DIY gift idea for teachers – make useful gifts yourself

The teacher is an important person for the children. He accompanies the little ones and later toothe big childrenover several years and of course deserves a little recognition for that. No matter whether it's a birthday, the first day of school or a farewell when changing schools, a small gift is always appropriate and every teacher will be happy - even more so if it is made by yourself. That's why today we want to share with you some ideas for teacher gifts. No matter which teacher gift idea you choose, the gesture is guaranteed to bring joy.

Vase made of colored pencils

A colorful vase, which adorns the teacher's desk or a shelf in the classroom, is a really nice gift idea for teachers, don't you think? And it doesn't necessarily have to be the classic materials such as glass, ceramic or even plastic. You can also make a creative vase as a gift for teachers using colored pencils and it works really easily. You need:

  • large, empty can
  • Colored pencils
  • Hot glue and gun
  • Band
  • Cut flowers
  • optional: paper and felt-tip pens, string

First, place the colored pencils together on the table in any order. If you follow the order as in the packaging, you will get a smooth transition from color to color like a rainbow. Then place the can upright in front of you and stickthe colored pencilsone at a time with the hot glue to the side. The tin should therefore stand upright so that the colored pencils do not stick together and can form a flat surface on which to set up the vase.

Once you've attached all the crayons (for the last few you may need to leave more space between them so you don't end up with a big gap), tie a pretty ribbon around the vase and tie a bow. Now you can have one moreMake cards, If you want. Use the felt-tip pens to write down a greeting, congratulations or a simple “thank you” and then tie it with string or attach it to the vase with glue. Fill the vase with water and place flowers in it.

Modern flower pot painted by yourself

If you would rather give away plants that will live for a long time, you can also create a flower pot instead of a vase. The plant can then decorate the classroom and make it even friendlier. In principle you canTerracotta potscan be painted however you like. As an example, we will show you a mountain landscape that looks modern and stylish.

  • clay pots
  • Succulents or any other plants
  • Potting soil
  • Acrylic paints and brushes
  • Paper tape
  • optional: paper, felt-tip pens and string

Paint the outside of the pot and plate with white paint. This layer of paint should dry after about 2 to 5 minutes. You can also use a hairdryer if you don't want to wait that long. Then you can use the tape to cover tall triangles that represent mountain peaks. Of course you can also paint these freehand. Then take the lightest of the chosen colors and paint the masked areas. Let the paint dry again.

Now you can mask off the next row of mountains. The tips should be slightly offset from the first and lower. Also choose the next darkest color and let this layer of paint dry. Finally, add the third and lowest row. The pretty gift idea for teachers is almost ready. All you have to do now is plant the plant you have chosen and then, if you want, you can make a card out of the paper and put it around itself-designed potbind. Alternatively, a plug like the one in the example also looks very nice.

Cool ballpoint pens as teacher gifts

A teacher can rarely have enough pens. That's why they're the perfect gift idea for teachers. But because the ones you buy usually look rather boring, we'll now show you how you can redesign them using simple means. And since we were on the topic of “succulents”, let’s stick with it. So you can take ballpoint pens with youartificial succulentsMake as little gifts for teachers:

  • artificial succulents with wire stems
  • Ballpoint pen
  • Hot glue and gun
  • Craft glue or superglue
  • Floristenband
  • Mason jar (made of glass and plastic)
  • Pebbles
  • Yarn
  • optional: acrylic paint and adhesive tape

Tape the bottom third of the jar and paint the bottom portion any color you like. This step is optional. While the paint is drying, make the pens. First, hold the succulents on the side of the ballpoint pen and wrap them tightly with florist's tape. Add a drop of hot glue here and there to hold the ribbon in place. Then fill the glass with the pebbles and insert the finished ballpoint pens into it. You can then attach a farewell card for teachers or a congratulations or thank you card to the glass.

Make a small gift for a teacher – bowls for utensils

Such bowls are very useful on the teacher's desk because they can hold...small utensilssuch as paper clips, rubber bands, erasers, but also keys and other things. They look pretty and create order in the teacher's workplace. If you want to give the gift to a teacher, the children can easily help out because the instructions are really simple!

  • Craft clay that dries in the air
  • Knife or apple-shaped cookie cutter
  • Acrylic paints
  • Paint brush
  • Edding
  • baking paper
  • shiny varnish for sealing

Line your work area with parchment paper and roll on itthe craft clayout of. A thickness of 5 to 6 mm should be sufficient. Then, using either a cookie cutter or a knife, cut out an apple and remove any remaining clay. Now carefully shape the apple into a bowl or a flat plate with your hands by bending the outer edges upwards. You can also take a bowl for this purpose, place the clay on the outside and press it lightly. Then let the clay dry according to the package instructions.

