Make angels with children out of paper and other materials – 13 ideas

Angels are popular with children and adults and offer a great craft idea for every season. During Advent and Christmas they are perfect as a beautiful decoration for the home. Christmas angels are part of the Christmas tree decorations, but can also decorate windows and tables. They are also popular in the shape of guardian angels and are often worn as good luck charms. Making angels with children is a great activity for any time of the year and is sure to be a lot of fun for the little ones. In the article we have collected some great craft ideas for angels that you can make together with the children.

Make your own angels out of cones

Regardless of whether you want to make an angel for Christmas or for no reason at all, pine cones are perfect for this. The body of the angel can be made from this and painted in any color. With gold, for example, you can create an eye-catching lookDecoration for the Christmas treemake with the children. Balls made of different materials are suitable for the head, such as Styrofoam or wood. It's best for children to make wings out of golden paper or ribbon and the Christmas angel is ready.

Make Christmas angels out of pasta with children

Many children love pasta in different shapes. If you often make pasta at home, you may have some leftover pasta. You can make really creative little angels out of this that look really great.

For this craft project, however, the noodles are not cooked, but rather used dry. You need a total of six for the original little angelsdifferent shapes pasta: wheels, rigatoni, croissants, stars, ditalini (small hollow pasta) and a farfalle. Since no ball-shaped pasta exists, you need a small wooden bead for the head. Glue the individual elements of the angel with hot glue. The children can then paint the Christmas angel any way they like and use a hanger to turn it into a pretty Christmas tree decoration.

The butterfly pasta, known as farfalle, is ideal for making Christmas angels with the children. Horizontally they look like beautiful angel wings, and vertically they look like elegant dresses. The angels are finished with small wooden beads for the heads. To embellish them, little ones can use acrylic paints, glitter and small bows.

Simple angels made from cups or clay pots

If you would like to make angels with children, then the following ideas are just as perfect. They are easy to make and are therefore also suitable for smaller children.Mini-Tontöpfeand paper cups have a great shape that can replicate the angel's dress. Simply place the clay pot with the opening facing down and paint it white. Then make the head and wings out of a wooden bead or a white bow and glue them to them.

Paper lace doilies are perfect for designing the angel wings. They are decorative, delicate and can be folded into different shapes. If you make an angel out of paper cups, then the wings made out of lace doilies go perfectly with it.

If you get a white paper cup, the children don't necessarily have to paint it. White Christmas angels are very pretty and always a nice decoration idea. To make this little angel you will need a pipe cleaner and a piece of beige paper. The children cut out a circle from the paper and draw the face on it. Then bend the pipe cleaner so that you again form a circle and bring the end vertically downwards. This is how the halo is attached to the bottom of the cup. Now fold the doily as shown in the picture above and glue it to the back. Finally, glue the face so that the vertical pipe cleaner remains hidden. Complete!

Children can also make cute angels using very small cups or empty coffee capsules. A simple idea can be found in the image above. Here three empty coffee capsules are stacked on top of each other to create the angel's body. A Styrofoam ball serves as the head and the halo is made from yellow pipe cleaner. The angel wings can be created from golden foil and attached to the upper capsule.

Make angels out of wooden spoons

Wooden spoons are used for the following craft ideas for sweet angels. These are certainly very popular with children because the little ones enjoy doing crafts with household items. All you need for these Christmas angels are wooden spoons, white paper lace doilies and white wool. Use a whole lace doily to design the dress by dragging the spoon through it. Now cut a second doily in half and shape the halves into wings. Make a bow and hanger out of the wool. If these angels are used for Christmas tree decorations, you can also hot glue the hanger so that it becomes more stable.

Since the previous craft idea is more suitable for older children, we have also found a craft project that is suitable for the very little ones. For this you will need a lace doily and a wooden spoon, as well as some glitter and a pipe cleaner to decorate. Your child can decorate the spoon and decorate it with a halo from the pipe cleaner. Then simply stick the wooden spoon on the doily and you're done.

Create sweet angels out of paper

One of the most popular materials for crafting with children is definitely paper. The little ones can do different things from thisAngels for Christmasor make it as a protector and why not give it as a gift. For this angel you need two square sheets of paper with any pattern and a small circle. First fold the square sheets into an accordion and put them together as shown above. Then draw the face on the paper circle and glue the head over the wings.

Instead of craft paper, you can also use cardboard to design. This makes the angel more stable and can also stand upright. To do this, you should first create a cone shape from the cardboard and cut out the tip. Cut out the wings from another piece of cardboard and glue them to the cone. With a Styrofoam ball as a head and a halo made of yellow paper, the paper angel is ready.

Another way to make an angel out of paper is to use muffin cups. These can be found in many great colors and patterns and look great as dresses. You can find out how to create these simple little angels with the children using paper cases, lace doilies and clay cardboard in the instructions below.

Simple angel made from toilet roll

Toilet roll is another easy idea for paper angels. The unsightly cardboard roll can be covered with patterned paper and equipped with wings made of bow, fabric, paper or flexible plush. With just a little imagination, you can make a cute angel with your child.

Craft templates