The children are really looking forward to the carnival season. Then they can dress up like their favorite fairytale character - a beautiful princess or abrave little superhero. The whole preparation is also very exciting for the parents. But it would be much more fun if the whole family dressed appropriately. It is not a competition for individuals, but a communal celebration and, above all, should be fun. All family members would have their unique costume, but as a part of the bigger picture. Check out these fun family carnival costumes and get some inspiration.
Partner costumes are always well received by families
If you have decided to celebrate Carnival with friends again this year, then you will of course also need a suitable costume. A great idea for a family would beto choose a specific topicand create a cool partner look. In this article we have put together several ideas that are perfectfor a costume partySuitable, whether for carnival, Halloween or another occasion.
Carnival costumes for the family inspired by films and series
The topics are very different. Your choice depends on whether your family is large or small. If this carnival thefirst for your babywill be, then you have to make it even more special. The baby lobster in the pot between the two chefs is an idea to try this year. The Flintstones is also a classic, but “The Incredibles” and “Despicable Me” are fresh and immediately striking. The Addams Family is perfect for large families because it includes more characters.
Creative ideas for unique carnival costumes for the family
In the following picture gallery you can view a number oforiginal costumesthat you can use as inspiration for this year's look. We hope you enjoy browsing!
Sweet idea for carnival costumes for the family with a baby
Dress up like characters from the Middle Ages
The carnival costumes for the family make the celebration unique
Fun and creative carnival costumes for the family
Carnival costumes for the family with baby – Popeye and Olivia
Flint family
The Incredibles
The Wizard of Oz as a motto
Family Superheroes
Star Wars Fans
Peter Pan
Cat in the Hat
Care Bears
Ghost Busters mit Baby
Lobster baby in pot with parents cooks
The Addams Family – perfect for large families
Captain America
Toy Story
Mary Poppins
Goldilocks and the Three Bears