Make your own guardian angel – 6 DIY ideas to give as a gift with instructions

If you are looking for a beautiful gift with meaning, be it for someone else or why not for yourself, a guardian angel is the right choice. What could be nicer than telling someone that you care and want to protect them? Nowadays there are certainly a wide variety of models to buy in the form of figures, pendants, jewelry or pictures. But homemade food is always something very special and the better choice, don't you think? If you are of the same opinion and would like to make a gift yourself, just try out the following ideas with which you can make a guardian angel yourself. Use different materials and techniques and make someone very happy for their birthday, christening or the birth of a baby!

Guardian angel pictures with a maritime flair

You get a very simple project with this idea. And the best thing is that you can combine it with your vacation. Various things that you can find on the beach are needed. These include shells, shards of glass polished by the sea or flat stones. The mussels don't even have to be whole. So if some of your hard-collected shells are broken on the way home, you don't have to worry because you can still use them.

On a board of any size, which you equip with holes in advance and paint as you like, distribute the materials you have chosen as a test until you have put together an angel. You can then attach the elements to the wooden board with hot glue. If you make this guardian angel yourself, there is still one small but important detail missing and that is the halo. The quickest way to get this is to make a piece of wire and shape it into a ring.

Make a simple wooden angel with clothespins

Sometimes you can't help but be amazed at what everyday objects you can use to make the most beautiful decorations or gifts. For example, if you want to make your own guardian angel out of wood, that's enoughWooden clothespinsand a wooden ball that you can get at the craft store, which you then combine with feathers, fabric or paper for clothing and wings and pipe cleaners for the arms and the halo. With the help of paint, the ball first gets hair and a face, for which you can also use a sharpie. Allow the colors to dry.

Glue the ball to the clothespin. After that, wrap the pipe cleaner around the clamp to create arms. Then make a ring out of pipe cleaners and glue it to the angel's back. Finally, glue the feathers or fabric onto the angel's body to imitate a dress. You can also use any material for the wings. Even dried leaves are suitable.

Make your own lucky charms out of wooden ice cream sticks

You can even make a wooden guardian angel using popsicle sticks. If you want to make this guardian angel yourself, you don't need many things. You decide for yourself which color you paint them in. This can also be determined depending on the occasion. For example, white, blue or silver are very suitable for Christmas, while at other times of the year you can simply choose a bright color. For the body you need three stems, the curve of which you cut off on one side. The arms and legs each consist of two thinner handles and the head consists of a wooden ball. The hair and face are simply painted on again, while a wreath for the halo is formed with pipe cleaners and glued to the head.

You are also welcome to make such an angel with children, as this idea is also very easy to do. You can freely choose the object that the angel is holding (in this case a poinsettia). It can be a homemade gift package, a flower or something else. You now have a friendly guardian angel as a gift! By the way, you can also make your hair out of wool.

Make funny guardian angels yourself

If the shuttlecock breaks while playing, don't throw it away straight away because it can be used to make such cute onesMake your own angels. To do this, simply replace the rubber ball with a wooden ball with a face and painted or crafted hair. The best way to hide the unsightly transition between the ball and the dress, i.e. the neck so to speak, is with any bath. For example, lace goes very well with the mesh look of the shuttlecock.

If you make the guardian angel yourself, you will need another shuttlecock. Then cut out the wings from this. If you would like a guardian angel as a pendant, you can also get a key ring. However, you don't use this for the key chain, but as a halo. Before gluing, thread a connecting ring onto the key ring, onto which you can then hang a loop of cord or chain. This is also a good option if you want to have a guardian angel for your car.

Wooden figure

If you have the skills and tools of a carpenter, you are welcome to try out this idea for making your own guardian angel and make a wooden guardian angel yourself, for which the angel shape is cut out of a wooden board. Alternatively, you can of course have this shape made and then continue with the rest yourself. The angel figure can then be painted. The wings consist of simple wire loops, several of which are attached staggered to the back. You can leave it as a minimalist look or paint on the face and other details.

Painting stones

You probably already have many variantsPainting stonesseen. You can also use this artistic craft idea if you want to make a guardian angel yourself and give it away. How exactly you portray the angel is up to you. It doesn't have to be something complicated or professional. A funny illustration is also suitable and is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Simply search for suitable comic or cartoon images that you can use as a template.

Then all you need is a suitable stone so that you can make the guardian angel yourself. River stones are particularly suitable as they usually have a smooth surface that is ideal for painting and are also available in larger versions. You may also have a river nearby that you can examine for suitable stones if you have the opportunity. If not, you can check at the hardware store or garden center.