You can then paint the bowls with acrylic paints and/or Edding. You can also use masking tape to create patterns so that straight lines are created. Now let the colors dry and then seal them with a suitable varnish. As soon as this is dried, the apple is ready to be given away. The perfect gift for teachers on farewell or any other occasion.

Gift idea for teachers – decoupage on soap

Soap can always be put to good use and somehow it is also a very loving gift, don't you think? No matter whether youMake your own soapOr use purchased ones, they are particularly pretty to look at when decorated with self-painted flowers. Then it is also great as a decoration for the bathroom. This is how the soap is designed from the picture:

  • Soap
  • Scissors
  • Paper for painting or finished with motifs
  • Mod Podge or decoupage glue

Cut out pieces of paper that will fit onto the soap. The children can then draw and paint any motifs on it (or you can print out motifs and then just cut them out). Apply a thin layer of napkin glue to the soap and then place the design on top. You also coat this with the glue to seal it. Once the glue has dried, the soap is ready. The Mod Podge or napkin glue will protect the motif for a while, even after the soap is used.

Thanks to teachers with magnetic hedgehogs as gifts

You can also store paper clips in their box, but with a magnet like this you can somehow have them at hand more quickly. Plus, these hedgehogs look much cuter and more interesting than a simple box. Children can also make hedgehogs easily, with the help of an adult if necessary. This is how they are made:

  • Paper mache eggs
  • Hot glue and gun
  • Acrylic paints
  • Craft foam
  • Scissors
  • Paint brush
  • Magnet
  • Rice in a freezer bag
  • small black letterhead clips

Cut an oval shape out of the foam. Take the egg apart and glue the shape onto one of the two halves. This will give you a base for the hedgehog to make it more stable. Then you can paint the outsides. Let the paint dry, paint on the white face and once this paint is dry, insert the eye and nose clips into the hedgehog's face. Then use hot glue to glue the magnets inside the egg halves. After the glue has dried, place the rice and freezer bag inside and glue the two egg halves together. Now you canthe paper clipsspread on the hedgehog.

Keychain as a farewell gift for a teacher

How about itwith a key ringthat brings joy and benefit to the teacher in everyday life and outside of school? Such a small pendant makes the keychain much more interesting and what's more, the teacher will always think of his student when he sees it! Simple beads made of wood or another material can be used to quickly and easily make a pendant as a gift idea for teachers. Take a look for yourself:

  • Keyring
  • Leather strap
  • Beads of any shape and color

Simply take the key ring and tie a piece of leather cord to it. Then you can string the beads. When you are happy with the length and color combination, tie a knot so that the beads cannot slip down and the keychain is finished. It's so easy to make gifts for teachers yourself!

Monogram made of wax crayons

If you are looking for a simple or last minute idea that is also suitable if the gift is intended for elementary school teachers, then this monogram would be nice. With a little help from an adult, even elementary school children can do this project in the following ways:

  • cardboard
  • Wax crayons
  • Hot glue and gun
  • Ribbon or string for hanging
  • sharp knife or scissors
  • optionally additional decorations (e.g. bow, letters for a message, pompoms, etc.)

First, draw the first letter of the teacher's name on the cardboard with a pencil. Then cut out the letter with a sharp knife or scissors. Distributethe wax crayonsnow on the cardboard, but first without sticking it down. Once you are happy with the arrangement, hot glue them onto the cardboard one at a time. Make a loop out of a piece of ribbon or string and glue it to the back of the letter. If you want, you can now add more decorations. But don't overdo it, as the monogram is already very colorful due to the pens.
Tipp:You can also paint the cardboard with any color before sticking it.

Find gift ideas for teachers - containers for pens in a blackboard look

This gift idea for teachers radiates the perfect school atmosphere. In addition, the gift is quick and easy to make. For such farewell gifts for teachers you will need:

  • Mason jar
  • black chalkboard paint
  • black and white ribbon
  • chalk
  • Pens for filling

It's best to get a jar with lettering on it, as you can then use the chalk to show them off and create a vintage effect. Paint the glass with theblack chalkboard paintand let the paint dry. If necessary, apply a second coat if the first does not cover well. Then let the paint dry for 24 hours. Tie a loop around the glass thread with the ribbon and lightly rub the chalk over the lettering on the glass or over the entire surface. Now you can put the pens in the glass and give your farewell gift to the teacher.