Anyone who doesn't have the talent or nerve to wrap presents with wrapping paper will be happy about the large selection of gift bags. However, these are usually not very cheap and, especially at holidays such as Christmas or Easter, where you have to beautifully wrap several gifts at once, these bags can lead to unexpectedly large expenses. Then it's better to simply make the gift bags yourself! And you can use any paper for this. Brown wrapping paper is particularly popular and can also be beautifully decorated at the end. We have a simple guide for you to make paper bags, as well as some ideas for designing with paint. Get started now!
Folding instructions
You can easily make paper bags by folding brown packing paper. In the instructions above you can see the individual steps you need to follow. One aid is washi tapeany patterncan own. It is particularly important that the floor is nice and stable. You probably want to make the bags with handles. Finally, glue two handles on the inside or outside and you have homemade carrier bags.
Of course, you can also use ready-made bags for painting to save time. No matter which variant you choose, an attractive design of the bag is just as important. You can come up with something yourself and adapt the pattern to the occasion. For example, we find this diagonal stripe pattern that you add after making the paper bags very original.
Then prepare any colors you like. In this case, white and gold were chosen for the diagonal stripes. But of course this is a matter of taste and can be changed by you. Our aim is simply to show you which technique you can use to paint straight lines after making the paper bags.
withAdhesive strips for masking
You will need adhesive strips for this idea. There are special models for painters that can be easily removed afterwards. Simple paper tape is also suitable. The only important thing is that it does not have too strong an adhesive so that the strip does not tear the surface of the paper bag when it is removed.
Paper carrier bags –SimpleMalanleitung
The strips are then glued to the bag at any distance from each other and depending on the pattern you want to create. It is best to create different distances between them. That seems more interesting. Once you have taped everything off, you can color in the spaces between them to make paper bags. Remove the adhesive strips before the paint has dried as it could tear when dry. It is therefore best to tape off one strip at a time.
Paper bagswith pattern
The pattern can look something like this at the end. The golden color looks particularly festive and elegant. You can use the striped pattern to design the entire surface of the bag or just add a nice accent in one of the corners. You can simply try out different variations of the different gift bags.
The tote bags look great with any pattern. You can also create straight triangles with adhesive tape and in any size. To do this you first have to make the paper bags. Then stick three pieces of adhesive tape on the bag at any point, forming a triangle, which you color again with colors.
Be careful when removing the tape. This time the stripes overlap and are therefore a little more difficult to remove. But if you give yourself enough time, you'll get them out of the bag in no time. You can also draw triangles freehand. Simply draw them thinly with a pencil. Be very precise when coloring otherwise the edges will not be straight.
Alternatively, you can also cut triangles out of colored paper and then glue them onto the gift bag. This takes more time, but looks just as stylish. This idea becomes even easier if you use ready-made stickers. But don't forget that the packaging gets its charm precisely because everything is homemade.
WithoutSticking tape
You can create pretty patterns even without adhesive tape. With a broad brush, for example, you can create a pattern like the one above. It is best to alternate several colors to make the striped pattern look more attractive. If you dare, you can even paint entire pictures on the paper bag.
If you design different patterns, the presents under the Christmas tree will look much more friendly and interesting. Another advantage of making paper bags is that they can be used over and over again and don't end up in the trash like wrapping paper. This is more environmentally friendly and makes it easier for you to wrap gifts next time.
Dot patterns are also very cute. Since these are difficult to paint freehand, it's best to use a stamp. This can be purchased ready-made from foam. It has a practical handle that makes printing particularly easy. Feel free to combine these points with one of the patterns shown above.
To make a stamp, you can also improvise and cut a potato. The stamp is then dipped in the chosen color. Be careful not to add too much or too little paint. Then press the stamp onto the bag and repeat this as often as you like. Finally, let the paint dry thoroughly. Incidentally, acrylic paint is well suited for this purpose.
More complicated patterns can be applied using stencils. Of course, you can also draw this lace pattern freehand. With the right brush shapes and sizes, you'll definitely get the hang of it quickly. You can first try out on a piece of paper whether you really need stencils.
Decorate withLace pattern
If you have decided to use stencils, designing the bags is anything but difficult. Place the template on the paper bag. As a precaution, you can tape them down with adhesive tape and hold them in place so that the stencil doesn't slip while you're coloring it. Then take some paint and use a brush to paint it over the cut-out motifs on the stencil.