Glass looks stylish and can be quickly wiped off with a damp cloth, but unfortunately it is relatively fragile. The edges that give the piece of furniture a beautiful line are usually damaged. Colorless acrylic furniture looks very similar and is also extremely robust. In a short retrospective you will find out more about them and how diverse they can actually be used.
The first acrylic furniture appeared in the 1930s during the swingof extraordinary designthrough the invention of new materials. After the oil crisis, they became very popular again and were often associated with the typical Hollywood 'glam' style. It is undeniable that the glass-like pieces of furniture looked extremely chic and extravagant back then, as they still do today. Initially, acrylic was only used as a coating, varnish, paint or adhesive in the furniture industry, then the idea of making furniture entirely out of plastic came.
The plastic for furniture production should produce certain properties that were necessary for the function of a piece of furniture. Plexiglass, Perspex and Lucite stood out as such, although they were related materials from different brands. These were first developed in the early 1930s by DuPont (Lucite) and Rohm & Haas (Plexiglas). The first products made from the effective material, such as jewelry, handbags and other accessories, appeared on the market in 1937.
The first apartment furnishings made entirely of Lucite were commissioned by businesswoman Helena Rubinstein for her New York apartment. With the exception of a few pieces, the furniture consisted entirely of the effective material and was characterized by something more than glamour. The furniture collection was designed specifically for the discerning customer Ladislas Medgyes, who was actually a famous set designer at the time.
The aesthetics of the design of the extravagant apartment were almost surrealistic due to the transparent effect of the furniture and its curved shapes. The detailed execution thrilled the viewer and attracted their attention. Acrylic furniture, which appears unrealistically light, conveys a completely new feeling of living. The furniture was designed exclusively for Helen Rubinstein and produced by furniture manufacturer Roman & Haas.
Helena Rubinstein is a Polish-born American pioneer in the cosmetics industry who was known for her passion for modern art and extravagant design. Over the years she supported young artists and scientists and founded foundations that still support female researchers today.
Charles Hollis Jones is considered a pioneer in working with acrylic glass for furniture production and designed several pieces between 1960 and 1970. He has collaborated with celebrities from America and designed extraordinary furniture for them based on their personal preferences. This is how the famous 'Wisteria Chair' for the office was created, commissioned by the writer Tenessee Wililams. He took on the challenge of designing furniture that you could see through and, with this basic idea, he furnished 13 houses with the modernist architect John Lauther.
Combined with light upholstery, carpets and home textiles, the particularly light-looking Plexiglas furniture is now complemented. Similar to glass, plastic also looks extremely attractive in combination with metal or other reflective surfaces, such as mirrors. Connecting elements, brackets or purely constructive parts serve a decorative purpose rather than accents.
The Plexiglas furniture appeared in the 60s - 70s and therefore brought with it the midcentury spirit. Thanks to their transparent feel, they can be wonderfully integrated into modern ambiences and also harmonize with traditional living styles. Almost every designer has experimented with it at some point and some have spent their entire lives working with the material. Among these are: Karl Springer, Vladimir Kagan, Charles Hollis Jones, Gaetano Sciolari and others.
In the 80s, Hollywood glam with its kitschy appearance lost the 'good' reputation of transparent material. It's a good point to prove that even though 'less is more', sometimes it just becomes way too much.
From this point of view, it is worth investing in one or two pieces of acrylic furniture that will catch the eye and enliven the interior. A chair, small side table, stool or chandelier with a transparent effect serves wonderfully as an accent in the room and creates a playful atmosphere.
Perhaps the most well-known piece of acrylic design furniture is the crystal-clear Ghost Chair with armrests by Philippe Strack. The designer designed a whole series of seating furniture for Kartell in 2002, which is still very popular today. Due to the optical transparency, the chair looks as if it disappears into the room. Therefore, it fits any living environment regardless of the rest of the furniture.
In the next pictures, the chair is staged very differently under furniture in traditional, modern or more loft style. These just prove how diverse the material and a piece of furniture made from it can be included in the home.