A Quiet Book is an interesting toy. It's basically a book made of fabric that's meant to entertain babies. The games or different pages also entertain the children in a quiet way. This is where the name of the book comes from (English: quiet = still, quietly, quietly; book = book). It can also be designed for small children with colorful illustrations and older children with board games or games such as Hangman and Tic Tac Toe. In principle, the book is usually aimed at children between 2 and 5 years old, depending on the content. You can also put together and sew such a game yourself. We'll show you how you can design a fabric book with and without sewing by offering you not just instructions, but several ideas.
If you read the Quiet Booksew, you have two options to choose from. Either you sew all the pages together permanently or you connect them together using eyelets, creating a kind of ring binder and you can add new pages or replace old ones when the opportunity arises and if you wish. This way you ensure that the playbook is always up to date.
Since the material book should also serve a certain teaching purpose, you can choose something that suits you when choosing the new pageKindchallenges again, but without being too complicated. Tailor it to age and progress. The aim of designing this textbook is to arouse the child's interest and maintain it over a longer period of time. Once you have achieved this, you can be sure that the new page or book itself is a success.
Felt is particularly easy to work with as a fabric because it doesn't fray after cutting, so you can not only use it wonderfully, but also for sticking on individual motifs. Of course you can also use any other materials. Depending on their age, avoid objects that are too small and could be a choking hazard or only allow your child to play with the book under supervision.
Perfection is certainly not expected from your children. Just have fun crafting and don't be surprised if you get addicted to it. That's a small side effect. Now let’s get to the instructions and ideas for your baby that you can follow straight away. You can also use the fabric book as a gift for a child.
Materials for crafting:
– 26 cm square of fabric for the background and thread in matching color
– 26 x 20 cm of the same fabric for the pockets
– 3 fabric strips (7.6 x 61 cm)
– 114 cm Band
– 7,6 x 30 cm Watte
– water- or heat-soluble felt-tip pen
– Iron, milling machine, ruler, cutting base
Divide the large piece of fabric into nine equal squares. Fold the smaller piece of fabric in half (the side with the lines inward) and divide this strip into three squares again. You can hold the hem together with ironing seam tape. This replaces pins. Now place the small piece on the bottom side of the large square to form the bag. Put a piece of ribbon on the top edge to make it look prettier. Now sew the pocket area on the left, right and bottom together with the large piece of fabric. Then place the ribbons on the fabric as shown and sew them in place along their length.
Now sew the toy figures for the fabric book using different colored fabric. Use the classic Xs and Oes or come up with other motifs. Make stencils so that all the figures are the same. Place the cotton wool (for squares) between two strips of fabric, then sew them together. Also divide strips with the seam into three equal squares, after which you can cut them apart. When you're done sewing, you can store the figures in the pockets. For a better hold, you can attach Velcro to the figures and the base.
Chickens fabric book
– 26 cm square as a base
– Fabric in yellow, brown, red and orange
– Zipper
– Buttons
– Cotton wool
– Adhesive spray for crafts
– Adhesive films for ironing
Draw the chicken and its body parts on the adhesive sheet and cut them out roughly. Place each on the back of the yellow, red and orange fabric (yellow for the chicken, red for the comb and orange for the beak) and iron the foil in place. You can then cut out the figures precisely and then remove the foil. For the wings you will need two squares of fabric of the appropriate size (approx. 8.8 cm) and a piece of cotton wool. Glue the fabric and cotton wool together using the adhesive spray. Also glue the wing template in place and sew along the template. Then remove the paper. You can then use the sewing machine to add some wave patterns.
Draw a basket shape on the back of the brown fabric (or use a stencil again) and cut a strip at the top. Then sew the zipper between this strip and the lower part. You can easily cut off the excess afterwards. You can also add an interesting string to add some texture to the basket.
You can now put all of these individual parts together on the selected background. Once you are happy with the composition, attach it with the adhesive spray. This guarantees that they won't slip while sewing. Sew everything in place along the edges with the sewing machine.
