Making a poinsettia with lighting – instructions for DIY decoration

During the Christmas season, when it gets dark outside early, we rely on other types of lighting. While candles were previously used, today we also have access to artificial light sources in the form of lamps. And at Christmas they also create a romantic and mystical atmosphere that contributes to the perfect Christmas atmosphere. So it's no wonder that so many fairy lights, candles and other decorative light sources are used. After all, the range is also very large. If you still feel like making something yourself during and for the Christmas season, you can make a poinsettia with lights and then decorate your home with it. There are a variety of ways you can make a star and we would like to introduce a few of them to you below.

Make a simple star with a chain of lights

For our first example, you only need 5 wooden sticks and cable ties to attach the sticks to each other. Instead of cable ties, you can also use simple string or hot glue. The wooden sticks can also be replaced with others. Twigs and branches also look very pretty. Once you have assembled the star, you can wrap a string of lights around the rods. Whether you need a chain for thiswith modern white lightYou can also decide for yourself whether to use it with classic yellow or bright colors.

The star looks particularly good when placed on a dresser or other shelf, because then the cable can be hidden behind the piece of furniture. However, if you want to decorate a bare wall, nothing stands in your way.

Illuminated stars for windows and terraces

If you would like to decorate your outdoor area with glowing stars, pay attentionUse fairy lightsthat are suitable for outdoors. Then you can also use lanterns that you can quickly and easily get in a decoration or craft store or online. It is recommended that the star lanterns are also perforated so that the light can shine through.

All you have to do is distribute part of the fairy lights inside the star. The rest of the chain is then used for hanging.


Feel free to accept the challenge andmake your own lanterns, by folding stars. It is best to use a printable template for this purpose, which is then simply cut out and used as a stencil. You can find a link to the template at the end of the article. You will need five of these templates per star, which you will then use to make the five star points. So cut these out and fold them in the places shown. Then glue the individual prongs together on the tabs provided.

Remember that the internal illumination of the stars can only be seen if the paper is sufficiently thin and transparent. If you prefer sturdier cardboard or craft paper to make poinsettias with light, you can also perforate it. To do this, use punches from the craft store with the desired designs and punch the printed elements after you have cut them out.

Now place an LED candle or lamp in the finished lantern to illuminate it. If you are making poinsettias out of paper, never use a real candle, no matter how well you think you have fixed it. It could fall over at any time due to impact or wind and cause fire! The version with the fairy lights from the example above can also be used well for the homemade star.

Paper stars for a glowing garland

This project is particularly quick and easy to make. First, get a string of lights of the desired length. For each lamp you now need a star made of paper, cardboard, felt or another material. To do this, prepare a template so that all the stars are the same or put together a garland of different star shapes. If you would like to make the poinsettia with light, each star must then be provided with a hole through which the lights can be inserted. You can attach these to the back of the star using hot glue or simple adhesive tape. Hang the finished string of lights on the wall, a window or on the Christmas tree.

A project with linen and wire

This project is a little more complicated but beautiful. Two star shapes are bent from wire, which are then covered with linen fabric. Maybe you can find ready-made wire frames to make your work easier. The idea is particularly suitable for those of you who already have experience with sewing and sewing machines. Also leave a small opening in the panel through which you can insert the light source into the star housing. The small lights then shine through the relatively transparent linen material.

Instructions with fairy lights without frame

If you're looking for a quick, last-minute project, this idea is perfect for you because you can get a pretty accent in just a few minutes and with few resources. The star is simply made from a string of lights and directly on the wall or a window. Use clear tape to attach the cable and gradually form the star shape. Nothing more is necessary! How easy some decorations are to make, right?

