Carnival costumes 2015 – What’s popular this year?

Carnival is almost upon us and you are probably already looking for a suitable costume. And the sooner the better, because many of us have already had the problem when the best costumes sell out because we waited too long. Today you will find out what types of carnival costumes are popular in 2015 so that you can make a decision in good time this time. Plus, you'll be on trend with your costume this year.

Carnival costumesfor whole groups are particularly popular this year. This is also a great idea if you are going to the carnival together with several friends or the whole family. This will also show everyone present how much you value your friendship. Various characters are suitable for a group costume, including pirates or robbers. Furthermore, these do not have to be identical. Each of you can choose or design your own costume.

You can also watch different films for oneGroup costumeinspire. The Minions, for example, are very popular. Here too, each of you can choose your own character. Sit down with your friends and come up with something original that will not only impress everyone but also make them laugh.

Incidentally, it turned out that the pirate costume is the most popular this year and was chosen by the majority of those surveyed. You can also choose it as a single costume. It's also great that it's suitable for both men and womenDamensuitable. There are a variety of options available to you to create the costume, such as sabers, hooks, leather clothing, headscarves and eye patches. Of course, a lot of gold jewelry shouldn't be missing either. Pirate hats are also very appropriate.

Fairytale costumes are also very popular in this category. You simply can't go wrong with them. Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are widespread. With these figures you just need to pay attention to a few striking details:

For Snow White this is the dress in blue and yellow, as well as the black hair, which you can easily get with a wig. The best way to decorate this is with a black headband with a red bow. You can add additional accents with white stockings with red bows, a red cape, black or red shoes and a cup.

Little Red Riding Hood, on the other hand, needs a dress in red and white. Of course, the most important thing is the skullcap, after which the character is named, for which you only need a red cape with a hood. In this example you can also add a basket.

Cinderella is very easy to make. All you need is a light blue, wide ball gown, long, white gloves and an updo that you decorate with a blue headband or ribbon.

The same rules apply to Sleeping Beauty as to Cinderella. The colors blue and pink are suitable here, with the latter being the most preferred. Combine the long dress with long gloves or choose a long-sleeved dress. It is best to wear your hair open or half-open; it is best to use a blonde wig. Add an accent with a crown and a rose. You can also choose the version of Sleeping Beauty in a peasant dress.

Of course, you can also combine several costumes from this category with your friends and get a group costume that represents popular fairy tale characters.

You can choose the costumes already mentioned perfectly as partner costumes. A few great ideas are as follows:

– Sleeping Beauty with a prince or one of the good fairies
– Cinderella with her prince
– Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf

Other looks are also very suitable as partner costumes. This year we are very fond of itSailorschosen. Cowboys and Indians and, in keeping with the cold season, plush toy costumes are also a big hit.

Didn't your career become what you dreamed of as a child? No problem, because Carnival is the best time to dress up as something or someone we might like to be. Workwear is just as trendy in 2015.