6 inspirations for creative cupcake and cake decorations for Christmas

After you've set up your Christmas lights and decorated your own home with greenery and garlands, it's time to think about the Christmas menu. Of course, you should also serve a delicious dessert to round off your dinner! With a creative cake topper you can quickly and easily embellish any cake. Today we'll show you 6 wonderful ideas on how you can make cupcake and cake decorations for Christmas from simple materials.

Marzipan Christmas trees for the Christmas cake

All you need to create this magical pine forest are three products from the supermarket. They can be made several days in advance.This cake decorationis completely edible.

Materials required:Marzipan raw material (2 packs), decorative sugar in green, pretzel sticks, wooden skewer, small bowl with water

Step 1: Tear the marzipan into small pieces and shape them into small cones with your fingers.

Step 2: Insert the skewer into the tree base and make a small hole. Insert the pretzel stick into the hole.

Step 3: Lightly steam your fingers in a small bowl with water and then the marzipan. (This helps the sugar stick to the marzipan).

Step 4: Roll thismoistened marzipanin the sugar and set the “Christmas tree” aside.

Step 5: Repeat the process with all the Christmas trees. One pack of marzipan makes around 9 trees.

Christmas trees made of glossy paper

Conjure up a fairytale winter forest on your cake by making lots of small trees out of shiny and crepe paper. The paper trees are then attached to toothpicks.

Materials:Glossy paper in different colors, masking tape in silver, wooden skewers, hot glue gun, scissors, various round objects (as a stencil)

Step 1: To make the silver tree, cut the masking tape into fringes.
Step 2: Tape the beginning of the masking tape around the wooden skewer, about 4cm from the top or depending on how tall you want the tree to be.
Step 3: Wrap the ribbon around the skewer several times and secure the end again with hot glue.
Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3, working from bottom to top. Make sure each stage slightly overlaps the previous one.
Step 5: Carefully separate the fringe and bend it outwards.

Step 6: To make the simple cone tree, draw a circle on metallic paper using a small bowl.
Step 7: Cut off a third of the circle as shown in the picture above. The shape of your cone depends on the size of the circle and the part you cut out.
Step 8: Place a strip of hot glue on the paper and form a cone.
Step 9: Apply hot glue to the tip of a skewer.
Step 10: Fix the cone on the wooden skewer and let the glue dry.

Step 12: Similar to the basic cone tree, cut out three circles and then three fan-like pieces.
Step 13: Glue one of these pieces into a cone.
Step 14: Cut small triangles out of the middle of the other two fan-like pieces so that the finished cones can be threaded onto the skewer.
Step 15: Fold these two pieces into cones and glue the ends together.
Step 16: Glue the first cone to the top of the skewer. Now thread the other two cones onto the skewer. Place a dab of hot glue into the “funnel” of the cone.

A cake pennant that says “Be Merry”

Create a unique Christmas cake decoration that you can't buy anywhere else! Instead of fresh fir green, this modern Christmas wreath is made from crepe paper fir branches. To make your cake look particularly spectacular, you can add your own Christmas message with aMini buntingdesign.

Another plus: Once the cake is eaten, you can simply remove the wooden skewers and hang the wreath on the wall, a door, a mirror or the mantel.

Materials required:Assorted green crepe paper ribbons, colorful construction paper, gold string, red and pink mini pom poms, floral wire, scissors, glue, wooden skewers, floral tape.

Step 1: Take a 1.3 meter long piece of floral wire and twist it into a 20cm circle. Fix the end so that it cannot come loose.
Step 2: Cut an 8 or 10 cm long floral wire.
Step 3: Cut a 30cm strip of crepe paper. Fold it in half once and then twice more.
Step 4: Cut the crepe paper into fringes.
Step 5: Unroll the paper and lay it flat in front of you. Apply the glue along the top of the paper.
Step 6: Starting at the top of the floral wire, carefully wrap the crepe paper around the wire.
Step 7: Twist the fringed paper around the wire, moving down to about an inch from the bottom.
Step 8: Repeat steps 2 through 7 with crepe paper in different shades of green.

Step 9: Attach the pine branches to the wire circle with floral tape. Here there are three on the left and four on the right.
Step 10: Attach mini pom poms in different places with craft glue.
Step 11: Cut out letters measuring 5 x 2 cm from the construction paper. Here the message reads “BE MERRY” but you can customize the message to suit your needs.
Step 12: Add some craft glue to the back of each letter and glue them together to about 10 inches of gold twine. Allow the adhesive to dry.
Step 13: Tie each end of the letter garland to the wire wreath. Secure the knots with glue.
Step 14: Attach the wooden skewers to each side of the wreath with floral tape.
Step 15: Insert the cake pennant into the cake and fan out the crepe paper pine needles.

Cupcake Topper asMini Christmas wreaths

Add style to your cupcakesa little glamourwith these simple gold mini wreaths. They are so easy that they take about 10 minutes to make once the hot glue gun is ready to use! You can also match the pipe cleaners to your party decor colors.

Materials required:Chenille wire (pipe cleaner) in gold, scissors, fabric scraps, toothpicks, hot glue gun

Step 1: Wrap the chenille wire three times around your four fingers. The resulting wreath should be approximately 5 x 5 cm in size. Secure the end so it doesn't come loose.
Step 2: Cut a 12 x 4 cm strip of fabric. Tie into a small bow.
Step 3: Attach the bow to the wreath with hot glue.
Step 4: Place a dab of hot glue on the tip of a toothpick.
Step 5: Glue the toothpick to the bottom of the wreath, just behind the bow.

Make Santa hats out of muffin cups

It's hard to believe, but these cupcake toppers are made with just red and white cupcake liners and a small white pompom.

Materials required:Muffin cases in red and white, white mini pompoms (0.6 and 1.3 cm), scissors, glue.

Step 1: Fold a muffin cup in half.
Step 2: Then roll up the semicircle into a cone and secure the edge with craft glue. Press firmly and allow the adhesive to dry.

Step 3: Cut a 1cm wide strip from the bottom of a white muffin cup. The length should be enough to make the white hem on the Santa hat.
Step 4: Glue the white stripe to the hat. Allow the glue to dry.
Step 5: Attach a mini pom pom to the top of the hat.
Step 6: Gently fold the tip 2cm at the top to make a stocking cap.

Make peppermint candies

Paint small wooden slices with red and white to make your ownPeppermint candiesto produce. The perfect addition to your peppermint cupcakes this Christmas. These homemade peppermint candies can be easily stored and reused.

Materials:Wooden discs (4 cm), craft paint in red and white, brush, template for the peppermint pattern, red colored pencil, cellophane bag (5 x 15 cm, makes two “candy wrappers” each), adhesive tape, nylon thread

Step 1: Paint your wood slices white. You may need to apply two coats. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly between coats.

Step 2: Print your template on cardstock and cut out the triangles that you want to be red. Use a red pencil to trace the lines. Then fill in the triangles with red paint.

Step 3: Once the paint has dried, wrap the candies in cellophane and tie the foil closed with nylon thread.