How about if you decorate a cap instead of buying a costume?

Many costumes only get the finishing touches with the right headdress, some can only be recognized by it. Either way, this not only gives reason for a new DIY project, but they can also concrete hats for this, which have only been lying around in the closet for a long time. We show you how to decorate a cap for the carnival, instead of buying a costume expensive. The costume ideas serve as a suggestion and can be changed for any other costumes.

The cute crocodile for young and old

Those:@Aacutr/ Tiktok

A green cap would be optimal, but if necessary, you can also paint a light with textile or acrylic paints or cover a dark with suitable felt. What do you need for the headdress for crocodile costume?

  • Coat
  • Eierkarton
  • cardboard
  • White moss rubber or felt
  • Hot glue or handicraft glue
  • Scissors
  • Green acrylic paint and brush
  • Rubber band

How to make the crocodile head:

  • Cut a long, wide strip out of the box.
  • Cut one of the two short sides around inwards. The shape should correspond to the bow of the hat.
  • Cut the other side roundly on the outside, as is common with Krokodil mouths.
  • Cut out two elements for the nostrils from cardboard or cardboard.
  • Cut out the cups of the egg box. 6 pieces should be enough for the headdress.
  • Paint cardboard and cup with the green color and let them dry.

In the meantime, you can continue working with the foam rubber or felt:

  • Cut a white strip that is enough around the cardboard (with the exception of the curve on the cap). Pay attention to a suitable width: If you fold the strip lengthways in the middle, there should be enough width for your teeth on one side and on the other for one adhesive.
  • Cut to one of the long side for the teeth.
  • Cut out the eyelids from green foam rubber or felt: two stripes that are rounded on one of the two long sides.
  • Still the white elements of the eyes. You can use the eyelids as a template to get the right size.
  • Paint the nostrils and pupils on the prepared elements with black paint.

Now they build everything together:

  • First attach the large cardboard and your eyes over it.
  • Glue your teeth on the underside of the snout. Felt is easier to fold when you iron it.
  • On the top of the snout, glue the six egg carton cups and the nostrils at the forefront.

If you would also like to tinker with the back element, follow this guide:

@AacutrDo you look for costume ideas made of recyclable materials? This crocodile back is very simple, you only need eggplant, cardboard, paint and white glue. You can also add eva rubber and strings to hang it on the back like a backpack. You can supplement it with a cap full of teeth.#disfresses #carnaval #carnestoltes #diy #cocodile #recycling #costume #crocodile ♬ The crowd - Remastered - Edith Piaf

Alternative for the crocodile head

Those:@rocel_langpo/ Instagram

You can make it even easier by choosing this variant instead.

  • Green baseball cap
  • Green, white and black paper
  • Craft glue
  • Scissors

This is how it is done:

  • Cut out an elongated triangle and use it as a template on the green paper to cut more.
  • Always stick two together, but leave the lower end open to fold it out.
  • Then attach the gags obtained to this to the hat. Start on the top of the head and design a series of jags back to the neck.
  • Cut out eyes and pupils out of white and black paper and glue to the front, above the sun protection.
  • Cut out white triangles for the teeth and attach them around the sun protection.

Here you can findGreat ideas for group costumes.

Those:@the_littlest_pan/ Instagram

For the bird you have to make a small change to the original shape of the base cap.

  • Basecap in the desired color (after all, it doesn't necessarily have to be a penguin)
  • Yellow felt for the beak
  • Black and white felt for the eyes
  • Black or any other felt for the color of the plumage
  • Glue
  • Scissors
Those:@the_littlest_pan/ Instagram

Build the bird's head as follows:

  • Cut the sun protection of the cap. Clear the cut lines beforehand to get them as evenly as possible.
  • The sun protection is made of cardboard, which you can fold in the middle so that the beak gets a slight curvature.
  • Cut out a yellow triangle that is larger than the tip preserved.
  • Glue the triangle on the sun protection, fold the protruding edges and attach them.
  • Now cut two white circles and two smaller blacks for the pupils. If you want, you can also add black eyelids.
  • Glue your eyes tightly.

Tipp:In other birds, you can also put an artificial spring in the hole on the top of the head and stick it to an additional accessory.

So you can make penguins with the children.

Colorful cap with propeller

Foto: Studio Romantic/ Shutterstock

Cut felt in different colors into the same size triangles and glue or sew them onto the baseball cap. For a propeller, you can cut off the ring of a flying creek, put the propeller onto a rod, decorate with colorful pearls and put them on the hat.

More ideas for children's headdresses for carnivalFind here.