Video instructions: Fold paper stars for a garland of lights

If you like thisStars fold out of paper, you can also use them for a string of lights. At the end of the article you will also find a template that you can use to make a poinsettia with lighting. You will also need some tools to cut out the individual elements, as well as wire to attach the lights to the finished stars. You can find out exactly how you have to fold these templates for the poinsettia in the following video instructions:

There you can also see how the printed template is transferred to the craft paper. After a few exercises, you will quickly get the hang of it and be able to make any poinsettia you need with lighting in no time. If you store the fairy lights with the poinsettias correctly, you can use the homemade decorations every year.

Beautiful poinsettias made from sandwich bags

If you're looking for craft instructions that are particularly quick and easy, it's probably best to choose stars like thesefrom sandwich bags. All you have to do is cut the bread bags in a certain way and glue them a little and we will now explain to you exactly how this works. For more patterns and shapes, you can follow the link at the end of the article. There you will find templates with which you can design each poinsettia differently.

  • 12 bread bags
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • punch
  • String for hanging

Apply plenty of glue to the first bag and stick a second one on top. Repeat the whole thing with all the other bags. Then cut off the top corners (those on the open side) diagonally and a little further down cut the side of the bag in a triangular shape. Apply another layer of glue. Now take both ends of these layers and pull them apart like an accordion. Glue the two ends together. Punch holes in the star anywhere and tie string to hang. If you want, you can decorate the finished poinsettia with colors.

You can also use white bread bags and just cut off the corners to create a poinsettia like the picture above. If you would like stars made of paper bags with lights, LED fairy lights can be incorporated. For thiswrap the fairy lightssimply either through the middle holes and around the star for the first variant or between the spikes for the second variant.

Make your own illuminated wooden star

We have already shown you a great idea above about how you can make a wooden star with a chain of lights using simple sticks. Hobby craftsmen can also use a more complicated version for a wooden poinsettiaMake lighting, as follows:

  • Wooden boards (size depends on the size of the star)
  • Jigsaw
  • Stapler for wood
  • Hammer and nails
  • sandpaper
  • Wood varnish
  • LED fairy lights
  • Lineal
  • Pencil
  • Template in the shape of a kite of any size

Draw the shape of a dragon of any size (18 cm long in the example) on white paper and cut it out. You will use this template later for the individual points of the kite. It's best to start with this step before you buy the boards because then you can choose the right size based on the template at the hardware store. Then place the template on the board and trace the outline. A ruler that you place directly on the edge of the paper will prevent it from slipping. Then use a jigsaw to cut out the first prong. You need five such elements per star. Then put the elements together like a star and fix them together using the stapler. Make another poinsettia.

Then you need a piece of wood that you attach between the two stars. You can use scraps of wood for this (in the example a 5 cm cube). You can now either glue this cube between the two stars with strong wood glue or attach it with a hammer and small nails (preferably one nail per element). If you want to add a stick as in the example, drill a 2.5 cm deep hole in the center of the cube (with the diameter of the chosen wooden stick) and only then attach it between the stars. Then sand and paint the stars. As soon as the varnish has dried, you can wrap the fairy lights around the wooden cube in the middle. Complete!

Stars made of greaseproof paper with light

In a similar way to the wooden star from the instructions, you can also make a poinsettia out of greaseproof paper, baking paper or other types of paper. Start with a stencil for the star. This can have any shape. You can find numerous designs to print out on the internet. Cut out your template and use it to trace and cut out the same shape twice on your selected paper.

Then you need a narrow strip of cardboard, which you fold up on both sides to create a U-shape. The distance between the two stars also depends on the length of this strip. Glue the strip to the resulting tabs on the stars and then wrap a short string of LED lights around the cardboard and you're done. You can now fix the fairy lights with adhesive tape or hot glue and then use them to hang up the star. But you can also use string.

In the example, instead of a string of lights, one was usedLight bulb with cableused. To do this, the cardboard strip should be wide enough to cut a hole with tabs through which the light bulb fits. You can see exactly what this hole should look like in the picture above.

Printable Star Lantern Templatehere.
Paper stars for garlandhere.
Bread bag star templateshere.