You've bought or made really great gifts and you can't wait to see your loved ones' surprised and happy faces when they unwrap them. But so that you can unpack them, they of course have to be nicely packaged first. This is a challenge, especially with things that weren't delivered or sold in a box, and if you just don't have the talent to fold and glue wrapping paper nicely, you need a simple alternative. We have just the thing for you: templates and craft instructions for a Christmas gift box in which you can store small things. Have fun crafting!
Make your own pyramid box with a printable template
Do you find the classic rectangular or square models a little too boring? Or is the gift to be wrapped a little taller in shape and would not fit in such a box? Pyramid-shaped boxes are the solution! And with our templates, crafting becomes onePackaging for the Christmas presentalso a piece of cake!
Print out the template on paper of any color and cut out the shape. If you want to make your box from thicker cardboard that won't be accepted by the printer, you can also print the shape on regular paper, cut it out, and then trace the outline onto the selected cardboard. Then fold the shape in the designated places, using a ruler to get straight folds.
Then punch holes in the tips of the four sides and thread string through them to tie them. Alternatively, you could add glue to the tabs and stick them together to seal the gift box for Christmas.
The PDF to print outcan be found here.
Gift box for Christmas – pyramid-shaped motif templates
You will find a colored version above, in case you have a color printer, and a white template below that you can print out, cut out and then use as a template for the paper or cardboard you have selected. If you decide on the second option, you can also use the motifs that we offer you. These can also be cut out and then glued to the sides of the pyramid. Or maybe you can find another use for them.
Fold all pages along the dotted line in the same direction, for example by placing the paper in front of you with the nice side facing up and then folding everything down/inside. Apply the glue to the outer surfaces of the tabs so that they can then stick to the inside of the triangular sides.
Print the template in color or whitehereout of.
Classic rectangular box
This box is no less easy to make and you proceed in the same way as with the pyramid. Print out the colored model or white template to transfer onto any paper.
Make a gift box for Christmas with practical templates
Decorate gift packaging with motifs
You can find the free template with picturesin this PDF file.
Christmas gift box in cube shape
The cube shape of gift boxes can also be used universally, as it offers space for a variety of gift shapes. You know what follows: Simply print and/or transfer and fold and tape in the designated places. Easy and perfect for a last minute project!
Print and make for free
Motifs for gift labels or to decorate packaging
The templates for the square boxis here.
Cool box with handle for Christmas presents
No matter which Christmas gift box you make yourself, the most practical thing about them is that they can be used again and again as long as you don't glue them completely shut. This is what the Christmas box doesmore sustainable than conventional wrapping paperfor example and a good alternative to purchased gift bags, which are not always available in a sufficiently small size. And with this model you even get handles that give the package an even more interesting look.
Gift box ideas for additional design
Print the templateshereout of.