Make a Santa Claus for St. Nicholas Day

During the Christmas season there are a variety of themes and motifs that you can use for crafts to get into the Christmas spirit at the same time. One of the most popular holidays during the Christmas season is St. Nicholas Day, especially among children. A very appropriate figure that you can make during this time is Santa Claus himself. You can use various materials and things for this, as we will show you in this article. It is also very practical that you can use it as decoration throughout the entire Christmas season. We have put together some great ideas with instructions for making Santa Claus below. There are variants for children as well as adults.

You can do one with the kids without much effortSanta Claus made of toilet rollscraft. If you enjoy working on DIY projects often, you will probably be collecting toilet rolls on a regular basis. Now you can use them and make a Santa Claus out of felt at the same time. To do this, simply cover the toilet paper roll with the felt that you cut to size in advance. You can get glasses quickly and easily using wire that you wrap around a pin to create even circles.

Any kind of Christmas craft is fun for the children. However, you should choose simpler instructions for the little ones so that they don't lose interest. Paper plates are a perfect material because they do not make craft work easier. The inner area of ​​the plate is designed with skin color. Make the beard out of cotton balls. Then you have to make a Santa hat out of paper and then add wiggly eyes and a red pom-pom as a nose and the face is finished.

If you like working with paper plates, you can also choose this variant. You get two Santa Clauses from one plate. You make this Santa Claus out of a triangle made of red construction paper. Glue half of the paper plate onto it, making a slight cut along the outer edge. Googly eyes and a pom-pom form the face, while cotton wool decorates the hat.

A paper Santa Claus is simple and at the same time teaches children how to use scissors. For this idea you again use a paper plate as a basis. In addition, you cut out various elements such as arms, hands and legs, or boots and belts. The beard is made from scraps of paper. You can make these particularly quickly with a paper shredder.

Other great ideas include figures that you use pipe cleaners to make. The variants are again numerous. Which one you choose depends entirely on what other materials you have available. The example above has a painted wood body with a wooden ball for the head glued onto it. Only the hat is made from pipe cleaners.

Here again the body itself was designed with pipe cleaners. This is given the shape of a star, which is a perfect motif for the Christmas season. A wooden ball is then fitted with dots for eyes and a hat and beard and is then glued to the body. You don't necessarily have to use red pipe cleaners. With a beige or gray tone you get a Scandinavian flair.

You can make a variant out of cardboard if you have such cones. The craft instructions are really particularly simple and can therefore also be implemented by children. This decoration is again a slightly more original variant that deviates from the classic look, but is still extremely likeable.

You can also choose such a model made of papier-mâché. Whether cardboard or papier-mâché, first paint the cone. Red is again a classic, but it can also be replaced by another color and combined with other colors. When painting, leave a semicircle free for the face, onto which you paint two dots and glue a pom-pom. You can also decorate the tip of the cone with a small pom-pom. You can also make such figures in oversize.

If your child has a lot of building blocks, now is the time to turn them into festive figures. And since we're on the topic, we also have instructions above for you on how you can make a Lego Santa Claus and which building blocks you need for it. This craft idea is sure to be a lot of fun for your child.

The scent of cinnamon is particularly pleasant and, above all, typical during the Christmas season. To distribute him in the rooms, you can make a cute Santa Claus out of cinnamon sticks and distribute this decoration around the house. Glue yarn to one end of the cinnamon sticks in the form of a loop and you can hang the decorations wherever you want.

You can make such a figure to decorate gifts. You can also use the figure to decorate fir greenery. You need corks, half of which you decorate with red paint, as well as chocolates that are shaped like a hat and are red. Glue these chocolates onto the cork. Then paint on the eyes and stick a tiny pom-pom under the eyes as a nose and one on the praline hat. Make the beard and fur of the hat using chopped yarn.

Mason jars can be designed quickly and easily and are transformed into interesting eye-catchers. For the first variant, the base color is first applied, onto which a handprint is made as soon as the paint has dried. Another variant is to simply design the mason jar in the colors of Santa's costume. You will receive great vases or containers for gifts.

You can easily make a wooden version yourself by using a tree trunk or a thicker branch. The upper end is cut diagonally for the figures. This gives you a larger area to design the face. You then simply paint this on with matching colors. The beard can also be made of felt, cotton or wool. This decoration looks particularly interesting in groups. If you choose this Santa Claus decoration, it is best to create several wooden figures at the same time.

You can create table decorations by decorating wine bottles, which you then place on the banquet table. The idea is also very suitable as a holiday gift. Made of feltmake a Santa hat, to which you then attach the beard directly. You can design the latter as you wish. The nose can be made of a pom-pom, a button, or other things. Come up with something!

You can also use finger paints for this. These give the children a lot of joy. Draw a Santa Claus on a piece of paper and then decorate it with some fingerprints. Alternatively, you can of course design the saint entirely from fingerprints. To help you do this, draw it with a pencil or print out a motif that can then be “colored in” with fingerprints.

Another idea for adults or older children is this friendly door wreath that imitates Santa Claus. If you want this option, you will need a Styrofoam ring, felt fabric in red color and pins as well as a homemade belt made of paper, felt or another material. You can see how to proceed in the instructions.

You've probably seen many craft ideas with popsicle sticks. We would like to show you another one. Especially in a household with children, popsicle sticks are usually available in large numbers. For this reason, projects using this material are a welcome thing. You can make a Santa Claus with the children by attaching several popsicle sticks together and then equipping them with a face and hat made of paper and a beard made of cotton wool.

On a holiday like this, dessert should not be missing from the evening feast. We would like to introduce you to cupcakes as an idea that you can design as Santa Claus. You can come up with various design ideas. The hat can be made from rolled fondant while you can make the beard from small marshmallows. Glazes are also easy to work with. A really original idea for making Santa Claus, isn't it?