
You are welcome to make the scented sachets yourself using materials you already have at home. Fabric handkerchiefs, for example, are very suitable. If you are sewing both pieces of fabric (in this case handkerchiefs) together, you can attach and secure them together with pins beforehand so that they do not slip while sewing.
Dried herbs for scented sachets
Proceed again as with the linen bag. With handkerchiefs you can make larger scented sachets yourself and save the step of having to cut the pieces to size. Therefore, you can also create a larger mix. You can also combine herbs with dried flowers for scented sachets.
DIY idea in the shape of a heart
If you would like to make a lovely scented sachet yourself that is shaped like a heart, simply follow these instructions. You can use scraps of fabric and create such a patchwork design. Place as many pieces together as you like to find the perfect combination. If you are happy with it, sew the fabrics together. Then place a second piece of fabric underneath to form the back.
Make a template
To ensure that the heart is even, it is best to prepare a template. Use sturdy paper or cardstock and trace the heart onto the fabric. Sew both fabrics together along this line. Here too, don't forget the opening through which you fill the bag and which you then close. Simply cut off the excess fabric with scissors.
These pyramid-shaped bags are also very original. They are also made easier than they might look. Scented sachets are suitable as a gift for any occasion and simply need to be adjusted. If you want to make these for Christmas, add cinnamon and dried orange peel to the scented sachet. The scented sachets for Christmas should create a Christmas atmosphere with their aroma.
Of course, the fabric should also be chosen depending on the occasion. Both colors and motifs create the right mood. Once you have found something suitable, cut it into a rectangular shape like this. Then take a piece of string, make a loop at one end and place it in the middle of the piece of fabric. In this way you get scented sachets in the form of pendants
Then fold the rectangle in half to create a square. The string is now on one of the sides. The motifs that are supposed to decorate the outside are initially on the inside. The material will be turned inside out later. As a precaution, you can secure the edges again with pins before the next step. Next is sewing.
Now sew the edges together. Leave one side open for filling. Then you can also prepare your scent mixture. A great recipe is a mix of lavender, eucalyptus, lemon balm, peppermint and chamomile. But you don't have to use all scents. To enhance the scent you can also add a few dropsessential oilof lavender, geranium and lemon.
Before filling the bag, take an iron and fold the edges inwards as shown. Since fabric doesn't fold easily, the heat of the iron will help you greatly with this. As you can see, all you need are household supplies. Your children are welcome to help you with the crafts. However, you should do the sewing and ironing.
Now the scented sachet is formed. To do this, the open side is sewn together in the opposite direction of the opposite side. Start sewing again. Now the time has come when you leave the small opening free for filling. Turn the pyramid inside out and fill it with the scent mix. A funnel is also a great tool. Insert this into the opening.
Once you have filled it with enough herbs or petals, all you have to do is close the hole. While you could previously use the sewing machine, this step must be done by hand. You are welcome to incorporate Velcro so that you can open the bag again if necessary and fill it with a fresh fragrance mixture.
If it is a gift or made for a special occasion, you can make it more personal by embroidering it. With a piece of wool thread you can incorporate any words and lettering and give the recipient a special treat. Let your imagination run wild when you make scented sachets yourself.
If you want to be surrounded by your favorite scents, you can make scented sachets yourself quickly and easily, even without any fabric or sewing. You probably have coffee filters in stock at home. What do you think about using coffee filters to diffuse pleasant scents? First cut off the top of the filter and the excess fold if you find it annoying. Now you can choose the scent and mix different herbs and spices. The possible variations are almost endless. Thyme, rose petals, lemon or lavender, feel free to experiment and create your own individual scent. Then add equal parts herbs and baking soda to the coffee filter and tie it closed with a ribbon.
Do you love the delicate, wonderful scent of lilac? Then you can make the scent mixture yourself and conjure up a unique room or wardrobe scent so that you can enjoy the refreshing scent for longer. Pick different types of lilacs and remove the flowers from the stem. Then place them on a cloth on the windowsill to dry. While the lilac flowers are dry, you can make the scented sachets. It's up to you whether you make a fabric bag, sew a fine organza bag or maybe crochet one. The crocheted scented sachets let the scent through quite well and look great. To do this, crochet two pieces of the same size and sew them together at the end. Alternatively, you can make an elongated piece. Simply fold it over and sew it closed at the sides. You can use a gift ribbon or cord to tie it. If the lilac has already dried, you can fill the bags and tie them shut. To make the fabric scented sachets, you can grind the flowers in a mortar.
Depending on the season, you can create different herbal mixtures that suit a specific occasion. In winter you can make scented sachets with a nice Christmas scent as small party favors and pamper your loved ones. For the winter scent mixture you will need, for example, dried, chopped apple slices, cinnamon, dried cranberries, nutmeg chopped into several pieces, allspice and cloves. Mix all the ingredients together well and fill the small bags with them.
If you have chosen a white or transparent organza bag, you can also color the herb and flower mixture according to your taste and preferences. If you like the red and pink nuances, you can use hydrangea flowers, pink lavender, fuchsia or rose buds. For example, you can get a yellow fragrance mixture from lady's mantle, yellow gladioli and marigold flowers. A blue or purple mix is made from lavender, hydrangeas and delphiniums. For a green mixture you can use peppermint, sage and rosemary. For example, white roses, daisies and wild carrots have white flowers. If you choose flowers and leaves that do not have an intense scent, you can intensify the scent with a few drops of a fragrance oil. You can choose the essential oils according to your taste. Lavender, geranium, roses, cedar or pine needles smell very pleasant. You can use violet root powder from the pharmacy to fix the scent.
If you like the distinctive scent of roses, you can prepare a mixture of dried rose petals, lavender flowers, rosemary needles, crushed bay leaves, nutmeg, cinnamon and ground orris root to fix it. Mix the dried ingredients in a sealable container and add 2-3 drops of rose oil. Close the container and let the mixture steep well. Shake the jar every now and then.
For variants that contribute to relaxation, lavender blossoms, orange blossoms, lemon balm, chamomile blossoms, fennel blossoms and hop blossoms are ideal for this. If you would like a room scent in your study that increases your ability to concentrate, you can make a scented sachet with peppermint, lavender, thyme, basil, lemon balm, rosemary and lemon verbena.