Playing should not only be fun for children and relieve boredom, but also theirsDevelop skills. There are therefore many ideas and suggestions for promoting fine motor skills in children. Handicrafts in particular are of course perfect - but not all children like to do handicrafts. Then he canModel building for children is a good alternativebe. Many children have a lot of fun making scale models of vehicles and other objects. They quickly develop a lasting enthusiasm and it is not uncommon for even small children to find a real hobby in model building. The great thing about it: You can always provide your child with new modelsplayed after completioncan be. Read here at what age you can start building models with your childFind model kits suitable for childrenand what else you should pay attention to if you want to introduce your child to this hobby.
At what age is model building suitable for children?
Your child can start building models as soon as they are interested in it. Of course, this depends heavily on theinterests, skills and developmentyour child. Most kids start at school age, some as early as four ora strong interest for five years. But there are also children who only become enthusiastic about model building from the age of eight or ten. That's why it's important to give your child the opportunity to try out this hobby every now and then.
Based on experienceChildren emulate their parents. So if you enjoy assembling models yourself, it's likely that your child will want to get involved from an early age. If you express this wish, you are welcome to provide your child with their own model from the age of four. It is best to put together your first model building sets together with your child. This is more fun – and you can do itSupport child when difficulties arise.
Where can I find model building sets for small children?
Model building sets are offered by many brands. A large selection also for smaller children aged four to sixcan be found online.It is important that you choose a set that suits your child's age and level of development. Then it hasquickly experience successand also a corresponding interest in staying on the ball.
There is one on the internetextensive range of kitsmade of different materials, some of which are also suitable for children. For children aged four and over, the team at recommends aPlayable Revell Junior Kit, which is easy to assemble - for example a parcel service vehicle or a fire brigade with a figure.
Which model building set is suitable for children?
The best way for children to get started is with a plastic model building set. It is shatterproof and easy to put together. The finished model can also be cleaned hygienically as it can also be wiped clean with a damp cloth. If your child has already gained some experience with assembling models, they can then switch to wood.
In addition to the material, the individual parts are important. The first set for your child should beonly contain a few individual parts, so that the level of difficulty is not too high. If there are too many parts, your child will give up when overwhelmed and it takes too long for the desired sense of achievement to materialize. On the other hand, if it reaches its goal quickly, it can then do so accordinglymore complex models.
How does model building support your child?
Model building primarily contributes to developmentgood fine motor skillsat. Fine motor skills are about the movement skills youchild with fingerslearned - or with your face and toes. The movements are precise and small andthe dosage of force is very important. Good fine motor skills are needed, for example, to paint, write, cut, fasten buttons and tie a bow. When building models, it is precisely these finger skills that your child will use to a large extent that will be addressed and encouraged.
The advantages at a glance
In addition, you can use this hobby to stimulate your child's creativity - in a playful way. Your child will learn to find creative ways to solve problems andto explore new things independently. In addition, your child can then paint the finished model as desired. That toopromotes creativity, which oneimportant skill for later lifeyour child is. Other properties that are encouraged when assembling models include:
•Patience and perseverance: Especially with more complex models, it takes many hours until the set is assembled. Your child needs to work towards a goal and keep sitting down. This promotes endurance, which is important in many areas of life.
•imaginationand spatial thinking: Your child works through an existing plan and has to use their logical thinking skills. Model building also develops good spatial imagination.
•concentration: It requires good focus to assemble the model according to the instructions. Your child will learn not to be easily distracted, but rather to stay focused on the matter at hand.
So it's worth it for your childto give a model kitand in this way help to develop interest in the particular hobby.