Autumn is here! Celebrate the start of the colorful season with a super easy craft project with the kids! We show how you can make a simple lantern out of a PET bottle. Really everyone can do it!
I just love a cheap but beautiful upcycling project! You too? Then check out this simple idea for a DIY lantern made from PET bottles! It is perfect for the next round of crafts in autumn and can be used at the St. Martin's Day parade in November. Read on for step-by-step instructions as well as some great ideas.
Are you looking for a creative and exciting craft project for children? Fun is guaranteed with these DIY lanterns. It combines crafting with upcycling, because the main material for the lanterns is empty plastic bottles. No special craftsmanship is required for this project - even children can make a lantern out of a PET bottle themselves without much help.
First collect the materials and tools
For this DIY you just need a few simple things:
- large PET bottles, at least 1.5 L (one bottle per lantern)
- marker
- sharp scissors
- colorful tissue paper
- white glue and water
- Paint brush
- punch
- Pipe cleaner
- Pearls
- LED tea light
How to make a colorful lantern out of a PET bottle
Start with an empty, preferably transparent PET bottle. Larger bottles from 2 L are ideal. Remove any stickers.
Use the marker pen to draw a straight line in the top half of the bottle. You can rest the pen on a straight object, such as a tall glass. Cut the top part of the bottle along the line with the scissors.
Cut the tissue paper into pieces. You can make stripes, squares or any other shapes you like. These will decorate the sides of the lantern.
Mix 3 parts glue with 1 part warm water in a bowl. Apply the glue all over the bottle with a brush.
Turn the bottle upside down and tape the tissue paper to the sides and bottom, creating any pattern you desire.
When you're happy with the design, apply a second coat of the adhesive mixture over the paper, saturating it well. Allow the PET bottle lantern to dry.
Also read:Growing in PET bottles works as if by itself!
Use the hole punch to punch two opposite holes on the edge of the bottle.
Take a pipe cleaner and string colorful beads onto it.
Then pull the pipe cleaner through both holes and twist the ends to secure.
Then place an LED tea light at the bottom of the bottle and your quick upcycled lantern is ready!
Cool ideas to try out
A colorfully decorated lantern made from a PET bottle is a simple and quick craft project that you can also dodo with small childrencan. Did you notice any other ideas as you read? For example, you can decorate the plastic bottles like animals to make a special lantern. In addition to glue and paper, you can also use paint to transform the lantern into any creature you want. Let your creativity flow!
Besides PET bottles, you can also use other plastic containers for this project. Large plastic jars of jam or chocolate are another great idea, and they often have a handle that's perfect for hanging.
Be sure to check out our other ideas for DIY lanterns – toowith paper platesyou can create pretty designs.
Also interesting:Make quick lanterns with milk cartons and cheese boxes