Are you currently looking for ideas for carnival costumes? If it should be quick and easy this time, the chimney sweep costume is a really great idea. It is suitable for both adults and children and can be put together with clothes from your own wardrobe. We'll tell you how to make the costume and accessories yourself in the article!
Touching a chimney sweep is supposed to bring good luck, which is why chimney sweeps are still popular today. Therefore, the chimney sweep costume is perfect for those who want to make new acquaintances at Carnival. Because in a carnival costume like this you will definitely be hugged or even kissed by many people looking for happiness. Typical of the chimney sweep is the black jacket with gold buttons, the top hat on the head and the hand tool for cleaning the chimney. You can share the costume with otherslucky charmscombine things, such as four clovers on your jacket or a horseshoe in your hand.
Carnival costumes on the theme of professionsare also very popular with children. However, many people associate the chimney sweep costume with the character Bert from the film adaptation of “Mary Poppins”. In contrast to the typical chimney sweeps in Germany, the film character Bert wears simple clothing in black and gray, a flat cap and a red scarf. Whether you choose this figure or a normal chimney sweep is of course up to you. However, it is important that you or your child end up looking like a chimney sweep.
Dress up as a chimney sweep
To make a chimney sweep costume yourself, just the right clothing is not enough. It's the accessories that complete the look. You should definitely have a chimney broom on hand. You can either bring a simple broom with you or make a chimney broom yourself. It's really easy to do with black pipe cleaners.
You'll need a long broom handle, lots of black pipe cleaners, and glue. To make the bristles, glue two crossed pipe cleaners to the end of the broom handle. Then repeat the whole thing with additional pipe cleaners until the chimney broom becomes more voluminous.
Once the chimney broom is finished, cover the glue with a piece of felt. Finally, color the broomstick with black spray paint and the carnival costume accessory is ready. Combine with suitable clothing in black, a hat and some soot on the face. It really is that simple!
Although it is more of a job for men, many women and girls also dress up as chimney sweeps. In our picture gallery you will find many great ideas for the chimney sweep costume for women, men and children.
Ideas for children
Make your own for men
Mary Poppins and Bert the chimney sweep – ideas for partner costumes