Make your own ballerina costume for children and adults – tips and instructions

If you are looking for a typical girl's costume for carnival, then the ballerina costume is perfect. It doesn't matter whether it's for adults or children, because it's popular with young and old. But before you head straight to a store or search the Internet to find the perfect model, take a look at our DIY ideas today. It is anything but difficult to make carnival costumes for ballerinas yourself. There are variants that can be made without sewing and even those that require sewing are not at all complicated and can be made even by beginner sewers. Whether you're making variations for children or for yourself, it's definitely worth a try. There is still plenty of time until carnival and if you are not satisfied with the result, you can always resort to buying one ready-made.

What does the Prima Ballerina costume consist of?

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of a beautiful ballerina is probably the tutu. Little girls in particular usually dream of this accessory, which is why it is no surprise if your daughter chooses this carnival costume. And thatTutu is also that element of the costume that you make yourselfbecome. You probably already have the rest at home anyway. You still need ballerinas. Everyday ballet flats or gymnastics shoes are completely sufficient. So you don't have to buy extra ballerina shoes. You can also equip the shoes with a few straps that you wrap or cross around your calves, but you don't have to. Otherwise, you will need a bodysuit that can be long or short sleeved as desired. Since it's usually still quite cool at Carnival time, you'll probably choose long-sleeved ones. Don't forget a pair of tights, which should preferably be the same color as the bodysuit.

And while we're on the subject of colors: white, pink or pink are best. Then you can be sure that the ballerina costume will be recognized as such. A different color could give you the appearance of dressing up as a fairy. An exception is the black color, which is also suitable thanks to the film “Black Swan” and represents an original alternative to the classic. If you would still like a different color, then we recommend a subtle pastel tone. If a monochrome carnival outfit is too boring for you, you can of course combine two. After all, this is your costume and you can do whatever you want with it. Our tips serve as suggestions only.

Optionally, a matching handbag can also be purchased for the version for women and children. Finally, as a lady, you or your daughter will also have some things to store. However, choose a petite model that does not steal the show from the ballerina costume.

Variants for children and adults – hairstyle and accessories

Ballerinas typically choose a bun for their hairstyle. Thus isthe beautiful bun hairstyleAlso recommended for carnival costumes, especially the strict bun. If that's too boring for you, you can also add some glitter spray to your hair. Alternatively, other accessories can also be used to spice it up. Headbands with various decorations such as feathers or rhinestones, hair bands, but also a hair clip are well suited. Hair accessories such as the headband in combination with feathers and sequins or a fascinator give the ballerina costume a touch of 1920s flair. Disguise can be improved with a little make-up. A nice eyeliner, some blush and a little lipstick make the carnival look perfect.

A simple wrap skirt

In addition to the tutu, the wrap skirt is also great for the ballerina costume for women and children. It's simpler, but no less pretty and also super easy to sew. Depending on whether the carnival costume is being sewn for a child or an adult, a different amount of fabric is required. That's why you should first take the measurements. You will need waist measurements. Take the measuring tape and wrap it once around the waist, crossing it at the front of the stomach and then holding it at the sides of the waist. You will need this entire length to the sides of the waist so that the skirt can be wrapped later. The second measurement is the length of the skirt. You can choose these freely. Typically the ballerina wrap skirt is short. But it can also be longer. Once you have taken the measurements, you can get fabric and other materials:

