Make window decorations in autumn – 15 craft ideas for children

Autumn is slowly coming with all the falling leaves on the trees in warm tones from yellow to orange to red. What a great idea would it be to make an autumn window decoration with all these leaves and other natural materials with the children?

It's child's play and the fun collaboration creates many beautiful decorative elements. It would also be a creative idea to welcome the most colorful season with a little color on the window pane.

Leaves in warm colors such as red, orange, yellow and brown can be found in nature and in the park. If you prefer to use other materials, you can use decorative paper in different colors. Use scissors to create beautiful decorative elements and to ensure that they all have the same shape, it is best to use a stencil. Otherwise, ask the hobby store for sheets that have already been cut out or a punch. Just choose the right size and color.

You can make beautiful motifs yourself using punches. Natural autumn leaves in different shapes create great little figures that can be stuck anywhere. The kids would definitely love oneautumnal window decorationcraft. Simply attach them to the window pane with some tape or a removable adhesive.

Another great idea for simple and creative window decorationActivities for small childrenis to make autumn leaves out of painted egg carton. We throw away egg cartons every day and they are easy to find. Just look for one that is relatively white. Do this interesting project with your children and ensure great social moments together.

The following craft project that we would like to present to you is suitable for children of all ages. For this beautiful autumn leaves mobile you will need brushes, autumnal acrylic paints, an egg carton or an empty box from the fruit and vegetable department in which fruits and vegetables are stored. You will also need yarn, scissors and glitter. Don't offer the children too many colors so that all the autumn leaves don't end up looking like they've been painted brown. Actually, red and yellow are enough.

Have the children put the colors directly into the egg box and paint over them with the brush. While the paint is still wet, you can sprinkle gold glitter over it. Let the cardboard box dry and cut out leaves. Older children can do this all on their own. The natural curve of the cardboard makes the sparkling autumn leaves look real. Then thread a thread through each leaf and let the garlands hang from a tree branch. The mobile is now finished and can be hung on the window, where it spreads a great atmosphere into the room with its strong colors.

You can also conjure up colorful autumn garlands from real autumn leaves. Collect leaves of different sizes in great autumnal shades and thread them on. Hang the garlands on the window to create a beautiful view. You can also design the garlands with dried leaves and beads in different colors and sizes. If you want, you can thread the beads onto a satin ribbon and tie the leaves between the individual beads with some craft wire. However, a bit of sensitivity is required here so that the thin sheets do not tear. If you want, you can spice up the pretty garland with other natural materials. You can also thread some beech nuts, for example.

*a DIY idea fromThe imagination Tree

Another great idea is theseWindow pictures with different motifsthat you can make together with your children. For this you will need construction paper in orange or red, self-adhesive book wrapping film, tissue paper in autumnal colors, as well as scissors and a pen. First, paint pumpkins on the construction paper and cut out the outline as a frame. Also trace it onto the backing paper of the film. Now you can peel off the backing paper and stick on the frame. Have your child cut out pieces of paper or make scraps of paper from the colorful tissue paper and place them on the foil. Then place the second layer of adhesive film on top.

Press the window picture lightly and use it to decorate the windows in your apartment. As an alternative to adhesive film, you can of course use tracing paper and glue. You can create similar images in different colors, shapes and patterns. Autumn leaves that you have pressed into a thick book for a week can also be made into a round or rectangular, large or small window picture. How you arrange the leaves is of course up to you and makes your decoration unique. Following the same steps, you can design a peacock or an acorn. A hedgehog, apples or pears are also great motifs.

Another great idea is the fall foliage owls. Collect autumn leaves and get colorful construction paper. Using a large glass, draw circles on the sheets of paper and cut them out. The large circle will be the owl's body. Now you need two circles each of three different sizes from which you can put together the large eyes with pupils. Small triangles serve as beaks and you can make wings from autumn leaves. You can decorate windows and balcony doors for autumn with the colorful owls. This simple craft project is also a great craft activity that young and old children can get involved with.