Children really enjoy doing crafts. That's why you should use every opportunity and every occasion to make something interesting with them. And then craft ideas for children with helpful craft instructions are just the thing to get inspired and easily achieve the desired result. And if the whole thing fits the season, even better! So if you want to make something nice with your children in winter, get started right away. In addition to natural materials, a wide variety of things can be used to while away the afternoon or to make pretty decorations.
Funny cups made from popsicle sticks
If you collect all the ice cream sticks that are left over from eating so much ice cream in the summer, sooner or later you can use them for crafts and implement interesting projects. So does this funny mug. If you want to make this project with children in winter, you will need 10 popsicle sticks, cotton balls, acrylic paint and paper. First place two of the stems parallel to each other on a surface. Then stick the remaining ones next to each other.
Give the glue a little time to dry and in the meantime make the cup handle out of paper. Now the popsicle sticks can be painted. Of course, any other color can be chosen instead of blue. Then let the paint dry and finally glue the handle and the cotton balls, which should imitate cocoa foam. The finished cup can also be decorated with stickers and other decorations. Various self-painted winter pictures are also suitable.
Make your own snowman lanterns
This funny lantern depicts a snowman and can decorate not only the living room or kitchen, but also the children's room if an LED candle is used to illuminate it. Then your child can enjoy their homemade decoration at any time. You will need orange air-drying craft clay, two buttons, fake snow, a mason jar with a perforated lid, red pom-poms, red and white pipe cleaners, a hot glue gun, decoupage glue, and a sponge to apply the glue.
Start with the nose and form a carrot shape out of the clay. Once this has dried, you can glue the nose and buttons for the eyes onto the glass. Make sure beforehand that theSurface of the glass cleanis so that the glue can hold well. Place fake snow in a deep plate or bowl. Using a sponge or a brush, coat the glass with decoupage or similar glue. Now dip the glass into the artificial snow. This remains stuck to the adhesive. Set the jar aside to dry.
The final step is to make the earmuffs. To do this, cut the pipe cleaners in half and twist in one white and one red one and form a U shape out of them. Now first glue the pipe cleaners to the outer edge of the lid and then the red pompoms. To ensure that the pompoms are in the right place on the snowman, you can screw on the lid and mark the places before gluing. Thehomemade lanternyou can now use it to decorate.
Craft idea for toddlers – paint simple winter pictures with cotton swabs
It is also easy to work with small children. Maybe you cansuch a picturechoose. You can either print out the tree trunk or paint it yourself if you think it is too complicated for your little one. The snow can then be created on the branches and on the ground using simple fingerprints. Finger or acrylic paints are great for this. It is important that the colors used are not dangerousKinderare. You can paint the falling snowflakes very easily using ear sticks. These are dipped in the white paint. Then dab small dots onto the image.
Making winter hats with small children
You're sure to get into the winter mood when you make hats like this. You can either draw the hats yourself or you can use the template to print out, which you can find in the link at the end of the article, and then you just have to color them. Any pens and colors can be used for coloring. Feel free to let the children try out different ones and provide them with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, acrylic and watercolors.
After the hats have been colored, there is only one thing left: If you want to make the hats with children in winter, you still have to add cotton balls to them. To do this, first cut out the hats and then glue the cotton wool in place. You can use the finished hats for a garland or if you want to make a window decoration. For the latter, tracing or crepe paper is great because then the light can shine through the paper.
Make snowmen out of toilet rolls
For this idea you will first need a toilet roll. You will also need felt-tip pens in orange and black, as well as ribbons, small pom-poms, googly eyes and pipe cleaners. It is also best to use white toilet rolls. Alternatively, you can paint them white or cover them with white paper. Then glue the googly eyes onto the roll and tie a ribbon around it. Next, paint on the nose and mouth and move the tape into place. Now you can fix it with a little glue if necessary. Next, paint on the buttons with a black felt-tip pen and make the earmuffs as in the instructions for the lantern above. The snowman is now ready!
Snowflakes made from pipe cleaners and beads
OneSnowflakeYou can easily make them with pipe cleaners and beads. We also recommend that you use winter colors such as white, blue, purple or silver. Otherwise, the instructions are very simple and no problem even for small children. However, do not leave the little ones unattended as there is a risk of choking due to the beads. Make star shapes out of the pipe cleaners as shown in the instructions. Then thread the beads onto it. But leave the tips free so that the wire can still be bent. Push it through the bead again, creating a loop that prevents the beads from slipping off the wire again.
