Old windows for decoration in the house

Old windowWith beautiful vintage window frames, with several sprouts or curved shape you can find on the flea market or in an old basement or garden house. The old constructions were previously handmade, with great attention to detail. Their charm lies in the used look with a reduced color. They fit particularly well with design inVintage- or country house style. You can edit old windows with or without slices yourself and use it yourself as a beautiful decoration in the house.

Old windows, window frames and shutters are for wonderful decoration with vintage flair

Take old windows as a frame for family photos and for a special highlight order the photos in black and white. This is how you achieve a real vintage look. If your window no longer has whole slices, then clamp a grille, metal network or simply wire over the back, to which you can then attach photos, pictures or cards with mini washes or foldback clips. Another cool idea would be to use windows as a frame for mirrors. Other decorations such as lace, buttons, loops, ligaments and small objects can be applied at any time if desired.

Old windows for decoration in the minimalist house

On the back of the window panes you can use the lacquer and adhesive, similar to the servant technology, newspaper or colorful pieces of paper. With rice purposes or a tacker, colorful fabric residues can simply be tensioned over the back. The ideas and possibilities are numerous and can be realized imaginatively. Just take a look at our 50 inspiring pictures!

Make jewelry storage yourself

Put your chains, bracelets and earrings in order. You can use either simple screw hooks or decorative door pounds to hang the necklaces. Door buttons can be found in all styles, shapes, colors and sizes. These look particularly decorative in the vintage look. They are easy to assemble and bring color to your own four walls. Place on a uniform overall picture by using door buttons of the same kind, or choose a mixed set for an eclectic look.

Old windows are also perfect as storage for garden scissors, small watering cans and other small wholesale devices. This makes it easy to keep order in the garden and keep the overview.

Homemade wall decoration in the living room

Old windows also cut a good figure as an alternative to murals in the living room. Behind the glass pane, the motif is protected from dust and sunlight. The old wooden frame looks much better with a new coat of paint. The motifs should of course match the setup. Red accents give this living room a fresh note.

Gartendeko in country style

Old household items can be converted wonderfully into garden decorations. If you want to give your old wooden fence an individual touch, you can hang old windows on the fence in a playful composition. Combined with romantic decorations in the shabby chic look, a beautiful picture arises.

Tea lights in cucumber glasses

A green fence is a nice alternative to hedges and offers better sound and privacy protection. Old windows come into their own really well against a green background. A few tea lights in the evening would also be very nice, which perfect the special atmosphere in the garden.

Orange lacquered door and window frames as a decoration in the garden

If you don't want to build a fence and rather plant an evergreen hedge, you have to plan a stable construction on which the windows can be installed. These old windows, old door and flower boxes are arranged in such a way that they imitate a house facade. The strong orange tone harmonizes wonderfully with the discount flowers.

Decorate with grids and table paint to attach notes and notes

Tafel color not only makes walls to the table, but also offers a wide range of design options for old objects and unless furniture. The matt finish quickly turns them into original highlights, where you can also write down important things. The table color can be easily processed with a brush and applied to smaller areas. The color is now not only available in classic black, but in almost any color shade.

For example, a beautiful family information wall for the hallway can be created from an old window and blackboard color. In the kitchen you can write down the menu today or write down funny food sayings. Colorful chalk comes into its own on a black table.

Cute decoration for home

Used windows with or without slices as decoration

Old window frames can become wall hooks and flating artery

Use window instead of picture frames

Connect two windows with hinges, spread with table color and use as a sign to label with chalk

Beautiful vintage decoration - the window panes as with the service technology with old letters stick

Sweet idea with window frames and homemade bombs

Vintage decoration with window frame and old map

Place the used windows with decorative, colorful fabric on the inner side

Windows as pictures in the living room