Crafts Guardian angels - 4 instructions from different materials

Little angel figures are not only given away at Christmas as beautiful jewelry for the Christmas tree. They are a very popular gift on a wide variety of occasions and, above all, show personal affection for the recipient person. They are particularly fascinating beings and popular calming against fears and illnesses. You can make a guardian angel and give as a nice souvenir to many occasions, for example for birth, as a baptismal gift, for the wedding, also at the beginning of school or as a protector in the car.

Tinker Guardian angel - 4 ideas with instructions

Small dolls are made for the first handicraft project. To do this, you can take a wooden ball or optionally a other material and make a cone made of a small piece of white cardboard. Fix the inner side with hot glue or an adhesive tape so that you don't see the glue. The tip of the cone cut off a bit so that the ball can stand on the opening, but it does not fall. Fix the ball in this position with the hot glue.

Now take several small pieces of white paper, best napkin paper and a brush. Loosen a little glue in the water or use wallpaper paste for this. Start covering the ball and cone with the pieces of paper. With the brush you wear layer by layer a little glue. Pay particular attention to where the ball is connected to the cone. You should create a gentle transition between the two forms and thereby strengthen this connection. Finally, with paper, they also cover the opening in the lower area of ​​the cone.

Cut a small dress for your homemade guardian angel from white tip. Fix it with a little glue. For the halo and wings, use pipe cleaners. From a small piece of pipe cleaner in gold or yellow, they form a circle that should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the ball. From white pipe cleaners you design the angel wings. Here you take two pieces of the plush wire and form a heart from it. Fix the hot glue and leave the pipe cleaner a little longer.

Guardian angels tinker made of wood

To thistinker cute angels, you don't need much: a wooden waters, piece of jutestoff, felt, something nice white decorative tape and cord. This DIY project is also suitable for children. It is best to use hot glue for fixing. They also need color, for example black and white and a small brush to be able to paint the face of the angel.

Now cut the angel robe out of the Jutestoff. Tie around the wooden waterproof and fix with the hot glue. You should do that on the back. They also attach the angel wings. Cut them from white felt or another firmer fabric. You can create the template for the wings yourself or find what ideas can also be found online.

You can easily make the arms of the angel from thin jute ceiling. Take a piece and cut in any length. Knot on both sides and fix on the back. Perhaps it makes sense to attach the wings at the very end, so that if unsightly stains from the hot glue have been created, to hide them. Finally, paint the angel's beautiful face. You can make it very minimalist, two black dots for eyes and white hair are enough to give your cute shape a perfect finish.

Guardian angels tinker from natural materials

If you want to imagine your guardian angel a little more glamorous and would like to implement elements in gold, our next suggestion is exactly for you. Natural more materials are required for this, as well as what experience in handicrafts. This handicraft project is rather not suitable for children, since fine work with small elements and more patience is required. TheLittle angels, which we will show you soon, is also a nice gift idea for Christmas and it will look beautiful on the Christmas tree.

The following materials are required for this:

  • White felting wool
  • A wooden ball and smaller wooden beads
  • Decorative bands in gold (transparent, thin and wide at will)
  • Color
  • Stupfnadel
  • little brush
  • Hot glue
  • Karton (Gold)

Of course, there are several variants to combine the listed materials and to design a guardian angel. Here the head of the angel is turned out of the large wooden ball. A small yellow wooden bead is fixed on both sides and a beautiful hairstyle is shown. Blonde hair is also painted with the brush and yellow color. The angel's body consists of white felting wool - upper body, two feet and arms. Of course, these are presented very simply and the arms even represented as a form, because the angel will later hold a heart in his arms.

All parts connect with the hot glue, because it hardens very quickly and so that it is worked very easily. You tinker the wings from the decorative tapes that you have chosen for it. Cut pieces from the different ribbons of the same length and make a few loops out of it. They either bind them together in two groups, like in the picture or design them as desired. It looks nice when they put together transparent and gold ligaments.

Finally, form a small circle made of thin golden decorative tape as a halo and fix them over the head. You can paint the face now. Cut out a heart made of beautiful cardboard or possibly made of decorative paper and fix in your hands so that the angel wants to give your heart to someone. You may be able to write down the person's monogram and thus personalize the figure.

Figure from wire

It is not difficult to make a small guardian angel of wire. They choose the wire so that it is flexible, but not thin. It is best to choose suitable jewelry wire or silver wire. This material is particularly suitable as a trailer due to its filigree appearance and its light weight.

Take the wire and with the help of a jewelry pliers first form a triangle. Make the two ends of the wire piece and design the angel wings. Cross in the middle so that the same amount of wire remains on the two sides. At this point you can fix a small decorative flower as a decoration. Something about where the angel wings cross, you will soon tie the trailer on which the guardian angel will later hang. For this you can use a nice cord or a thin decorative tape. Tie up at this point and thread a beautiful pearl. This serves as a head of the angel, but also to fix the tape in the desired position. Now the guardian angel is ready and ready to give away. What is missing is a beautiful guardian angel saying. Here is our suggestion:

"I will never let you down",Your guardian angel once spoke. If you dropped him, you couldn't claw yourself. But it is true, he's not always there for you. If your faith goes beyond all barriers, it is there who directs you through life.