How to have a 90s party

Whether in music or fashion, people always like to use trends from the past decades. Retro is absolutely popular and also ideal as a theme for the next birthday or summer party. With our tips you can take your guests on a journey through time and create a lively 90s party atmosphere. Read on and find great ideas for your 90s party.

Musically, the 1990s had a lot to offer: from mass-appealing trance and techno to dark and generation-defining grunge to colorful pop stars with a scream factor. The list of artists is endless, but no 90s flashback party survives without the hits of Spice Girls, Dr. Alban, Nirvana, Rednex and Co. Inspiration for the perfect playlistcan be found here. Maybe there are still one or two self-composed mix tapes from your youth waiting in the attic? Unpack the old boombox and use it to perfect the musical retro feeling of a bygone era.

For some arethe 90salso the decade of fashion sins, but on the other hand, fashion hasn't been this much fun for a long time. The motto is: the main thing is neon, glitter and always a bit over-the-top. With buffalos, tattoo necklaces and fake piercings you become a 90s style icon, and you can also dig a little deeper into the color box when it comes to make-up. If you want to perfect your outfit: go for the Wheelys! The rolling sneakers were forgotten for a long time, but you can now find them again in various online shops, for exampleat Intersport.

Photo credit: Flickr – Purple Sherbet Photography

No party without themed food? Things get a bit difficult with this motto. Because Mett hedgehogs, Hawaiian toast and stew are not for everyone and are admittedly a bit heavy on the stomach. If you want to stay true to the motto, serve up the delicacies anyway and maybe you'll find one or two secret fans of the party food. Or you create new interpretations. Instead of classic Hawaiian toast, how about goat cheese and pineapple on bruschetta? It's a similar story when it comes to drinks, and the menu includes vodka jello, snowball punch and colorful energy drinks. Whatever works: small treats that remind you of your own childhood and youth. Kiosk feeling with all kinds of fruit gum snakes and animals, Chupa Chups and Center-Shock will make your guests happy.

For most supporters of theGeneration X or Generation GolfThere are still one or two decorative treasures hidden in the attic or basement: from Diddl mice and Tamagotchi to collections of small plastic trolls and pacifiers. If you didn't understand the pacifier trend back then, you're certainly not alone, but the contents of the toy box certainly look great as table decorations. What shouldn't be missing, of course: the series stars of the 90s. Whether Friends, Full House or Beverly Hills 90210: Organize the screen and projector and show a few episodes of your favorite sitcom to round off the 90s break.