A few years after theEnrollment in first gradeA new important phase of life follows: the change to secondary school. In some federal states this takes place after the fourth grade, in others only after the sixth. Either way, mixed feelings arise, especially for the children, because they are proud to have successfully completed primary school, but also sad to be rejected by their classmates and friendsseparated from the teachersto become. A nice celebration to mark the occasion can wonderfully usher in the new change and make it more pleasant. We have once again put together the perfect congratulations for starting high school for you, with which you can convey your wishes to the child.
Congratulations on starting high school, secondary school or comprehensive school
Of course, our congratulations on starting high school can also be used for other types of secondary schools. Combine or supplement the given texts according to your ideas or just use them as inspiration. That's up to you. You have the choice between simple congratulations, beautiful,short poemsand quotes to suit the occasion, so you are sure to find the right words.
Congratulations on starting high school are helpful not only for the classic greeting cards that are either handed out personally or sent by post. You can also download our templates directly orvia Whatsappand messenger and congratulate the child electronically and wish them the best.
Short and sweet, funny and not too childish
He is no longer a first-grader, so the congratulations on starting high school can sound a little more serious or more adult. That doesn't mean they can't be funny, but they shouldn't be childish and silly. It's best to try to find the happy medium. For example, a nice quote followed by some nice congratulations can make the perfect greeting. In general, quotes are a wonderful introduction on which you can build the rest of the text.
Also, don't overdo it with the length of the writing.Be brief, because the child will certainly receive many such sayings about starting high school that day and will not have the patience to read through long texts. The motto is short and sweet. Then the school child will also want to read the card with the wishes.
Encouraging words
Encourage the worried child with someencouraging words. Ultimately, despite some positive feelings, this change also comes with a bit of worry. You are suddenly alone in the middle of many new people and a new environment. Wish you had new and nice friends when you change school and point out to the child that an exciting, exciting and beautiful new phase of life is now beginning.
School is more than just a time for learning. During this time you also develop your character, find new interests or expand on those you already know. It is preparation for working life or for the upcoming study period. The former elementary school childis now a teenagerand that in itself is a big challenge. The children get to know themselves better, learn to become more independent and deal with responsibility. They develop into adults. These are all things that you can include in your congratulations on starting high school.
Congratulations on starting high school – changing schools
Now let's move on to the rest of our suggestions for sayings, quotes, poems and wishes for this important school change. In the gallery below, find a few nice words with which you can congratulate the big school child. The congratulations will only make you prouder!
The elementary school days were nice
Always enjoy learning
Congratulations on starting high school – quote from Galileo
Have a good time at your new school
Learn as if you never achieved knowledge - Confucius quote
We learn not for school, but for life
Congratulations with a cloverleaf - a little luck can't hurt
Good luck changing schools
Your primary school days are behind you
Now the seriousness of life begins
A long way from the ABC shooter
Now a new phase of life begins
We wish you a good start to high school
Always take school seriously enough to understand its purpose
Now you are already a teenager
New school, new teachers, lots of friends, new knowledge
I'm so proud of you
You become particularly smart in high school
Your school career continues
Don't be sad, enjoy the time
The new school is an exciting time
Your first day of high school
Knowledge is a treasure
Make good friends for life
Be happy, successful and have fun learning
Congratulations on starting high school with a quote from Fontane
You are well prepared for the new school
Success when changing schools and a carefree time at school
There are no stupid questions
On your first day of school at high school
With all my heart I wish you a great start in your new school
Many dear friends who accompany your path
Congratulations on starting high school – quote from Egon Friedell
Goodbye elementary school, hello high school