Paper flowers bloom at any time and decorate your beloved home in every season. Thanks to their characteristic structure, dahlias are relatively easy to make, even for children. But it is a bit time consuming. We have put together a few simple ideas with instructions on how to make beautiful paper flowers.
Make paper flowers and decorate your home with them
The beautiful dahliasmade of crepe papernever fade. You can use this to create a pretty table decoration yourself - for example, stylishly decorate the table in the dining room or the sideboard in the hallway. They are also ideal for romantic wall decorations.
Huge crepe paper dahlia decorates the wall
The larger they are, the better the paper dahlias look on the wall. The characteristic structure of the dahlia flowers - the leaves are very close together in the middle of the flower - creates a color gradient that can be beautifully reproduced using crepe paper. It is precisely this effect that makes the paper dahlias a real eye-catcher.
White paper flowers – What materials are needed for this?
To make paper flowers you basically need some paper, a pencil, a good pair of scissors and glue - depending on the larger variants - hot glue, for the crepe paper variant - preferably a water-based one. It is advisable to design the paper flower on a round base made of stronger paper, or cardboard. This would give you a stable base, which will make it much easier to attach it to the wall later.
Basically any paper is suitable for paper flowers. Only the coarse, solid papers can be described as unsuitable because they do not correspond to the desired delicate effect of the flower. In addition to crepe paper, tissue paper and simple white copy paper can also be used if the desired size of the flowers is DIN A4.
Now you need to cut out flower petals from the selected paper. In the first instructions, these are cut to different sizes and are then placed concentrically on top of each other. For the shape of the individual flowers, you can print out a ready-made template from the Internet and then use it or create one yourself.
Sois it okay!
When designing the flowers or leaves, make sure that each layer circumscribes a circle. To create a lush, magnificent paper flower, at least 7-10 layers of paper leaves are required. Note the typical structure - the leaves are larger at the bottom and relatively small at the top in the middle, which is why it's better to start designing your decorative flower from the bottom up.
Another possible approach would be to create the paper flower in reverse - create from top to bottom and start with the smallest leaves. To do this, first fold a small rose for each paper flower, which you will later insert in the middle. Now bring the layers of petals together, staggering them a bit. Finally, fix the small rose that you just made.
whiteFold dahlias
You can design a paper dahlia in a variety of ways. This guide seems more geometric compared to the others we have already presented above. To achieve this effect, you definitely need to use a template. In addition, the shape of the leaves should be oval and slightly pointed. Then, using a ruler, fold the individual sheets exactly in the middle to create a central line.
Anarrange the wall beautifully
In nature, the leaves of the flower petals are slightly wrapped outwards. To achieve this effect with your paper flowers, you would need a tool - a round pencil or a chopstick. Before you insert the sheets of paper into each other, wrap their outer edges around the round stick or pencil and roll them up a little.
Witha stem to it
You can use the beautifully designed paper flowers as wall decorations or place them on the table in a vase, like real dahlias. Of course the size of the flowers must allow this. You can easily insert a stem at the bottom of the flower. You make this out of stronger wire, which you cover with green yarn.
Paper flowersUse as a simple but creative table decoration
Craft tip: Paper dahlias are best suitedthe crepe paper, which is very similar to the natural structure of flowers. Choose delicate, light tones such as cream, soft pink, yellow-orange or white. You can purchase these in a roll or as a 50 x 250 cm sheet from a craft store or office supply store.
SimpleDahlias for wall decoration
Now there are imaginative ideas for making paper flowers with children. It is advisable to choose a larger version, as it is much easier to copy and is therefore also suitable for children.
Every child can then decorate their children's room with the beautiful paper dahlias in bright colors and decorate the walls beautifully with their own creations. Gather the useful materials and let’s get started!
Make paper flowers with youchildren- Directions
First, think about what colors you want the paper flowers in. Then get simple A4 colored paper in the selected shades. Origami paper would also be a good choice because it is easier to shape.
Now you also need to prepare scissors, ruler, hot glue and a pen for this craft project. Also provide some cardboard circles that serve as a stable base for the paper flowers and the child can do everything else themselves.
TheDivide paper into pieces
Squares of the same size should be made from the colorful sheets of paper. Halve the A4 and tear the halves in half. Then measure the width of the square and shorten the length to this measurement. Now the first square is finished. It can also serve as a template for the next one.
A total of 100 squares are required for a large paper dahlia, of course the number varies depending on the desired size. The squares are then used to form funnels, the tips of which are simply covered with Thesafilm.
PapierPlace funnels in a circle
The funnel openings should vary in size for the inner and outer rows. These with the larger openings are first glued to a paper circle from the outside to the inside, then the smaller funnels too. From round to round you slowly move inwards.
You can easily make a paper circle yourself out of cardboard for the base of the paper flower. To do this, take a plate, outline it on the cardboard and cut out the circle.
DieDecorate the wall in the children's room
Buntor make it monochrome
The color design is very important for a harmonious wall decoration. Choose pleasant tones that match the furniture and the ambience in the room. Warm nuances and earth tones generally appear cozy, pastel tones – positive and fresh.
Two-toneDahlia flowers
You can also easily achieve a beautiful effect with this interesting technique. Dip a makeup sponge in pink acrylic paint and dab along the edge of the yellow paper sheet. Experiment with light-dark contrasts!
Paper dahlias withVintage-Flair
You can use old book pages to create great and elegant decorations with a vintage flair. Individual areas can also be emphasized with spray paint or glitter. Beautiful decorations such as paper butterflies give the paper dahlia the finishing touch.
Make paper flowers and so onGift wrappingdecorate
To make gift packaging for someone special creative and truly original, you can make some paper flowers and decorate them with them. In this case, paper dahlias will of course look better in a slightly smaller version. We recommend using a sturdier paper - for example craft cardboard coated with glitter.
Ifonecreative wedding decoration
Beautiful paper flowers go well with wedding decorations. Masterfully made by hand, these can even completely replace real flowers. This flower alternative is also environmentally friendly.
DIY Mobiledesign
Another inspiration for how to use paper flowers for beautiful decoration is to make very small dahlias and attach them to a mobile for hanging. You should stick two paper flowers together and fix the ribbon between them to form the mobile.