Happiness in the Christmas week: The stars shine for these 3 zodiac signs

    DieChristmas weekis just around the corner and for some zodiac signs that means one thingExtra portion of happiness and harmony. Whether it's about, financial surprises or just a peaceful holiday - three happy onescan look forward to a dream weekDecember 23rd to 29thbe happy. If you are curious about which zodiac signs can expect a lot of joy during Christmas week, you should read on, we'll reveal it in theWeekly horoscope.

    Christmas blessing: 3 zodiac signs can expect a wonderful Christmas week

    1. Zodiac sign Aries

    The stars have aligned for themput into position and give them a really happy holiday. Thanks to Venus and Mercury, the zodiac sign has both theLoveand nothing to worry about financially. With Mars and Jupiter, Christmas will also be specialhappy and cheerful– almost like a rollicking Christmas film. And even if the week gets busy and hectic - like an American comedy - they don't let anything bother them and enjoy every moment.

    2. Cancer zodiac sign

    Fantastic – that describes Christmas weekprobably best. The stars align wonderfully for the water sign and everything turns out well, even better than planned. The cancer doesn't need to dream away. The zodiac sign also masters its own resolutions and goals for the holidays and enjoys a lot as a rewardConfidence. This doesn't go unnoticed and the zodiac sign can quickly get others carried away. This is how the Christmas season becomes for the crabscomplete success.

    3. Zodiac sign Leo

    Also for themChristmas week will be wonderful – and exactly as it should be:Relaxed, harmonious and happy.Leos may put themselves under pressure at the beginning of the week to ensure that everything works out, but by Christmas at the latest the zodiac sign can finally sit back and spend time with their loved onesenjoy. This way, the lions can shed the stress of the last few weeks and fully immerse themselves in the holidays - and is currently upcompletely in his element.