35 ideas for Halloween costumes inspired by demonic creatures

Creatures from the devilish world are a great source of ideas for your individual scary party. For a real goosebumps horror atmosphere, dress like masters of the dark! The following pictures show really effective and spooky ideas from all over the world for Halloween costumes! Not recommended for children and people with heart problems!

We don't leave women neglected when it comes to Halloween costumes. Demonic brides – covered in blood, with black hands and creepy fingernails.

Demonic ideas for women

Another variation of the “Dark Angel” with a spooky effect would be if you wore a white robe with a hood or whitePut on a hooded coat, paint your face and neck in white. The eyes become an eye-catcher if you make them up in black and let black tears flow.

A demon from the woods

Gigantic bat demon

Olitiau – the prototype of Batman

Are you ready for a costume party with the devil? Lucifer has been considered a synonym for the devil since the Middle Ages. Devil costumes are certainly the most common idea, but also always current.

Human-like scorpions are guaranteed to be an eye-catcher at the Halloween party

Myths in the Akkadian language tell about this. The Scorpio people are also known as aqrabuamelu or girtablilu. The Babylonian epic served as inspiration for the Hollywood film “The Scorpion King.”

For goosebumps – The King of Hell

Olitiau is often described as a cave demon. The prototype of Batman is 3.5 meters tall, has a strong black body, blood-red wings and very sharp teeth. The gigantic bat hypothetically lived in central Africa (Cameroon). The name comes from the traditional face masks the locals wore depicting demons.

The fearsome demon Olitiau

Inspiration with outfits from the werewolf stories

Werewolf stories developed into mythology and legend in Europe. The werewolf is usually described as a human who can transform into a wolf. Wolf-like creatures are very popular.

Devil women are demonic beings

The banshee from Irish mythology

Aswang is a vampire-like fierce creature from Filipino mythology with a typically long tongue

From urban legends

Kuchisake-Onna is the woman with the cut-off mouth. We learn about her from a Japanese urban legend. She was abused by her jealous husband and her spirit wanders away to seek justice and seek revenge.

At midnight it's time for zombies - ghoul

Ghoul is a monster that goes to the graveyard and eats human flesh. The demonic creature is described as undead.

Scary Ghouls – Illustrations

Owlman – the owl man

An eerie human-like creature

The evil demon Balor

Balor is the terrible leader of the Fomorians from Irish mythology. Still known as “the evil eye” (Balor of the Evil Eye).

Turtle-like amphibian Kappa

Kappa or Kawataro (“Child of the River”) is a strange creature whose moist skin is characterized by overlapping shield-shaped scales. The creature comes from Japanese folklore.

Lamia – the beautiful queen monster

Lamia is a woman-monster from Greek mythology (the beautiful queen of Libya). She turned into a demon that eats children.

Lamia Monster- the snake-like queen

Manananggal is a mythical man-eating creature from the Philippines and Indonesia

Rokurokubi Weibmonster

During the day she looks like a normal woman. But at night, Rokurokubi transforms into a devilish creature that has the ability to stretch its neck and change its face.

Inspiration from the scary Japanese myths

Yuki-onna – the evil Japanese snow fairy

Yuki-onna is very beautiful - she has long black hair, blue lips, almost transparent skin and wears a blood-stained white kimono. Her spirit terrorizes mortal men without leaving a trace.

Scary Halloween skeletons – Bloody Bones

The enemy image is also called rawhead. Typical characteristics: it lives in ponds and blood runs down its face.

Gashadokuro – the gigantic skeleton that eats people at midnight, Japanese myth

There Angel of Death

Death – Halloween classic

The terrible cycle from Greek mythology

Noppera-bō – a faceless ghost in a Japanese myth

Dullahan spirit from Irish mythology - prototype for the headless horseman

Sobek – the crocodile god of Egyptian mythology

Halbmensch Skin-walker

“Skin Walkers” are traditional heroes in North American Indian myths. These people had supernatural abilities to transform into an animal.

Tupilaq lives in Inuit traditions - a monster associated with witchcraft

Berserkers – the warriors of Old Norse mythology

Demonic mermaid

The two-headed demon Demogorgon from Greek myths

The Queen of Spades on the mirror

The demon Valefar, Duke of Hell

Zagan – the devilish creature with the ram’s head

In Hinduism, the evil demon Asura exists

Psoglav – werewer-like creature with one eye (Croatia, Serbia)

Costume of Flauros – Duke of Hell