Make summer decorations: Children of daycare age will love these ideas!

In summer, small children like to spend time outdoors. When it gets too hot to play outside in the afternoon, then it's time for creative work. We'll show you several ideas on how to do onebeautiful summer decorationcan craft. The DIY projects are perfect for daycare-aged children who are currently on summer vacation.

Make summer decorations: paint cups with the children

The children's room is full of toys and the children are still bored? Even in summer it's a good idea to have a few craft projects ready. If you get bored during bad weather or long periods of heat, you can make a nice decoration yourself together with the children.

Our first suggestion:Painting cups. You need a porcelain cup, 2-3 drops of dishwashing liquid, water, a fine brush, a surface for the work surface and porcelain paints (skin-friendly).

First, wash children's hands well. Line a plate with cling film and put porcelain paints on it. The children should now dip their index fingers and thumbs into the colors and first dab the body of the butterfly and then the wings. Then wash the children's hands and let the butterfly dry for about half an hour. Finally, you can use the fine brush to paint the butterfly's antennae.

Also read:Make lanterns with the children: conjure up summery motifs on glass!

Summer decoration ideas for daycare-age children: make ice cream cones

You can make one out of craft cardboard and honeycomb ballscharming garlandcreate for the children's room. First make a paper cone from the clay cardboard and then a ball from honeycomb paper. Glue them together to make an ice cream cone. If desired, you can decorate the ice cream cones with stickers, rhinestones or glitter.

Crafts in July with the kids: popsicle sticks

You can make a colorful garland out of foam rollers (for example, you can use the foam rollers from a paint roller) and popsicle sticks. Simply cut the foam roller into several 15cm pieces. Then insert a wooden stick into each foam piece and glue it in place. Fix the twine with tape and hang the garland.

Crafts with children in summer: ship made of wooden sticks

For the next craft idea you will need wooden sticks, craft cardboard, straws, paint, scissors, a flat brush, a hole punch and glue or hot glue.

First, the children should paint all the wooden handles. Then glue six wooden sticks together. Turn them over and build a substructure using 5 more wooden sticks. Then cut a straw. Cut out several triangles for the sails from the craft cardboard and punch two holes in each sail with the hole punch. Insert the straw through the holes. Glue the mast to the center of the wooden handle ship. Fill a bucket with water and let the children play with the ships.

Children's activities in summer: making a ship

You can also make a ship out of paper. It looks especially nice if you use wrapping paper or an old world map. You still need a straw for the mast and a triangle made of white craft cardboard for the sail. This craft idea is perfect for kindergarten-aged children.

Make summer decorations: Make your own sun with children at daycare

A simple DIY idea for kindergarten-aged children: make a sun out of construction paper and wooden sticks. You will also need the following materials: yellow buttons, glue, yellow paint, a flat brush. You will also need a pair of compass and scissors as accessories. Proceed as follows: First, cut out a circle with a diameter of 15 cm from the yellow construction paper. Then have the children paint eight wooden handles yellow. Then place the wooden stems as rays on the construction paper and glue them in place. Flip the sun over and attach the yellow buttons.

Summer decoration for children of kindergarten age: sun made from paper plates

Children between 3 and 4 years old will definitely like the next craft idea. You can make a sun yourself out of paper plates, craft cardboard and cling film. The decoration looks good both in the children's room and as a window picture.

You will need the following materials: a paper plate, yellow paint, a flat brush, cling film, red and orange craft cardboard, a craft knife or scissors and glue. This is how you can make the sun: First cut out the base of the plate and glue cling film to the paper plate ring instead. Cut out many small squares and eight medium-sized triangles from the craft cardboard. Stick the squares on the cling film and attach the triangles to the ring as sun rays.

Table decoration for the summer: making a birdhouse with kindergarten-aged children

A cool idea for table decorations with a summer flair: make a “birdhouse”. This original decoration for the children's table is guaranteed to provide a lot of fun. You will need the following materials: a template for a foldable paper house (there are numerous free templates online), craft cardboard in yellow and green, a pencil, children's glasses with flowers, self-adhesive rhinestones, glue, scissors.

