Make a fairy from any materials – ideas for children and adults

Fairies fascinate children, but adults also like to use them in the form of figures to decorate the home and even the garden. A great example of this are the romantic mini gardens and fairy doors. If you would like to make your little ones happy for one or more afternoons, you can take up this topic and make different versions of fairies with them, for which a wide variety of materials can also be used. We have put together some interesting ideas and instructions on how you can make a fairy in the following lines. Have a lot of fun during your free time together!

Make a fairy out of corks and fabric

  • The cork
  • Fabric for the dress
  • transparent fabric for the wings (wide gift ribbon)
  • To want
  • Glue
  • black felt-tip pen

Let's start with a particularly simple idea that toothe children easilycan implement. You need a cork that you paint white. A small rectangular piece of fabric, which should be slightly wider than the circumference of the cork, is then wrapped around the cork and glued in place. Decorate the transition from fabric to cork with a ribbon. For the hair, cut a few pieces of wool. These are then tied together in the middle with a piece of string and can be glued to the cork. Then form loops for the wings from the wide gift ribbon and glue them to the back. All you need are two dots for the eyes and you're done!

made of felt and with wooden figures as a basis

  • Wooden figures
  • Watercolors
  • felt
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Glitter stones and other decorations as desired

For this idea you can use wooden figures as a basis. This of course makes the work a lot easier. The figures can be ordered on Ebay, for example, but may also be found in your craft store. Use the colors to color the wooden body. Leave the head in the natural wood color. Let them dry and prepare the felt clothing. You can see how the coat should be cut in the picture above. Of course you can also try other variants.

Finally you need the wreath for the head, which is also made of felt. The length should correspond to the circumference of the ball. This is glued to the ball so that the spikes protrude upwards and resemble a crown. Now you can create the cape with additional decorations and also paint a face if you want. The little ones can now play with the finished figures.

Idea with wooden spoon

These funny fairies consist of a wooden spoon that is transformed into a fairy with felt and paper or fabric. Some paints are also necessary to paint the face when making the fairy. In principle, you can let your imagination run wild here. Children can make the fairy's clothes out of paper by tracing them, cutting them out and then gluing them onto the spoon. Of course, scraps of fabric can also be used for this purpose.

Fairies made from fairy tale wool

You can felt fairies using so-called fairy tale wool. At first the technique will seem a bit complicated, but once you get the hang of it, you will have made lots of fairy figures in no time. You can make a fairy out of fairytale wool using a wide variety of colors. You are welcome to let your imagination run wild. Below is a video guide that can help you get started as a beginner.

made from natural materials

We think this idea is particularly cute, for which you simply use wood and pine cones. A wooden bead and a pine cone are designed in any color. Acrylic paint is well suited for this. The tenon can also be painted with spray paint. The cone is then glued to a wooden disc, and the wooden bead, which you have already decorated with hair and face, is placed on the pine cone.

You can make wings in different ways. Artificial leaves in the desired color are suitable, or you can collect real small leaves in autumn or another season, dry them and, if necessary, dye them. Some of the materials can be replaced by others. Acorns, for example, are also wonderfully suitable because they even have a hat.

Make mobiles

For a mobile with “flying” fairies you need a wooden ring on which you can hang the fairy figures and of course fairies. The latter are best drawn on cardboard, colored and cut out and then attached with string for hanging. The wings are best made separately so that they can later be folded to create a 3D effect. Instead of cardboard, you can also use another material such as felt, stronger fabric or even foam rubber. You will receive a beautiful decoration that you can use for the children's room.

Make your own flower fairies

  • Wooden beads
  • various artificial flowers
  • wire
  • Colors
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue

You will need the individual petals of the artificial flowers if you want to make this type of fairy. You can put these together as you wish to create a fairy dress. You can find detailed instructions in pictures at the end of our article. When winding and crafting with the wire, a lot of things have to be taken into account so that all the individual elements are held together well. Thanks to the wire, you can hang the finished flower fairies anywhere in the room.

Flower Fairy Instructionshere.