Egg carton snowmen
The first craft idea is very simple: conjure up funny snowmen out of egg carton. Fold two 6 egg cartons together. Glue two buttons on it, tie a decorative ribbon, paint a face. Glue two googly eyes and make earmuffs out of pipe cleaners. Complete! This craft idea is for childrenKindergartenand ideal for primary school. Since the children attach the individual parts with glue or hot glue, you must first practice using glue and hot glue. Never leave the little ones unsupervised as there is a risk of injury.
Snowmanmade of cardboard
You can cut out numerous beautiful figures from cardboard and glue them together. You can find templates online or make them yourself. For example, a snowman can be conjured up without much effort. This craft idea is suitable even for complete craft beginners. You can simply draw the outlines of each detail on the cardboard and then task the children with cutting out the details and gluing them onto white cardboard. This cheerful decoration idea is guaranteed to put you in a good mood even on dreary winter days.
Craft withPrimary school children:Coloring ice cream balls
If the temperatures outside are below 0° Celsius, then you can go with theMake colored ice cream balls for children. You will need: balloons, water and food coloring. Fill the balloons with water, add the food coloring and tie the balloons. Place the balloons outside in the snow and leave them overnight. In the morning you can carefully cut and remove the balloons with scissors. Leave the colorful ice cream balls outside and place them on the table as decorationterrace or in the garden.
SnowmenMake your own out of popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners
Do you have leftover popsicle sticks? Then the next craft idea is just right for you. The snowmen pictured above are ready in just a few simple steps. Decorate the popsicle sticks with buttons, ribbon and pipe cleaners, paint a face on them and glue googly eyes. This craft project is best forSuitable for children in kindergarten, because it is uncomplicated, requires little experience and is finished quickly.
DIY jam jar snow globe
The next jam jar snow globe craft project is also ready in less than an hour. You will need: 1 jam jar, a small Christmas tree model (you can make a Christmas tree out of bottle brushes), waterproof glue, distilled water, artificial snow (in powder form) and dishwashing liquid. First stick the mini Christmas tree on the inside of the lid and let it dry for some time. Add a pinch of artificial snow to the jam jar and then fill it with the water. Add a drop of dishwashing liquid and screw on the lid and turn the jam jar upside down.
Olaf the snowman made from toilet rolls
Another very simple craft idea is to make funny snowmen out of toilet rolls. You will need the following materials: cardboard in white, brown and orange, pencils, black fineliner, black pompoms, glue. Print out a template for the Olaf face and trace it onto the white cardstock. Cut out the nose from the orange cardboard and thebrown – the hairout of. Then cut the white cardboard to size, wrap it around a toilet roll and glue the two ends together. Then glue the three pompoms and the cute snowman from the Disney film “Frozen” is ready.
Make your own door wreath out of paper gloves
Christmas is over and the festive door wreath is back in the wardrobe? A colorful winter wreath makes the front door shine and even on dull dayshappy mood. You will need: A template for a glove, cardboard or scraps of wrapping paper. First, transfer the motif onto the cardboard and then cut it out. Then stick the gloves on a wreath made of cardboard and tie a decorative ribbon to it.
Paint wooden houses and decorate them with artificial snow
Numerous painting projects are also suitable for children in elementary school. For example, you can paint wooden houses colorfully and spray them with artificial snow. But instead of making a typical winter village in red, green and gold, you can dye the wooden houses in bright colors. Pink, mint green and hot pink look super cute and even make you look forward to spring coming soon. And in the summer months, the decorative houses can decorate the girls' room and even serve as dollhouses.
Snowman made of popsicle sticks and felt
Charming snowmen can be made from cotton pads, popsicle sticks and felt. This idea is great for children in elementary school. You will need the following materials: 3 cotton pads per snowman, wooden popsicle sticks or tongue depressors, pompoms, felt in green, black and orange. First, stick three cotton pads onto the popsicle stick. Then cut out the hat, scarf, eyes and nose from felt. Then glue the details and at the end decorate the snowmen with the pompoms.
Craft projects are a great leisure activity for children because they promote their ability to concentrate and stimulate their imagination. If you want to spend a nice hour with the children, then the next idea is a good idea. Glue 6 popsicle sticks together, then glue two more popsicle sticks across the sides. Then paint the popsicle sticks white with acrylic paint. Meanwhile you can cut out the details from felt. You need two large and four smaller squares for the eyes and teeth, as well as a triangle for the nose, a motif for the scarf and one for the hat.
And some more ideas below:
Tree made from painted puzzle pieces
Bowling with penguins and snowmen made from Coca Cola bottles
Mistletoe shaped footprint with pompoms
This is how you can make a snowmanmake an old sock
Transform transparent Christmas balls into Sesame Street characters Elmo and Grover
Making ice balls is a lovely decoration idea for the garden in winter
Winter hat print templatehere.