Whether for oneMexico Partyor just as a fun decoration to put you in a good mood - cacti are perfect if you are looking for something unusual for your party that will put everyone present in the summer mood. For this purpose, you can of course use real cacti and distribute them around the room, but you can also make artificial ones from a variety of materials. Today we are giving you a few ideas for original DIY cactus decorations.
Make your own cactus decoration from balloons
These are really extremely simple and even perfect for all craft beginnersself-designed balloons, for which you need the following materials:
- green balloons in different shades two sizes: 30 cm and 12 cm
- Pom-poms in pink and/or hot pink
- black Sharpie
- cord
- Glue or double-sided tape
- Scissors
- optional: Helium
This is how it's done:
- Inflate the balloons with helium or regular air and tie them.
- Additionally secure the knot with string (if you use helium, you can use it to tie the cactus balloons later).
- Using the Sharpie, draw “V”s on the balloons to imitate spikes.
- Glue the small balloons to the large one according to your ideas.
- Glue the pom-poms to imitate flowers.
- Decorate the apartment with them.
Cactus decoration ideas with long balloons
You can also have a cactus partyDecoration for the walldesign in this form. To do this, simply inflate long green and yellow balloons of different lengths and stick them to the wall. It's best to start on the inside and work your way out, incorporating a few yellow balloons here and there. Finally, glue balloons along the outline to create a frame. To stick it, you can use special double-sided tape intended for walls and easy to remove later.
Cactus decoration DIY made of stones
- flat river stones in different sizes
- Acrylic paints (various shades of green and white)
- Paint brush
- small terracotta flower pot
- Decosand
Wash the stones thoroughly with soap and let them dry well. Then paint them green and once the paint is dry you can use white (or black) paint to trace the spines. Now fill the pot halfway with the sand, arrange the painted stones and top up with more sand. Complete! ThisIdea with lucky stonesis wonderful if you are looking for a cactus table decoration.
Cacti decoration made of paper
- green paper
- Edding
- Scissors
- Glue or tape
- pots
- brown wrapping paper
Draw a cactus on the green paper and cut it out. Now use this as a template to create a second cactus in the same shape on greendrawing paper. Cut this out too and draw spines on each side of both cacti. Now cut one of the two lengthways and down the middle from bottom to middle and the other from above.
Put the two cacti together at these interfaces and you get a three-dimensional cactus. Tear the wrapping paper into smaller pieces and crumple them into balls that you will use to fill the pot while holding and temporarily supporting the cactus. The cactus decoration is ready!
Cactus decoration made of felt
- green felt
- Felt in pink, hot pink or red for the flowers
- sewing machine
- green yarn
- Pins or clips to hold the fabric in place
- Fabric scissors
- fiberfill
- possibly glue for the flower
You don't need to be an experienced seamstress to make this cactus decoration.Even beginnerswill cope with the task wonderfully. Draw a U-shape on paper with a pencil and cut it out (consider an extra 2 cm for the seam when choosing the size). Now use this element as a template to trace 6 of them onto felt and cut them out. Then place two elements on top of each other and sew them together around the oval side (leave an opening at the bottom).
In this way you get 3 elements, the edges of which you can also cut shorter with zigzag scissors to get the spiked effect. Now place the three elements on top of each other, pin them together so that they don't slip and sew a seam along the center line. Now fill all segments with the filling cotton, but always leave a little space at the bottom so that you can sew the openings closed.
You can use a wooden stick or pen to fill it. Sew the openings closed by hand and then cut out two identical flowers. Glue or sew these onto the cactus, slightly offset from one another, and you're done and can use the decorative cacti to create your ownDesign a party location!
Would you like theseModern OrigamiTo make a cactus decoration, all you need is origami paper, scissors and small pots and documents (e.g. small boxes) in which you can place the finished cacti. For the cactus you will need square paper that is 17.5 cm in size and for the flowers you will need square paper that is half that size. You can see how exactly you make the cactus decoration step by step in the following video instructions: