After a long and cold winter we look forward to warmer temperatures and the new awakening of nature. Bring spring into the house and decorate every table with arrangements made of spring flowers and natural materials. Have you already heard aphorism “The flowers of spring are the dreams of winter”? In this sense, we dream nicely from the soon -to -be and we decided to give some ideas for spring decorations in the glass.
Why only have a few flowers in the glass if you can arrange a whole mini garden? These ideas are not complicated to make and ensure long -lasting spring mood. It doesn't always have to be a classic bouquet in a vase, because cut flowers also feel comfortable in glass bowls, jam and even wine glasses. We show you some examples of how you can stage flower arrangements like real professionals and explain what you have to look out for.
First you have to select the right container. High glass vases, large mason jars and even lanterns are very suitable here. Then only missingThe flowers. snowdrop, Tulips, crocuses and hyacinths are beautiful messenger of spring and play the leading role in many arrangements. The smaller early bloomers are available in a saucepan that can be hidden with freezer bags and a layer of moss. Tulips are usually available from January. They fit on every table and harmonize with all decorations due to the variety of colors they offer. They are usually shortened, tied with a ribbon and placed in a glass vessel, but onion and roots can also remain visible. As in the example below. So tulips will also last longer.
Beautiful companions are branches, pieces of bark and leaves. Cherry blossoms, willow kittens and branches of forsythia are particularly suitable for a high vase or jug. You can display these large arrangements in the entrance area. If you want to decorate a high glass vase, you can also arrange daffodils inside. The seasonal flowers look beautiful as soloists and in ensemble with tulips. As a rule, you should not put the two types of flowers together in a vase, d the plant juice of the daffodils is poisonous for other flowers. But there is a trick if you would like to pair daffodils with other spring bloomers: shorten the stems of the daffodil, fill a bowl with hot (but not boiling) water and briefly hold the stems into the water.
You can also decorate large glasses. Wine glasses make themselves wonderful as vases and are perfect for last-minute table decorations for Easter or family celebrations. You can also spread individual copies of different seasonal flowers over several large glasses. This creates a bloom that costs significantly less than a bouquet of flowers. This arrangement is perfect for long tables, where you want to do fullness and volume. Especially when you arrange cut flowers in wine glasses, you should shorten the flower stem accordingly. Otherwise you can bend outwards and sensitive floral varieties such as daffodils or tulips quickly hang your heads.
If you want to bring a romantic touch into your own four walls, the next idea for a spring -like flower arrangement is just the right thing for you. Combine seasonal fragrance flowers such as roses and hydrangeas with laurel branches and grape leaves to decorate a large glass. Make sure that the flowers and the filigree green move over the glass edge and remove all the lower leaves. This will prevent you from polluting the water and the flowers will stay fresh longer. With a high glass vase, the festive board looks particularly charming and is not overloaded with decoration. There is enough space for plates, cutlery and glasses. And the pleasant fragrance that the flowers scattered is guaranteed to create a happy atmosphere at the table.
Ton-in-tone flower arrangements look very attractive in a large glass. Rosa roses and peonies get along well and form a beautiful color sound. Seasonal green, succulent and lily of the valley bring variety. The romantic -looking combination is perfect as a floral decoration on a round table. The large glass of brown smoke glass forms the perfect background for the imaginative bouquet of flowers and lets the spring flowers get out very big.
You can also decorate a large glass with Easter eggs. Put fresh flowers between the Easter eggs - see super nicely peon pale flowers, for example. If necessary, you can then exchange the old flowers with new ones. In addition, you can loosen the colorful ensemble with cozy green, acacia flowers, willow kitten or dried star balls.
Decorating a high glass vase is not a difficult task. Glass vases with a narrow neck hold even a few flower bars together. They are space -saving and can be grouped as desired. So you can show a flower in every vase and then put together colorful arrangements from spring bloomers, which otherwise cannot get along. Here, blue smoke glass is ideal that can set color accents and can spice up single -colored flower ensembles. For example, yellow or red daffodils, Gerbera and Gladiols look great.
A high glass vase with color-reduced floral decoration made of peony, callas and laurel branches in the natural nuances green, brown and pink looks noble and blends harmoniously into the modern furnishings. So that the flowers can celebrate their big appearance, you should choose a simple vase with a wide neck. Incidentally, in a simple, high glass vase, flower bouquets can also be displayed great on festive occasions. This is because most bouquets of flowers that are available in the floristry shop have a spherical shape. The stems are closely tied, so that they are guaranteed to fit into a high vase with a wide neck.
Callas not only indicate the tone in the bouquet of flowers, even as soloists, they can be arranged in a high glass vase. The long -stemmed flowers are available in many colors, but they look particularly beautiful in white and in dark brown. They are the perfect arrangement for the fireplace, the windowsill or for the home office. And the beautiful flower still has another decisive advantage: it can stay fresh for up to three weeks.
Bring variety to the interior by decorating a glass bowl. Glass shells offer numerous decorative options. For example, arrangements are very popular, in which a candle is placed in the middle of the shell, and therefore seasonal flowers are wrapped. Half of the shell is filled with water so that it covers the flowers. The decoration gives the room a special stimulus, but unfortunately it also has several disadvantages: the flowers are withered quickly in the water and individual flowers are difficult to remove.