Painting canvas: conjure up happy paintings with children

Painting a large canvas is fun and greatLeisure activity for children. We have put together ideas for cheerful paintings and numerous creative painting techniques for you. The suggestions are perfect for children between the ages of 5 and 12.

Painting canvas: What colors should you use with the children?

If you have a country wallpaint for the childrenthen you can choose between oil, acrylic paints or gouache.

  • If you choose oil paints, then you need a canvas that has a coarse structure. The advantage of this canvas is that the errors are less visible. Before you start painting, you should choose the right surface. Here you can choose between a water-based primer and a turpentine-based primer. If you want to paint something with smaller children, then the water-based primer is suitable. Children aged nine and over can also apply a turpentine primer.
  • Acrylic paints are also perfect for canvas. The advantage: You don't need to apply a primer and can paint directly on the canvas.
  • Gouache is a special type of watercolor that is made from coarserly ground pigments and chalk. These colors can be applied quickly and easily.

You can draw the desired motifs with oil pastels and then paint them.

Painting the canvas: Smear the paint with alcohol

The first idea is suitable for children aged 7 and over. Children in primary school in particular have the necessary skills to draw and then paint a spiral. Let the child combine the colors as they wish. The picture should be painted completely; there should be no empty spaces left on the canvas. To do this, use oil pastels to draw the details precisely and then watercolors or acrylics to fill them in. In the meantime, you can fill an empty and clean spray bottle with alcohol. Spray the painting with alcohol while the paints are still wet. Then the child can smear them with a flat brush, creating gentle gradients.

Paint the canvas with oil paints and decorate with buttons

Would you like to paint something with the children? Then the next idea is exactly for you. First apply a water-based primer, then the children can paint the canvas blue. You can paint the nuances of the sky together using different shades of light blue and white paint. Then, using a flat brush and pastel colors like pink, yellow, white, sky blue, and purple, paint a rainbow. Also paint two clouds under the rainbow and let the colors dry completely, preferably overnight. Then select tone-on-tone with the buttonsColors of the rainbowand stick them on the painting. You can implement this idea for a three-dimensional image in many variations. You can ask the children to draw a tree and then stick red buttons (as fruit) on it.

Decorate canvas with superheroes and motifs from comic books

Children love superheroes and their adventures. With a template and the right gouache colors, you can conjure up exciting motifs on the canvas that are inspired by comic books. Apply a base shade first and let it dry. You can use a brush or sponge for this purpose. In the meantime, you can make a template and cut it out. Most craft stores also have ready-made superhero-themed templates that you can use as well. Have the children trace the outlines of the template onto the canvas and fill in the city silhouettes and superhero motifs.

Painting Canvas: Ideas for Toddlers with Acrylic Paints

If your children are between three and seven years old, you can paint the canvas with acrylic paints. For the next craft idea you will need a self-adhesive film and a pack of cling film. Cut out a template from the self-adhesive film. Children's names work well, but you can of course use templates with animal silhouettes or other child-friendly motifs of your choice. After fixing the template on the canvas, add different colors to the canvas. You can choose shades from the same color family or create exciting contrasts with a colorful mix of colors. Then cover the canvas with cling film and let the children press on the film with both hands and smear the colors as they like. Finally, carefully remove the cling film and let the colors dry. Then you can also remove the template with the children's names.

Painting with the children: Easter bunny on the canvas

Prepare for Easter with a creative and very beautiful spring decoration with Easter bunnies. Using a water-based primer and oil paints, you can first paint a background in soft lavender and then an Easter bunny silhouette in sky blue. Finally, glue a pompom to the bunny.

Painting the canvas: Paint colorful dandelion motifs with children

If you are looking for a colorful and creative project, then the next suggestion is for you. You can paint colorful dandelions together with the children. For this purpose, use oil paints or, best of all, finger paints. Use an oil pen to draw the flower stem and let the child dip their fingers in the colors. Then they can press their fingers onto the picture and a colorful dandelion is created quickly and easily. You can also paint other motifs with finger paints.

Painting with children: Paint beautiful motifs with bubble wrap

If you don't have water-based paints, you can use bubble wrap to create charming patterns. Bees and beeswax or sweet dandelions: Use the bubble wrap as a stamp to put the motifs on the canvas.

Painting canvas: ideas for children

Children love creating geometric patterns. With brushes in different sizes and three colors, several squares can be painted onto the canvas without much effort.

Optionally, you can ask the child to paint geometric shapes and then use a brush to blend them together. The end result is an abstract picture that can decorate the wall in the living room.

Preschoolers love painting with their hands and feet. To make a beautiful hand or footprint picture, you need finger paints. Here are some ideas of what subjects you can paint with a handprint: a fish, an elephant, a bird. You can turn the footprints into a butterfly or a bee.

There are numerous variations of what you can paint with watercolors, oil colors or gouache. The next idea is very similar to the idea with the cling film and the children's names. But there are also numerous differences. Follow these steps: Glue or paint a nice message on the canvas. Then you can add several blobs and then smear them with a dry tissue.

For the last idea you will need paper tape. Glue the canvas so that geometric shapes are created. The children can then paint or stamp them as they wish. Do not remove the tape until the paint has dried. You can hang this modern art on the wall in your child's room.

Painting beautiful pictures with the children is fun for both young and old. Be inspired by the ideas and implement them creatively.