You get the eggs in the same way as the wings. If all-white eggs are too simple for you, you can also sew a few pieces of lace, pretty ribbons or other things onto some of them. If it is intended for Easter, patterns and motifs in bright colors are also suitable. Hide the finished eggs in the basket and close the zipper so that the eggs cannot fall out.
No-sew idea
You can also use leftover fabric to create a fabric book. Never throw these away. There are also great ways to create images and motifs that don't require sewing. Here you can see a traffic light made of felt, which is suitable for practicing traffic rules. The lights are pinned in place using buttons.
When planning the book, you can also add a page to teach your child about the clock. As with the traffic light, use simple felt in different colors that you simply glue together. Fasten the hands with a rivet. Make sure it is not sharp, otherwise your child could get injured.
Also provide variety. Between all the educational sites there should also be those that are just for fun. This face is very original and you can create different disguises for it. Your child can put together a king, pirate, Viking or whatever else you can think of. Also think of a way to store the individual parts, such as a chest like this.
Children like to play with wooden blocks. That's no secret. You can also create a game like this in a fabric book. The individual parts can be attached again using Velcro. For the right-hand version, we recommend sewing a square so that the child can use it when folding it. For the right subject this is rather optional and depends on age,
Something very important for your child to learn is how to tie their shoelaces independently. Make any shoe you like and, using eyelets, thread a string into it. Now you can show your child how tying works and he or she can practice at any time. The shoe can be related to your child's hobby, like the soccer shoe here.
For this insect net you can either use a net or you can choose a film. Since felt is the easiest to work with, it's the best way to make lots of different insects. Whether spider, butterfly, ladybug, caterpillar or bee - show your sweetheart the great diversity of nature,
This idea is also quite easy to imitate. You will need some colorful felt strips that you can decorate with buttons. Sew a bag to store the strips for your child to play with. It's not just rings that can be made. The buttons allow the strips to be connected to each other in different ways.
The variety of button shapes and colors make them perfect for making a variety of things for children. A great idea for the Quiete Book is to put the same colors together using buttons and felt. Velcro adheres wonderfully to the felt surface of the page. For an older child, you can also replace the colored squares with words.
Make a mailbox and surprise your child with a letter at regular intervals. If your child can already write, you can also organize correspondence. Let your child share in the joy of receiving their own mail. In this way, you will also introduce him to good old letter writing.
The alphabet is the basis for learning to write and read. Learn it together with your child by using the cloth book again. This is fun and useful at the same time. Make the letters particularly colorful and child-friendly. However, don't distort them too much. This could make it difficult for the child to read the letters.
For this number learning idea you will need buttons again. You sew these onto any motif (in this case cupcakes) and write the respective number underneath. This will help your child visualize the numbers better. The only thing that needs to be sewn here are the buttons.
A page of tools not only helps your child tell them apart, but also allows them to play as a craftsman. You can also choose tools from another category, such as mechanic tools, painter tools or even cooking utensils. Let your imagination run wild!
Use small magnets to let your child fish from the book. This idea can be used as a simple game or you can turn it into a math exercise where you have to add up the fish. You can also label the fish with different numbers and practice adding, multiplying, subtracting and dividing.
Create a character in the Quite Book and various items of clothing to match. Your daughter can then dress the doll however she wants. New clothing items can also be added at any time to ensure variety. Sew a bag to store the clothes in.
Finger puppets are a popular toy among children. The child can play with them independently, with other children, siblings or with you. It's best to choose the figures you want together with your child and feel free to make them together. Here you see a Quite Book page with a bed and three monkeys.
A typical children's game is to find similar motifs and put them together. You can make figures like these again for the fabric book. Of course, you can decide for yourself which characters you choose. Stitching can be done using Velcro or a button system. Lots of bright colors are important again to stimulate your child's senses.
So as you can see, there are no limits to fanaticism with Quiet Book. We hope we have been able to offer you some great inspiration that you can and will use for your child's textbook. Since the book is made of fabric, your child can even take it to bed with them, cuddle with it and enjoy playing and practicing a little before going to sleep.