Succulents are the beautiful succulent plants originally from the familyCacticome, but not allSucculent speciesCacti are. They have the ability to store moisture or water in large quantities in the green parts of the plant and are perfect for those households that sometimes don't think about watering!
Types of succulents and where they thrive best
The succulent species as plants originally come from the dry areas of the tropics and subtropics, such as steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. However, throughout history, plant organs have evolved depending on how they store water and are now found even in alpine areas with low annual rainfall. Beautiful succulents can be used at home as houseplants and are useful as beautiful arrangements at celebrations and parties, or in the garden. A distinction is made between leaf, stem and root succulents depending on the water storage organ, as mentioned above.
Succulent species with a few examples
There are 150various succulentsSpecies that, however, only belong to seven different types. Today we will present some exciting examples for you to see and hope to inspire you with these beautiful plant species. The botanical names are given.Kalanchoe thyrsiflorahas, for example, shovel-like leaves that immediately enchant us in the spring. Like most succulents, this succulent loves a lot of sunlight and should be fertilized regularly. Is also suitable as a houseplant.
A fiery flower
Gazania look very similar to daisies as they grow like normal flowers with fairly long stems. Beautiful flowers that range from red and yellow to orange and pink and even bronze. In direct sunlight they open and on cloudy days the sprouts close. They are the mood boosters and colorful companions in your garden and if you fertilize them several times during the flowering period, their leaves will shine and shine.
A tricolor affair
Arrangement ideas for your garden