Make a lucky pig as a decoration or lucky charm for New Year's Eve and New Year (with templates)

The Christmas season is over and preparations for New Year's Eve continue. But you shouldn't forget about having fun. Lucky charms are part of the occasion and can be made yourself. The piggy, decorated with a chimney sweep's hat, clover leaf, horseshoe and/or coin, is one of the classics. How could you make a lucky pig?

Foto: Lesovaia Irina/Shutterstock

Such New Year's pigs can be easily made both freehand and using craft templates. Spend time together with the children and create small gifts for your friends and family.

Make your own pig in a prone position out of paper as a lucky charm

Foto: Lesovaia Irina/Shutterstock

A simple craft idea for lucky pigs is this one made from normal paper. The pig lies funny on its stomach and can be glued to a paper horseshoe or a large clover leaf, for example.

Foto: Lesovaia Irina/Shutterstock

Cut out a circle from pink paper and another, smaller one from slightly darker (pink) paper. Then prepare the four legs, a curly tail, ears, trunk and eyes. Glue all the elements together and together to make the pig. Even smaller children can carry out this last step independently.

Foto: Lesovaia Irina/Shutterstock

Make origami lucky pigs for New Year's Eve

Without any cutting or gluing, you will have a cute pig in no time, which you can even use as aoriginal greeting cardcan use. It is best to use colored origami paper (it is thinner than regular paper and square). You can also use normal craft paper that you first cut into a square.

Foto: Inna Novogel/Shutterstock

The back can be written with a nice wish or another message. In the instructions you will see how to make the base for the lucky pig. You can then design it to suit your needs by choosing additional elements from our free craft templates.

Foto: Inna Novogel/Shutterstock

For example, put a hat on the pig's head or add a small shamrock.

Photo: Freepik

Cool tip for small gifts:Before folding the pig, you can place a small gift on the paper, preferably something flat like a folded bill, coin, pressed shamrock, jewelry, or similar. This way you will get oneoriginal gift packaging.

Make a lucky pig with toilet paper rolls

Foto: Nadya Buyanowa/Shutterstock

You can also use this variant as packaging, because small gifts fit perfectly into the toilet roll. Instead of a toilet paper roll, you can simply roll up a piece of craft cardboard if you don't have any on hand.

If you use a toilet paper roll, you can either paint it with pink acrylic paint or cover it with pink paper. If you want to make a gift box out of the lucky pig, you also need to close the bottom. A circular piece of paper secured with hot glue should do the trick.

Foto: Nadya Buyanowa/Shutterstock

Now cut two triangles for the ears and an ellipse for the trunk from pink paper. The latter gets two more points with a marker. Glue the elements to the roll (you can also add a curly tail to the back) and paint eyes on them. Don't forget a shamrock and/or a chimney sweep's hat from our print templates!

Fill the roll as desired and close it, for example by crumpling up paper and stuffing it inside.

Also read:Make a table decoration for New Year's Eve - 3 ideas with instructions

Make your own lucky charm with play dough or craft clay

Foto: eafaru/Shutterstock

If you want to make a lucky pig for New Year's Eve, this isModeling clay is also a perfect material. And the pig itself is not a particularly difficult figure, so even children can try their hand at it. This idea is also great if you want to make a quick New Year's Eve decoration.

You need craft clay or modeling clay in the right colors. In the instructions you will see which shapes you need to make for a piggy. You then attach these to each other. If the elements do not stick well, you can also use toothpicks. Simply insert a piece into the desired part of the body and then the respective element onto it.

A few more ideas for good luck charmscan be found here.

Foto: eafaru/Shutterstock

Finally, you can make a clover leaf or other lucky symbols out of green mass to give the pig an additional design. If you use white craft clay, it can easily be painted with acrylic paints after it has hardened. So you could prepare several piggies and then let your children paint them.

Tipp:If you are making lucky charms with children from self-hardening craft clay, you can equip them with a key ring on a chain, for example, before hardening, etcsmall keychainstransform.

Make a lucky pig using the following templates

Design: Deavita/Canva

Printable piggies

Design: Deavita/Canva

Shamrocks and chimney sweeps' hats

Design: Deavita/Canva

Coins and horseshoes as a craft template

Design: Deavita/Canva

Shamrock, hat, horseshoe and lucky pig templates to printim PDF-Format.