First assemble the house, then cut out the leaves from green cardboard and attach them. Decorate the house with rhinestones. Paint the eyes on the glasses and put the whole thing together. By the way, the colorful bird house is not only suitable as a decoration for the garden or dining table. You can also hang it on a tree and use it as a bird feeder.

Table decoration for the summer: make a pineapple

The next craft idea is also very simple and is perfect forCrafts with childrenfrom 3-4 years. You will need craft cardboard in green and yellow, a brown marker, a green marker, a ruler, scissors, a craft knife and an empty paper towel roll. Cut the paper towel roll in two. Cut a strip out of the yellow craft card and draw the pineapple pattern on it using a ruler and the brown pencil. Freehand draw the pineapple leaves and cut them out.

Now you can assemble the pineapple. With this colorful decoration on the table, a good mood is guaranteed.

Table decoration for the summer: Make a cactus out of cardboard with the children

The next decoration is also colorful and creative. Making a cactus out of cardboard is really easy. You will need green craft card, pink and pink tissue paper, a paper cup, river rocks and a blue marker. Place the child's hand on the craft cardboard and trace the contours. Then cut out the handprint and decorate it with patterns using the marker. Paint the paper cup gray and fill it with the river stones. Cut strips out of the tissue paper and glue them onto the craft cardboard as “flowers”. Finally, put the handprint in the cup between the stones.

Make a cactus out of modeling clay with the children

You can also make cool cacti out of modeling clay. Shape the cacti out of modeling clay and you can use pipe cleaners or toothpicks for the spines. Place the cacti in small plastic plant pots and decorate them with river stones.

Make summer decorations: Koi fish from toilet paper rolls

Crafting with toilet paper rolls is enjoying increasing popularity. The empty rolls can be painted and designed in any way you like and have numerous uses. Next, we'll explain how you can make koi fish from old toilet paper rolls.

Press the empty toilet paper rolls lightly on one side and paint them in a color of your choice. Let them dry and then paint the fish scales on them. Draw a caudal fin and two pelvic fins on white cardboard and cut them out. You can easily cut the ends of the fin. Then glue the tail fin to the pressed end of the fish. Cut the toilet paper roll. Then you can bend the other end of the roll up slightly. Attach the pelvic fins. Finally, you can glue on googly eyes.

Make summer decorations: Make a colorful table runner yourself with children ages 3-4 and up

Are you planning a children's birthday and need a table runner? Then you can glue wooden stems together, paint them in different colors and decorate them with glitter and stickers. There are no limits to your imagination. By the way, you can use water or food coloring to paint.

The more colorful the end result is, the better! This colorful table decoration is guaranteed to please guests. The table runner also offers a place to place hot drinks.

Crafts with small children in summer: stamping cloth napkins

Stamping is especially fun for daycare-aged children. Below we will explain to you how you can make your own stamps from natural materials such as potatoes or lemons and decorate cloth napkins with them. You will need white cloth napkins, fabric paints, a brush, a lemon and a medium sized potato.

Halve the lemon and apply plenty of paint with a flat brush. Then you can stamp the napkin. You also cut the potato in two and stamp pink motifs on the napkin. Then paint the rest with a flat brush. The end result should be a watermelon motif.

Make your own table decorations for the summer: maritime lantern

A children's activity on hot afternoons: learn to tie knots together. You can then use this to decorate lanterns.

In addition, you can decorate the lanterns with decorative ribbon in white and dark blue. Let your creativity run wild when designing the lantern.

Craft ideas for the summer: Decorate glass lanterns with washi tape

For this romantic lighting you will need jam jars, tissue paper in different colors and Mod Podge. Wash and rinse the jam jars thoroughly. Using a flat brush, apply a generous amount of Mod Podge to the clean, dry surface. Cut the tissue paper into 5 cm long strips and stick them on the jam jar.