  • Chiffon
  • Fabric scissors
  • Machine thread in the same or similar color as the chiffon fabric
  • Approx. 2.5 to 3.5 cm wide silk ribbon (other material is also suitable)
  • iron
  • The stick part
  • suitable sewing machine needle for chiffon
  • sewing machine
  1. Take the fabric and mark the measurements you took earlier. Cut out the resulting rectangle using fabric scissors. Since the fabric is quite slippery, a few weights placed on the fabric may come in handy when cutting out. Fold the rectangle together. Make sure that the two ends are at the same height. As a precaution, you can also use clothespins to secure them so that nothing slips. Cut off the bottom corner on the side of the two ends (not the fold!) so that it is rounded.
  2. Prepare the sewing machine. Choose a needle suitable for this type of fabric and, if possible, set the sewing machine foot to a lower pressure. If the machine does not have such a setting option, the pressure should be fine as it is. The stitch length should be as short as possible. Use a thin zigzag stitch.
  3. Unfold the fabric again and start sewing the edge of the fabric. Make sure that one stitch goes into the fabric and the otherbeyond the edge. This will seal the edge and prevent fraying. Once you have finished sewing the entire edge, trim any protruding threads from the fabric.
  4. The ribbon should be three times as wide as the skirt so that it is long enough to tie later. Pin it to the top edge of the fabric using the pins. Then fold the band back so that the edge of the fabric is enclosed. When folding over, use the same pins to secure the ribbon.
    Tip: If you fold the ribbon in advance using a hot iron, this step is easier, especially for beginners. Sew the ribbon to the skirt using a straight stitch.

Ballerina costume with tutu without sewing

But if you would like to have the classic tutu as part of the carnival costume, then you can easily make it yourself. And you don't even need to own a sewing machine because the following skirt is made without sewing at all. You will still need some materials for the ballerina costume for girls and adult women, which you will need to get in advance:

  • Tulle in stripes
  • an elastic band that is approximately a few centimeters shorter than the circumference of the waist

The tulle can either be purchased in the chosen color or purchased in white and then dyed in the desired color.

  1. Then take the elastic band and wrap it around your waist to find the required length. Cut the piece and tie both ends together. Now you can try again to make sure the rubber is not too tight or loose. If you don't want a knot, you can sew the ends together instead. Then you have to cut the ribbon a little shorter. Even beginners can sew the ends. And since the seam won't be visible later anyway, it doesn't have to be perfect.
  2. Cut the tulle into equal strips. How long exactly is up to you, with half of each strip representing the length of the tutu. You can also save yourself this step by getting a roll of ready-made tulle strips and just cutting them into pieces.
  3. Now take a strip and knot it around the elastic band. The knot should be in the middle of the strip. Then tie the next strip right next to it and so on until you are back at the beginning.

With a feather tutu

You can also make the same tutu out of feathers. Feather boas are best suited for this purpose, which you then simply tie to an elastic band like the tulle strips. Here too you can choose the length yourself. Whether you make a ballerina costume in white or in a bright color depends entirely on your taste, because feather boas are also available in a wide variety of colors. If a row of tulle or feathers is not enough for you and you want a fuller skirt, a wide elastic and crocheted headband can be used. This ribbon consists of several rows, all of which you can add tulle or feather boas to.

In black

The ballerina costume for girls or women can also, as already mentionedchosen in blackbecome. Since the film “Black Swan” it has been a very popular alternative to the classic carnival costume, so we would like to mention it here too. In principle, the outfit is the same both here and in the classics. So it consists of the same parts, only this time a black color is used. It doesn't matter whether you make a wrap skirt out of black chiffon or a tutu out of black tulle or black feathers. Tights, bodysuit and shoes should also be this color.

You can also improve this carnival costume with the accessories mentioned above and add a little drama, which would be particularly suitable for Halloween. In the example above, a fascinator was chosen, but a crown is also great. If you don't want to wear makeup, you can use a pretty mask instead. There are also beautiful chiffon and tulle fabrics with a glitter effect and sequins incorporated into them. Something like this to add some pizzazz to the plain black. The example above also looks lively, in which the front part of the skirt was made shorter than the back.

Version for men

Yes, you read that right. Men who want to impress at the carnival with a really funny carnival costume can choose the ballerina costume for men. The idea alone is funny, just imagine the faces at the party. The rules for the outfit are the same and you can also use the DIY instructions listed above for men. All you need is a little more fabric so you can match the size of the tutu to that of the man. Tights and bodysuits can also be found in the right size, be it specifically for men or for women in XXL. By the way, the carnival costume for men doesn't necessarily have to be strange. As you know, there are also male ballerinas, so men can also opt for the more serious version. Ballerina shoes and tights are also necessary. Instead of the bodysuit, a simple T-shirt can be worn as a top.